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This page is about Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet. You may be looking for Jetpack Welder Skibidi Toilet (Magnets instead of Buzzsaw, without Claws).
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Skibidi Toilet

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet is a Skibidi Toilet that made his first appearance in Episode 68. He was seen inside Alpha-Hills Labs, upgrading Semi-Large Gray Skibidi Toilets. In his future appearances, he was a part of the G-Squad, along with many other engineers.


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet wears a Hard Yellow Builder Hat on top of his head, with a Right Eyepatch, and two Jetpacks attached to the sides of his Toilet Cistern, with an additional one behind the back of the Toilet Cistern. He also has a gray Larger Medium Toilet, as well as a right mechanical buzzsaw arm, which is attached to the Right Side of the Toilet, as it's used to cut off certain things. He has a Mechanical Wield Attacher Arm, which looks like a Flamethrower, but less harmless. He also has two Red-Spotted Silver Mechanical Tentacles, which are used to move around equipment, as the Tentacles are attached at The Back of the Toilet.


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet is not a character equipped with weaponry and gear intended for combat. Being part of the Skibidi Engineering Team, all his equipment is meant to improve, equip, and assist other Skibidi Toilets. However, unlike his other coworkers, he has the most equipment, some of which can be perfectly repurposed for combat.

Although this equipment is focused on the improvement and creation of Skibidi Toilets, it can also be used for combat. It's also worth mentioning the rest of the regular equipment that the Toilet has incorporated.


Dual Silver Mechanical Tendrils[]

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet has two extendable tendrils incorporated into the back of his water tank, positioned in front of his third Turbine. These tendrils function as arms, allowing the Toilet to grasp and transport equipment and supply resources for his engineering tasks. They provide extra grip support, making it easier to have more supplies within reach. Although they can also be used semi-effectively in combat, as they can grasp and hold enemies.

Buzzsaw-Attached Mechanical Arm[]

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet also has a mechanical arm equipped with a buzzsaw, which is integrated into the right side of the toilet bowl. This buzzsaw has the common functionalities of a buzzsaw in engineering tasks, such as precise cutting of materials, modification of existing equipment, quick repairs, or construction of support structures. However, as a buzzsaw, it can also be used in combat to saw and cut through enemies.

Launchable Buzzsaw: This mechanical arm has the function of launching the buzzsaw at high speed like a projectile, with the aim of incapacitating the enemy who has been hit. This attack method is integrated into the mechanical arm. The process for replacing and changing the buzzsaw is unknown.


Hard Helmet[]

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet wears a yellow safety helmet as part of his features as an engineer. This helmet provides protection for the head from impacts and potential enemy attacks. It is a regular safety helmet and does not have anything special or different compared to other helmets of this type.


Triple-Turbine Jetpack[]

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet has three turbines attached around his water tank, with two on the sides of his water tank, the third at the back. They have the simple and obvious function of providing mobility to the Toilet by allowing him to move through the air. This is basic equipment for his engineering tasks but still indispensable. Additionally, it is also useful in combat; the ability to Fly is a significant advantage.


Left-Mounted Welding Torch[]

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet has a mechanical arm attached to the left side of his toilet bowl, which includes a welding torch. This tool has the common and regular functions of a welding torch; it is used to melt and join metals through welding, emitting a concentrated flow of heat that can be generated by a flame, allowing for the fusion of metal pieces and equipment to attach them to Skibidi Toilets.

Relationships and Connections[]








Skibidi Toilet 68 (Part 2)[]


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet welding a Turbine onto an Jetpack Acid Skibidi Toilet with the help of his Left-Mounted Welding Torch.

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet made his first appearance in this episode as a secondary character. While the Infiltration Squad was making their way through the Alpha-Hills Complex, they reached the production line, where the Jetpack Engineer appeared performing his work tasks alongside his other colleagues. He was calmly improving and attaching equipment to some Skibidi Toilets with the help of his various mounted tools.


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet approaching the POV-Cameraman (Plungerman) to attack him with the aid of his Mechanical Attached Buzzsaw.

Things were relatively calm until the Infiltration Squad was discovered. The alarm sounded, and it was announced that there were intruders in the area. All the Toilets present, including the Jetpack Engineer, turned angrily to face the intruders. The Toilet then took off with his Jetpack and approached the squad to attack, along with the Jetpack Welder Skibidi Toilet.


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet about to be hit by a Rocket Launcher from the Blue Shirted Large Cameraman while trying to prevent the metal door from closing.

However, the Blue Shirted Large Cameraman managed to cause a brief distraction by firing his Rocket launcher at one of the barrels on the ceiling, causing an explosion that disoriented the nearby Skibidi Toilets. This gave the squad time to escape. During the process, the Lucky Cameraman closed the door with the help of his Hijack Device. Everyone proceeded to escape to an elevator. However, the Large Cameraman's jetpack was destroyed by the Launchable Buzzsaw from the Jetpack Engineer, who tried to keep the door open to continue attacking. But a rocket to the face from the Large Cameraman caused the Toilet to fall back and be left behind by the closing door.

Skibidi toilet 69 (Full Episode)[]


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet with his coworkers and a group of Skibidi Toilets through a Transmission on the Lucky Cameraman's Tablet, listening to the orders and instructions from their leader, the G-Toilet.

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet in this episode appeared only in an additional scene from the full episode version. He was seen in a meeting with several Skibidi Toilets and the G-Toilet, who was giving orders and instructions to the present Toilets in Skibidi language. This group in Episode 71 would be known as the G-Squad. The Jetpack Engineer, along with his other colleagues, would simply listen to the orders of their leader. All of this was visible through the Transmission from the Lucky Cameraman's Tablet.

Skibidi Toilet 71[]


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet evacuating the Alpha-Hills Lab Airport while ascending with his Jetpack to then join the G-Squad.

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet in this episode was a tertiary background character. While the G-Toilet was clearing the Alpha-Hills Lab Airfield of enemies, all members of the G-Squad emerged from the underground bunker to evacuate the area. Among them was the Jetpack Engineer, who would take off with his Jetpack to evacuate the area along with his comrades. All of them disappeared into the smoke and distance as they left the location.

Skibidi Toilet 74[]


The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet alongside the Jetpack Forklift Skibidi Toilet welding some speakers onto the DJ Skibidi Toilet with the help of his Left-Mounted Welding Torch.

The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet appeared through a Transmission from a POV-Cameraman that was being displaying on the screen of the Upgraded Titan TV Man. In this transmission, we would see a Normal Cameraman spying on the G-Squad. The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet would be improving the DJ Skibidi Toilet, presumably adding some speakers. Off-screen, he, along with the rest of the squad, would leave the place.

Battles & Clashes[]

Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
68 68-LargeCameraTransparent While the Infiltration squad was escaping from the Engineering Team, the Blue Shirted Large Cameraman was attacked by the Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet. However, the Very Large Cameraman fired a Rocket at the face of the Skibidi Toilet, causing him to retreat, being left behind by a mechanized door. Defeated
Blue Shirted Large Cameraman



  • They are responsible for the construction, upgrade, and repair of the Skibidi Toilets, like The Alliance's science team.
  • It can be assumed that the type of Claw used by the Hexa-Tendril Skibidi Toilet, while unconventional, is being mass-produced as this Skibidi Toilet is the third Skibidi Toilet to use this type of claw.
  • His buzzsaw can be used as a long-range weapon, being able to shoot the buzzsaw at a probably, very high speed.
    • He's also the only Skibidi Toilet in the series to be able to do that so far, probably his Buzzsaw is not supposed to do that, since he would need to put it again and again.
  • The Jetpack Engineer Skibidi Toilet, so far, is currently surviving while in the escape squad, unlike the Jetpack Welder Skibidi Toilet, who was unexpectedly killed by the Detainer Astro Toilet.
  • There may likely be only 2-3 Engineers by the fact that The Alliance raided the Alpha-Hills Labs, possibly killing every Toilet they found, this means that only some Engineers managed to escape, there might be even less due to the fact that the last time we saw one, there weren't other Engineers.


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