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This page is about Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet. You may be looking for Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet, the Normal sized version.
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Skibidi Toilet

The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet was a Giant Skibidi Toilet that appeared in Episode 51. This Skibidi Toilet is equipped with a deployable metal Shield, durable enough to withstand Titan Cameraman 2.0's Railgun.

He has been shown to have a cocky personality, grinning maliciously when Titan Cameraman 2.0 landed onto an overhead bridge and proceeded to blast one of his allies to smithereens. Despite this, the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet showed no expression of terror, only doing so once Titan Cameraman 2.0 smashed his deployable Shield to pieces. This shows that he does not have a sense of self-preservation, with him only appearing once he encounters something far superior to him. And even then, his reaction was a last-minute reaction, with a flabbergasted face before getting burned to death.


The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet takes on the appearance of a Giant Skibidi Toilet with his exterior-colored black. He has two bulky laser cannons attached to his sides, each with some sort of attachment secured to the lower-end of the tips.

Lastly, the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet features a Shield, as seen in Episode 51, where the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet immediately deployed the shield in order to protect himself from Titan Cameraman 2.0's Railgun. The Shield is a long rectangular dense metal sheet with an elliptical grate that allows for the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet to see whilst being protected. The Shield is split in two when not in use, with one half permanently fixed to the toilet's front, while the other half is mounted above the toilet's tank, capable of sliding down to form the Shield.


The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet does not stand out for having great equipment or abilities. He has basic Laser cannons mounted on the sides of his toilet and a giant Shield in front of his toilet that he can raise to protect himself from enemies.


Side Laser Cannons[]

The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet, as the name implies, possesses two laser cannons attached to the sides of his toilet bowl, presumably wielding the same damage output as the rest of the Skibidi Toilets that utilize laser cannons, that being moderately high, only serving for Small Units, since it did nothing to Titan Cameraman 2.0.


Deployable Face Shield[]

The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet possesses a front metal plate and a top metal plate as part of his protective gear. However, these plates, when activated, swiftly create a rectangular Shield which provides refuge to most of the Skibidi Toilet. This Shield was shown to be quite durable, withstanding the Railgun blast from Titan Cameraman 2.0 and only shattering when the Titan smashed the shield with his Mechanical Hammer.

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Skibidi Toilet 51[]


The skull of the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet after being brutally burned by the Titan Cameraman 2.0's Reactor Core.

The Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet made his first and only appearance in this episode, being one of the many toilets causing chaos in the city. That was until the arrival of Titan Cameraman 2.0, who quickly and easily dealt with them all, including the Giant Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet.

After seeing his ally, the Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet, was shot and killed byTitan Cameraman 2.0's Railgun, he most likely knew to protect himself. Reacting quickly, he deployed his metal Shield to block his face from Titan Cameraman 2.0's Railgun, avoiding being blasted to smithereens. Upon seeing this, Titan Cameraman 2.0 took out his Mechanical Hammer and started charging up his jetpack, launching himself up into the air and landing in front of the toilet whilst smashing his Mechanical Hammer against the toilet's Shield. This shattered him, revealing that the toilet was smiling, possibly mockingly and/or sadistically.

However, this mocking smile quickly turns into absolute fear. As the toilet watches on, Titan Cameraman 2.0 begins charging up his Reactor Core before firing out a deadly hot stream of fiery blue flames, engulfing the entirety of the toilet's head and reducing him to a skull.

Battles & Clashes[]

Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
51 53-UpgradedTitanCameramanTransparent He immediately deployed his Shield before Titan Cameraman 2.0 used the Railgun towards him. However, once Titan Cameraman flew to him, his Shield was destroyed by the the Mechanical hammer, and he was burned by Titan Cameraman's Reactor Core. Defeated
Titan Cameraman



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