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This page is about Camera attack helicopter. You may be looking for camera transport helicopter, the transportation version .
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The Camera Attack Helicopter made its first debut in Episode 66, providing ground support to The Alliance force assaulting the Alpha-Hills Labs by firing rockets at multiple targets. It would shortly be shot down by an unknown source, most likely by a Skibidi Toilet equipped with anti-air weaponry, or by a Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet.


The Camera Attack Helicopter is a fast and maneuverable air attack vehicle manufactured by The Alliance, specifically made for providing ground superiority through air support, and eradicating Skibidi Toilets through the firing of destructive yet effective rockets.

The base of the helicopter is comprised of a large CCTV-Camera with a helicopter rotor attached to the top of the camera, with the Camera secured to a dark-blue block with wings on each of side of said block, whilst each of the wings are complete with a set of four Rocket Launchers secured in a square pattern underneath them.

A long white protrusion can be seen extending out from the rear of the base, with a circular shaped block attached to the end, complete with a tail motor secured to the starboard of said block.


The Camera Attack Helicopter provides ground support through the air by firing Rockets directly at ground enemy targets, and also helps to attack the Flying Toilets. It is effective in taking down larger toilets in a wide area. This can be seen very effectively in Episode 66, as the Camera Attack Helicopter takes down a large fleet of Skibidi Toilets, including the Weaponized Camo Skibidi Toilet, with ease.


It was created by the Scientist Cameramen in order to bring superiority to ground units through air support.

Kill Count[]

Character Episodes Image Circumtances
Large Gun Skibidi Toilet x3 66 66-CameraAtacckHelicopterDestroyed Exploded with rockets.
Large Gun Skibidi Toilet x2 66-CameraAttackHelicopter Killed in an explosion after crashing into them (Kills indirectly).
Semi-Large Gray Skibidi Toilet x1 69 69-CameraAttackHelicopterKillingAToilet Exploded with rockets.
Large Silver Skibidi Toilet x5 71 Silver skibidi 1 Killed with rockets (Off-Screen)
Silver skibidi 2
Silver skibidi 4
Silver skibidi 6

Total Kills: 11 Kills



  • It is the first air-attack vehicle created by the Alliance to appear in the entire series.
  • It is an attack variant of the CCTV Helicopter, which is used to transport units.
  • Its CCTV Camera was used for the Camera Toilet.
  • In total, it has 8 missiles, which is a record in the alliance.
  • Currently, it is not known whether it is managed by any of the Cameramans or he himself or remotely.


Alliance list


Cameramen list


Hide List
