The Bolt rifle is a weapon used by the Normal Cameramen. It first appeared in Episode 52, where it was initially shown as an attached weapon installed into Black Camerawoman's back, later positioned on the sides of her arms. In Episode 66, it was issued to the Dark Blue Tied Cameraman, and subsequently, a Green Suited Cameraman, a Normal Cameraman, and an Armed Cameraman were also seen holding it.
The Bolt rifle is a rifle that uses bolts as its ammunition. These bolts are highly effective against Normal Skibidi Toilets and their lesser-upgraded variants. The design of the Bolt rifle closely resembles the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle from Half-Life 2.
The Bolt Rifle features a standard weapon design, with a trigger located at the lower back of the gun and an ammo box attached to its underside. It is equipped with a standard barrel and muzzle, along with a hand grip positioned beneath the barrel for improved handling.
The Bolt rifle, as its name suggests, fires bolts capable of penetrating the flesh of Skibidi Toilets with terrifying efficiency. These bolts can instantly send a target into shock, cause a concussion, or outright kill them, allowing the user or other Alliance members to finish the job by flushing them. However, flushing may not always be necessary, as a Skibidi Toilet hit by the weapon is typically either killed outright or rendered incapacitated by traumatic brain injury, making them no longer a threat.
The weapon is highly effective against Normal Skibidi Toilets and their lesser-upgraded variants, typically requiring only one or two rounds to neutralize them. However, it remains unknown how many shots are needed to take down larger and more dangerous variants, as these are presumed to be more durable and resilient to the bolts fired by the weapon.
For larger Skibidi Toilets that are comparable in size or larger than a standard Alliance member, the eyes are considered weak points. Targeting the eyes can blind and disorient these enemies, rendering them incapable of attacking effectively. This vulnerability leaves them open to Alliance counterattacks. For instance, during the confrontation with the Claw Car Skibidi Toilet, Plungerman shot its eyes, enabling Dark Speakerman to stun it long enough for Plungerman to kill it with his Spiked Plunger.
The weapon was designed by the Scientist Cameramen to provide their common foot soldiers with an effective means of neutralizing multiple Skibidi Toilets from a safe distance. This allows them to quickly dispatch several targets without the heightened risk of close-quarters combat, significantly reducing the danger to their lives.
- Paralyzer dart gun (Paralyzer Dart/Stun/Sniper Launcher Counterpart)
- Parasite Disabler Gun • Paralyzer/Stun Rifle (laser counterparts)
- (Possibly) Blaster Cannon (Has the same gun model as the Camerawoman's Bolt rifle)
- Pulse Rifle (Mech Counterpart, energy ball) [it's more like a repair rifle]
- Spear launcher (Used by the Skibidi Toilets)
- Sniper Railgun (Sniper counterpart for longer ranges)
- This weapon was first introduced by the Black Camerawoman and later mass-produced for use by normal members of The Alliance, such as the Dark Blue Tied Cameraman, as seen in Episode 66.
- The model used by the Black Camerawoman is the machine gun version of the AR2.
- The gun's original purpose outside of the series is to shoot pulse rounds and energy orbs (check Half-Life 2's wiki for more details).
- This weapon may replace the Paralyzer laser rifle in future episodes or be merged with it to create a single, multifunctional gun.
- This is supported by the fact that the Cameramen are seen using these weapons in significant numbers, especially as the Skibidi Toilets are now focusing more on ranged attacks.
- Some Skibidi Toilets may be equipped with special endoskeleton implants, making them harder to kill with the Bolt Weapons and potentially requiring The Alliance to deploy higher-caliber weapons.
- Due to the resources required to create these special endoskeleton implants, it is likely they will be reserved for stronger toilets.
- Despite their durability, such toilets can still be blinded with two accurate shots to the eyes, as they lack bone structure in that area.
Given the size and velocity of the bolts, it is safe to assume they possess greater stopping power than most standard-caliber weapons. They likely combine the size and power of a regular arrow with the velocity of a bullet and the penetration capabilities of both.
- In addition to being strong enough to penetrate Skibidi Toilets, the bolts could potentially be paired with a Railgun mechanism. Railguns use electric currents to create magnetic fields, allowing for high-velocity projectile launches. This could result in over-penetration and serve as a countermeasure against endoskeleton implants that some Skibidi Toilets may possess.
- This rifle underwent a design change in Episode 67, featuring a smoother and thinner appearance.
- This weapon is effective against Skibidi Toilets wearing sunglasses.
- Presumably, the weapon can fire both bolts and bullets.