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This page is about 1K34 Cameraman. You may be looking for Yellow Shirted Large Cameraman (Larger Variant) .
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The 1K34 Cameraman is an Armed Cameraman who made his debut in Episode 75. He has proven himself to be a formidable fighter, superior to other Cameramen, and would become one of the first Cameramen to ally themselves with Skibidi Toilets.


The 1K34 Cameraman looks like any Armed Cameraman, but he wears a bright yellow shirt, and a blue tie, along with other Armed Cameraman equipment.


The 1K34 Cameraman has the same abilities as an Armed Cameraman. It is shown that he is an exceptional fighter, using weapons such as the handheld laser cannon and toilet paper grenade very professionally during combat. He is also known to carry a paralyzer laser rifle and has demonstrated moderate skill with it.


Handheld Laser Cannon[]

A laser cannon that fires a red beam and works against small toilets, 1K34 Cameraman is seen using this very skillfully by one time throwing the laser cannon at lasers being shot at him by the Scout Astro Toilet.

Paralyzer Laser Rifle[]

A laser rifle that was used only once by 1K34 Cameraman, When he would try to paralyze the Scout Astro Toilet it would partially work for a few seconds, buying time for the Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet to hop on the Astro and plant a grenade.

Toilet Paper Grenade[]

A grenade that was used only once by 1K34 Cameraman, it would be thrown to the Scout Astro Toilet destroying his last laser cannon and diverting the attention to him.


Regular Headphones[]

It’s a pair of headphones that protect the 1K34 Cameraman from Soundwaves.

Rectangular Lens[]

They’re lens to protect 1K34 Cameraman from a TV’s bright photon emissions.



It’s a Jetpack that is on the back of 1K34 Cameraman, which helps him fly in the air that proved useful in the fight with Scout Astro Toilet.

Relationships and Connections[]

Factions & Affiliations[]







Skibidi Toilet 75[]


The 1K34 Cameraman looking down at the ground after witnessing the destruction of multiple Camera transport helicopters by Interceptor Astro Toilets.

The 1K34 Cameraman would make his debut in this episode as the POV-Cameraman and main protagonist. He and a squad of Armed Cameramen would hideout in a warehouse to avoid the Astro Toilets, who were outside and killing all inhabitants of Detroit they could find. After watching an Obliterator Astro Toilet killing another POV-Cameraman via his Tablet, the 1K34 Cameraman would witness more destruction as a battalion of Interceptor Astro Toilets deployed by a Carrier wiped out both Alliance and Skibidi Toilet forces with ease. After watching the death of a squad of Skibidi Toilets, his fellow Armed Cameramen would hear noises coming from one of the containers. 1K34 Cameraman would turn on his flashlight to see the Balaclava Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet not attacking, but shaking in fear, before he hid back behind the container. This would be the same for three other Skibidi Toilets holed up in the warehouse, the Female Skibidi Mutant in particular showing no aggression, but a knowing look.


The 1K34 Cameraman shooting his Handheld laser cannon at the oncoming Scout Astro Toilet.

The Cameramen, not knowing what to make of their enemies neutrality, would only shrug at each other, but before they could do anything about it, the Scout Astro Toilet would appear onto the scene outside, killing a Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet in one swift move. The Astro Toilet would spot the 1K34 Cameraman inside, which prompted the Cameramen to shut the sliding door and prepare for the attack. However, the Scout Astro Toilet would unexpectedly attack from the side, taking down and unprepared Cameraman. The 1K34 Cameraman would shoot his Laser cannon at the Scout Astro Toilet to no effect, though he was luckily able to dodge an attack from him with the help of his Jetpack.

Not so luckily were the rest of the squad, as most of them would be destroyed by the Scout's warp and his superior technology. The 1K34 Cameraman would do well in the fight, but he would eventually be knocked back from the Scout's lasers, his Handheld laser cannon destroyed, and his end quickly approaching.


1K34 Cameraman shooting his Paralyzer laser rifle at the Scout Astro Toilet as he is attacked four-on-one.

Then, just in time, the Sergeant Cameraman and his newly formed ally, the Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet, would appear atop a container, both shooting lasers and grenades at the Astro Toilet, and saving the 1K34 Cameraman's life in the process. The Laser Soldier Skibidi Toilet would soon follow on the attack, but he would be swiftly destroyed, same with the Balaclava Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet who kamikazed himself to deal further damage to the Astro Toilet. The Scout Astro Toilet regained his control over the situation when he knocked the Sergeant Cameraman and the Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet off the container, but the 1K34 Cameraman would throw a Toilet paper grenade at the Scout to distract him further. 1K34 Cameraman dodged an attack from the Scout, and the Female Skibidi Mutant would appear behind to stab him with a part of his Shield. The two allies from before would return to further damage the Scout, and before long, he would be defeated by the Female Skibidi Mutant when she lasered him in the head.


1K34 Cameraman giving the Female Skibidi Mutant a thumbs-up in gratitude.

After a brief reprieve, the Mutant would tell her newly formed comrades to follow her if they wanted to live. As the small squad ran for the exit, they'd be attacked by the Juggernaut Astro Toilet, who was looming above the warehouse in search for the Scout Astro Toilet. Upon seeing the critically injured body of his son, the Juggernaut would slam his Shockwave cannon at the warehouse, causing the 1K34 Cameraman to tumble out of it. After briefly staring at a mysterious Chair, the Female Skibidi Mutant would pick him up from behind and fly away. This wouldn't go unnoticed by the Juggernaut, however, as he shot a powerful orb their way, which caused the 1K34 Cameraman to crash to the ground.

A few minutes later, the 1K34 Cameraman's vision would return as he saw a Buzzsaw cutting through the debris he was trapped under. After the debris was taken off of him, the Sergeant Cameraman would help the 1K34 Cameraman up and to his feet, the surrounding area revealed to be burning from Astro Toilet attacks. After assessing the area and his allies, the 1K34 Cameraman would turn to the Female Skibidi Mutant and give her a thumbs up for saving his life.

Skibidi Toilet 77[]


The 1K34 Cameraman sitting on a transported container, outside the Cameramen laboratory.

In this episode, the 1K34 Cameraman would make a cameo appearance in the opening scene. He would appear on a container behind the Female Skibidi Mutant, sitting contently as he watched The Alliance and the Skibidi Toilets officially unite.


  • His yellow shirt and blue tie resembles the uniform of an IKEA employee, giving him the name "IKEA Cameraman".
  • In the original 75th episode, he is significantly stronger than other Armed Cameramen, able to survive being blasted at by the Scout Astro Toilet's Laser gravity gun and his Mechanical arm smacking him.
  • In Season 25, it was seen on his Tablet that he has a number, this number is '1K34' which is a acronym to the word IKEA, which is a reference to the company IKEA.
    • This is also a nickname that was made by the community, calling him the 'IKEA Cameraman'.
    • Interestingly, his identification number has a letter in it, K. The meaning of this is unclear.
    • The "K" could mean one thousand, which would make him Cameraman_1034.
    • It is additionally possible that the inclusion of letters could be a way of indicating extremely high numbers without using more than four digits.


Alliance list


Cameramen list


Hide List
