Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilets are Skibidi Toilets affiliated with the army/collective. These toilets have some incredibly unique properties of any toilet, including but not limited to: the ability of natural flight, possible possession of the warping ability, the advantage of being a giant-sized Skibidi Toilet, and spewing out Normal Flying Skibidi Toilets.
These toilets have only made an appearance in Episode 5, which was also their debut. They never made another appearance in the series ever again, and due to them being "joke" entities, they will likely never appear again. It is unknown if that's the case though.
The Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilets are Giant Skibidi Toilets with the unique ability to fly naturally without the usage of mechanical enhancements attached to them. Their toilet framework bears similarity to many of their fellow Skibidi Toilets, with the exception of a rigid and an unmoving water pipe fixed to the back right-bottom of their water tanks, similarly to the Larger Medium Skibidi Toilet in Episode 4. They also all have red eyes.
Furthermore, their toilets seem to be darker in color when compared to Regular Skibidi Toilets.
Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilet's behavior is mostly unknown as they have only appeared once. However, it is observed that they behave as a regular Normal Skibidi Toilet with special abilities such as being able to fly, having a mechanism which functions similar to a hyperdrive, and being able to summon Normal Flying Skibidi Toilets. The last of the three may be used in aid of battle.
- Their toilet framework bears resemblance with the Semi-Large Female Skibidi Toilets that escorted the Elderly Skibidi Toilet in Episode 14.
- So far, only three confirmed Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilets have ever appeared in the series.
- Notably, they don't seem to sing their Anthem as per-usual within the Skibidi Toilets' ranks.
- Their Hyperspace ability (also known as warp) is a reference to the Hyperspace Jump from Star Wars. This ability allows an object to travel at far places using the speed of light in which the Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilet possibly did in their debut.
- There is a female Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilet. This is presumed to be rare since there wasn't a lot of Female Skibidi Toilets during the course of the entire series.
- In Episode 5, the three each spawned three Normal Flying Skibidi Toilets from each mouth.
- They're believed to be an earlier version of the Carrier Astro Toilet.
- The Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilets are the only known Skibidi Toilets that aren't a confirmed member of the Astro Toilets capable of hyper-jumping/warping.
- Due to a confirmation of the Giant Flying Skibidi Toilet being a former Astro Toilet by DaFuq!?Boom!, this may mean that these might have been Astro Toilets before the series as well.
- It is quite possible that this is an outdated version of the Carrier Astro Toilet.