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Skibidi Toilet

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech is the "upgraded version" of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet, equipped with an array of equipment and enhancements that vastly surpass the combat capabilities of G-Toilet 3.0.

Making its debut in Episode 60, the Upgraded Scientist Skibidi Toilet appears when he breaks one of Detainer Astro Toilet's blades to save G-Toilet Decoy. Notably, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech exchanges glances with G-Toilet in the episode, hinting their powerful companionship.

However, in Episode 67 (Part 4), it was revealed that this "upgraded" former glory was merely a mech being controlled by the real Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet.

Even after the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet's death, the mech has been refurbished and upgraded. It is now presumably being piloted by the Isaac Kleiner Skibidi Toilet, Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet's apprentice and successor.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet appears to inhabit the type of toilet model that is seen as commonly used by titans of the Skibidi Toilets. To the front of the toilet's framework, are the fallen upgrades that were originally a part of Cinemaman, fully secured with the Large Black Helicopter Speaker flanked by its sides with the Black Speaker Helicopters.

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech now appears to utilize two mechanical arms attached to the sides of its toilet's framework, with one arm residing on the section on the right and the other arm occupying the section on the left. Each of the arms possess two-bladed pitched fork attached at the end that serve a function similar to hands and are presumably capable of impaling the Alliance's titans with ease. Furthermore, each arm is protected by metallic shoulder pads stationed above the mechanical appendages. Additionally, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech also possesses four mechanical spider-like legs, with two being stationed on each side of his toilet. Like his mechanical arms, the legs are also armored with black metal that provide him with greater protection. Although the model size of his toilet itself is actually similar to G-Toilet's toilet, the legs the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech possesses gives him the impression of a larger size because they boost his height significantly.

Peculiarly, there appear to be two mechanical superstructures that jut out from the back of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's metallic shoulder pads, each residing on both sides of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech.

Finally, but not least, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's left eye seems be replaced with a metallic eye that emits a bright glow of red, presumably capable of firing a concentrated beam of light to dispatch enemies. Additionally, a small-scale version of a mounted head cannon that can both fire lasers and fire explosive attacks can be seen sitting comfortably beside the right eye of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech, which was subsequently used to kill the first POV-Cameraman in Episode 60.

In Episode 77 (part 4) he suddenly arrives belong G-Squad. He showed up behind an Obliterator Astro Toilet to kill him with his claws and lasers. The mech's face was replaced by a astro laser. His claws are upgraded and have glowing orange plasma, and instead of acid blasters and lasers, he now has 2 astro lasers on tentacles.


This mech is a formidable and powerful weapon, not only due to its large size but also because it incorporates a vast array of weapons and equipment, along with stolen technology from The Alliance.

The mech is equipped with six mechanized Claws that serve as legs and arms, a Cannon Launcher mounted beside its head, and a Laser Cannon replacing its left eye.

On the rear of this mech are multiple Tendrils equipped with various types of launchers, including laser cannons and different types of acid-based attacks.

Regarding stolen technology, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech managed to incorporate into this mech various types of weaponry and abilities possessed by the TV Men. These include the Teleportation ability using black smoke, the Black Speakers from Cinemaman, and a large Television used for surprise attacks, hidden behind the speakers.


Glasses Mounted Ear Cannon (Destroyed)[]

The Chief Scientist Mech has a ear cannon mounted on the right side of the visor of his head, which is used to shoot projectiles capable of destroying small enemies and damaging and pushing back larger enemies.

Mechanized Red Laser Eye (Destroyed)[]

The Chief Scientist Mech has a mechanized red laser eye replacing the mech's left eye, serving as an additional laser cannon. Though not particularly notable, it is useful for defense and providing additional support in attacks.

Tri-Black Speakers; Soundwaves[]

They are sound waves that the Scientist Toilet Mech can emit through its speakers to repel and deafen enemies. There are two different versions: normal sound waves that can repel enemies, and a much more powerful sonic boom that deafens enemies.

Normal Soundwaves: These sound waves, which come with additional speakers, are used to repel enemies, and can easily knock down even the Titan Cameraman without any effort, are a highly effective attack that the Scientist Toilet has used multiple times.

Sonic Boom: Scientist Toilet lifts his chest and speakers up and releases a massive sonic boom, emitting a high-pitched sound that deafens enemies. He used this against Plungerman and managed to stop Plungerman and his Glichmobile, which he otherwise would not have been able to capture.

Tendril-Launchers (Status unknown)[]

Dual Acid Missile Tentacles: These are two acid missiles mounted on two octopus arms, similar to a laser cannon. Unlike some other acid cannons in the series, it fires an acid missile rather than emitting erratic acid. It is very useful for melting enemies and their weapons.

Laser Cannon Tentacle: This is a large laser cannon located at the back of the Chief Scientist and mounted on the end of an octopus arm. Even though it's only one, it's a pretty effective laser cannon. With this, Scientist Toilet fired at Titan Speakerman's reactor and managed to knock him out with a short shot.

Missile Tentacle: These are missiles located on the back of the Scientist Toilet Mech and mounted on octopus arms. Its function is very simple and it only fires missiles at enemies. However, since Scientist Toilet Mech used it against Titan TV Man, it is unknown how much damage it does.

Tongue Claw (Destroyed)[]

It is a claw integrated inside the mouth of the Mech, similar to that of parasites. Its specific function is not clear, though the Chief Scientist Mech used it to remove the lens from the Injured Titan Cameraman.

TV Screen (Status unknown)[]

It is a television screen located under the Chief Scientist Mech's large speaker. It is unknown how the Chief Scientist achieved this. However, the only thing that is known is that it is no different from other television screens. Can also emit multiple lights like TV Woman. These are the death screen and the hypnotize screen.

Death Screen: The TV Screen, as first seen, can emit red light and make enemies kill themselves. It looks no different from Titan TV Man's death screen and its functionality is the same.

Hypnotizing Screen: In addition to red light, the TV screen can hypnotize enemies by emitting purple light. Purple light is mainly used to hypnotize enemies and force them to do things. Scentist Toilet also used it this way, allowing Titan Cameraman to attack Titan Speakerman.

Astro Destruction Lasers[]

After being repaired in Skibidi toilet 77 part 4, two of the Tendril-Launchers are now holding Astro Destruction Lasers and the face cavity of the mech has been replaced with a Astro Destruction Laser, The Mech can now fire three lasers at once being able to kill a injured Obliterator Astro Toilet pretty quickly aimed at the head.


Shoulder Metal Plates Pads[]




The Chief Scientist Mech has the ability of teleportation using the method of black smoke from TV Men, an ability that the Chief Scientist somehow managed to incorporate into this mech. This ability is quite useful for setting ambushes, surprise attacks, etc.

Used Weapons and Gear[]

Clawed Mechanical Limbs[]

The Chief Scientist Mech has six metallic claw-shaped limbs that serve multiple functions. Four of these limbs function for mobility, providing support for the mech's movement, while two of these claws serve as arms. Due to their large size, these arms are used for cutting and delivering powerful blows to enemies.

Double Two Pronged Fork Claws: It is mounted on the right and left of the Scientist Toilet Mech and has two-pronged curved fork claws that act as right and left arms. The claws can be used to pierce, impale, throw, and pierce enemies. Additionally, the claws could probably function like normal hands and do the same mundane things that they can do. As of skibidi toilet 77, the claws have been upgraded similar to a Energy Sword, now rimming a glowing orange.

Double Two Pronged Fork Spider Legs: There are Two Double Two Pronged Fork Spider Legs on both sides of the Scientist Toilet Mech (right and left), They are Primarily used for movement but could be used for taking down Smaller Units below the Mech By Slamming Down Hard, they also have metal plates on the "ankle's" of the Double Two Pronged Fork Spider Legs.

Mech Destruction[]

Main Article: Skibidi Toilet 67

While Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech successfully hypnotized the Titan Cameraman in Episode 67, his TV screen suddenly broke. He prepared himself for the Titan TV Man to emerge from the smoke by revealing his additional tentacles against the black smoke that appeared in front of him. But his attempt to attack failed and he was brutally killed by the Titan TV Man.

However, the mech makes a return in Episode 77. After the events of Episode 67, it was later repaired and revived by Isaac Kleiner Skibidi Toilet (and/or possibly the other Engineer Skibidi Toilets), who presumably is now the one piloting the mech. It is equipped with upgrades based in Astro technology and is significantly superior to its previous iteration.

Relationships and Connections[]

Former Relationships[]




Current Relationships[]





Note: This list refers to the characters who accompanied the Chief Scientist while he was in this mecha, not because he is a different character.




Skibidi Toilet 60[]

In this episode, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech, controlled by the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet, appeared in a titan-sized mech, was a main antagonist in the climax sequence, where he was primarily responsible for defeating both Overseer Astro Toilet and Detainer Astro Toilet from killing the Decoy G-Toilet, effortlessly defeating them due to the Astro's betrayal.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech, angry towards the Astros, demands that they leave after they attempted to assassinate the Decoy G-Toilet.

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech appeared for the first time in this episode, where he thwarted the assassination attempt on the G-Toilet Decoy by the Astro Toilets, manifesting in the place via Teleportation and cutting one of the Detaining Claws of the Detainer Astro Toilet. The Chief Scientist Mech appeared very angry towards the Astros, so in Skibidi language, he seemed to tell them to retreat. Both Astros left the place via Warping.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech about to destroy the POV-Cameraman and a Dark Blue Suited Cameraman who were spying on the place with the help of his Mounted Laser Cannon.

The Decoy would give a gesture of gratitude to the Scientist, who smiled satisfactorily at the Decoy, then noticed the presence of the Cameramen who were spying on the place. Angrily, the Chief Scientist Mech charged his Mounted Laser Cannon and then destroyed both cameramen.

Skibidi Toilet 62[]

In this episode, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech, was the main antagonist in the final sequence, where he was primarily responsible for killing a group of Cameramen and Speakermen in the area, effortlessly killing them due to loud soundwaves.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech using his Black Speakers to produce Soundwaves as an attack.

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech in this episode was the main enemy and antagonist. While a group of Cameramen and Speakermen were cleaning the city of enemies, the Chief Scientist Mech manifested in the place via Teleportation, imposing chaos and destruction using his Black Speakers to generate Soundwaves that wiped out most of the members of The Alliance.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech leaving the area to take care of destroying the rest of the city.

The Scientist started attacking the entire city, moving with his Clawed Mechanical Legs, while his battle allies, like the Helicopter Bomber and Decoy G-Toilet, also appeared in the place causing chaos and destruction, giving the Skibidi Toilets a great advantage in battle due to the great efficiency of the Chief Scientist Mech.

Skibidi Toilet 65[]


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech betraying the Decoy G-Toilet, making a mocking farewell gesture.

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech in this episode appeared along with a large group of Skibidi Toilets preparing for the arrival of the titans, who were being brought to the place by the Decoy G-Toilet. The Scientist imposed with his large size while his allies prepared. When the Decoy arrived, unexpectedly, the Chief Scientist Mech betrayed him, giving him a smug farewell gesture before leaving the place via Teleportation, while the rest of the Skibidi Toilets also left the place, leaving the Decoy to his fate.

Skibidi Toilet 66[]


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech with the Decoy G-Toilet in an image where they apparently defeated the Titan Cameraman and the Titan Speakerman.

The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech first appeared in the fake image of a tablet from the POV-Cameraman, where he was with the Decoy G-Toilet, posing victoriously after supposedly having defeated the titans. However, this image is false due to the events of Episode 65. And it decieved the Alliance.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech barely visible through the smoke and fog after appearing in the place via Teleportation.

Later in the episode, after the members of The Alliance had defeated all the Skibidi Toilets at the Alpha-Hills Barren Airfield, the Scientist appeared on the scene via Teleportation, along with his battle allies, such as the Jetpack Hexa-Launcher Skibidi Toilet and the Quad-Buzzsaw Skibidi Toilet. The Chief Scientist Mech was barely visible through the smoke.

Skibidi Toilet 67 (Part 1, 2, 3 & 4)[]

In this episode, specifically in parts 1-3, was the important part of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech appeared, he was the main antagonist in the exposition unto the climax sequence, he was primarily responsible for fighting both Injured Titan Cameraman and Injured Titan Speakerman, effortlessly defeating them due to them being injured.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech preparing to fight the titans while making a sinister smile.

In part 1 of this episode, the Chief Scientist Mech appeared at the end, where he appeared outside the Alpha-Hills Complex. The Scientist manifested via Teleportation, ready to face the Titan Cameraman and the Titan Speakerman. The three prepared their weapons for the battle.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech removing the Lens of the Titan Cameraman with the help of his Tongue Claw.

In part 2 of this episode, we saw how the Chief Scientist Mech fought both titans. Despite the fact that both titans were injured, they still managed to fight the Scientist. The Scientist had the advantage with his Tendril-Launchers and his Clawed Mechanical Limbs, also with the support of his Black Speakers. As the battle progressed, the titans managed to take away many of the Scientist's weapons. At a certain point in the battle, the Titan Cameraman managed to dominate the Scientist for a moment by cutting him in the head with his Buzzsaw. However, the G-Toilet 4.0 appeared on the battlefield, supporting the Chief Scientist Mech by attacking the Titan Cameraman by surprise. Once weakened, the Chief Scientist Mech revealed a surprise attack: a giant Television mounted behind one of his Speakers, projecting the Death Screen to force the Titan to commit suicide with his own weapon.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech mockingly looking at the POV-Cameraman after the latter tried to destroy his Television with some Rocket Launchers.

In part 3 of this episode, the Chief Scientist Mech and the G-Toilet managed to dominate what remained of the battle against both titans, to the point of mocking them, making them even attack each other. However, before either of the two titans could die at the hands of one of the toilets, the Chief Scientist Mech's Television was destroyed by a long-range projectile.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech after being disintegrated by the Reactor Core of the Upgraded Titan TV Man.

A great tornado of black smoke manifested in the place, accompanied by a deep reverse voice, revealing the arrival of the Upgraded Titan TV Man, who returned improved to the battlefield to help the titans. The G-Toilet 4.0, noticing the Titan's presence, decided to flee the place. The Chief Scientist Mech prepared some of his Tendril launchers to try to defend himself, but he was massacred by the Titan, who destroyed what remained of his weapons with his Energy Blade. Finally, the Mech was stabbed in the head, and his head was disintegrated by the Titan's Reactor Core, putting an end to this formidable Mech.

In part 4 of this episode, the Chief Scientist Mech only appeared destroyed as a secondary background object, making it quite irrelevant. The most relevant revelation was that this giant mechanized robot was a mech, and the real Chief Scientist was still alive and had taken refuge inside the Alpha-Hills Complex.

Skibidi Toilet 68 (Part 2)[]


The destroyed mech of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech being visible in the background in the episode.

In this episode, only the already destroyed mech of the Scientist was visible. It has no relevance since it was already destroyed, and the Chief Scientist had already escaped from this mech. The mech itself only appeared in the background, destroyed on the battlefield, while the titans faced the G-Clones. The mech appeared along with a few Tendrils.

Skibidi Toilet 69 (Full Episode)[]


The Tendrils of the mech being visible in the episode, without movement or evident utility.

In this episode, again, the mech did not participate since it was already destroyed. It only appeared in the background, visible behind the Large TV Man, having a similar appearance to Episode 68. It is not relevant to the episode and is barely visible at first glance, with its large size being the most notable feature.

In the full episode version, the remains of this mech are more visible at the end, specifically, its Tendrils, being in the middle of the path towards the entrance of the Alpha-Hills Complex. Again, it has no relevance to the episode and is not important.

Skibidi Toilet 77 (Part 4)[]

In this episode, specifically in part 4, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech, appeared in a refined upgrade, returning after 10 episodes. It was a main protagonist in the climax sequence, where it was primarily responsible for killing one of the Obliterator Astro Toilets effortlessly due to the Acid Plane attack.


The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech sneaking behind the injured Obliterator Astro Toilet and shot the Tendril Lasers in the face of the Astro, destroying it.

While the fight between the Obliterator Astro Toilets was taking place, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech snuck up behind the Astro, who had been shot down, and shot it in the face with its Astro Tendril Lasers, making the status of the Astro defeated. The mech was not seen for the rest of the episode.


Episode 60[]

Episode 67[]

Episode 77[]

Kill Count[]

Episode Character Image Circumstances
60 Dark Blue Suited Cameraman x1 60-PovCameramanKilled4 Destroyed with Mounted Laser Cannon.
62 Gray Skibidi Toilet x4 62-GrayToiletsBetrayedLol Destroyed with Clawed Mechanical Legs.
Normal Cameraman x10-12
62-CameramenDeath348 Killed with Soundwaves via Large/Black Helicopter Speakers, (Mostly of the Kills were Off-Screen).
Medic Cameraman x2 62-MedicCameramanDeath45
Large Cameraman x2-3 62-LargeCameramanKilledOffScreen
Normal Speakerman x1 62-SpeakermanKilledOffScreen
77 Obliterator Astro Toilet x1 IKST-WWST-JPST-CSSTM-GIF Shot in the head repeatedly by 3 Astro Destructor Lasers.

Total Kills: 22-25

Battles & Clashes[]

Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
67 Tsminjured3 In a long battle with the Titans against the Chief Scientist Mech, it was shown that the Chief Scientist was superior to the Titans, (Although this was because they were injured) being able to dominate them without much difficulty, and would have finished them off if it had not been for the intervention of Titan TV Man 2.0. Victory
Titan Speakerman 2.0
Transparent injured tcm
Titan Cameraman 2.0
Glitchupgradedhotplungerman While the Chief Scientist was fighting with the Titans, Plungerman in the Glitchmobile intervened, attacking the Chief Scientist, although he was able to stun him with Soundwaves and later knock him down, defeating him. Victory
Plungerman 3.0
70-UpgradedTitanTVMan With the return of Titan TV Man, we've seen how he was far superior to the Chief Scientist, who couldn't do anything to attack or confront him, being quickly attacked, injured and later killed. Defeated
Titan TV Man 2.0

Sound Files[]


  • This biomechanical decoy marked the first time the Skibidi Toilet armada had two active titans (without counting lesser titan level toilets such as the Bladewielder Strider Skibidi Toilet).
  • The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech does audibly chant the word "Skibidi" as per usual of the Skibidi Toilets. But his voice is more warped than others, and because of how slow sounding and low pitched he is, he sounds more like he's saying "Dop Doppity" or "Clunpudi".
  • The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech is the biggest creature being that can teleport in the series.
  • One of his upgrades is the speaker armor harvested from Titan TV Man after Episode 47.
  • The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech protected G-Toilet Decoy in Episode 60. In doing so, he inflicted the second damage an Astro Toilet has been seen taking so far, first being Titan Cameraman.
  • Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech has a long mechanical tongue, just like his original variant.
  • The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech is the first Skibidi Toilet controlled remotely in the series.
    • He was controlled by Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet.
  • Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech was the largest toilet ever in the series up until the Mothership Astro Toilet debuted in Episode 74.
    • If we only count his toilet and not his additional legs, then G-Toilet 1.0 is actually larger by a small margin.
  • In Episode 67 we can see his real eye iris becomes red, meaning he is very mad or is ready to fight with a rage boost. It may also be an intimidation tactic or a means to resemble the Astro Toilets, though the latter is significantly less likely.
  • He is the first Skibidi Toilet to utilize the hypnotizing technology of TV Men, if Geeky Jesus Toilet's blinding spotlights don't count.
  • The Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's endurance seems worse than G-Toilet 4.0.
  • Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech uses the weapons of some of the members of the series in its improved variant, except for the laser equipment in his eyes.
  • The Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech has a large teleportation smoke just like Titan TV Man, so any unit that enters the smoke will teleport with him.


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