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Skibidi Toilet Wiki
Skibidi Toilet Wiki
YOU... are not escaping this time.
The Juggernaut Astro Toilet,
talking to Titan TV Man in Episode 77.

Tabs info icon
Astro Toilet

The Juggernaut Astro Toilet is an extremely powerful Astro Toilet that first debuted in Episode 72, saving the critically injured Detainer Astro Toilet from being finished off by the G-Toilet 4.0. Despite being much more powerful, he most likely equals to the Detainer Astro Toilet in rank, as their helmets both sport three stripes on them. He is equipped with a powerful Seismic plasma cannon on his right arm and a hexagonal-styled energy shield on his left arm, as well as several other features and weapons that have not been used yet in his debut. He is like a bigger and stronger version of Scout Astro Toilet. They both have something related to canine because Scout Astro Toilet was seen damaged, and we saw that he had dog ears, while we see a dog paw on Juggernaut Astro Toilet's flashlight; however, the other Astro Toilets, such as the Carrier Astro Toilet or Obliterator Astro Toilet, have flashlights/spotlights like these.


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet takes on the appearance of an Astro Toilet larger than the Detainer Astro Toilet, he has a helmet similar to the latter but much more modified and has an overall spikier appearance. He also wears a menacing gas mask with glowing red eye holes that seem to close and open slightly like real eyes. The same red glowing color is seen throughout his body.

He has two mechanical arms attached to his sides, having a much different model when compared to the Detainer Astro Toilet's detaining claw arms. These arms have four "fingers" instead of a pair of tongs but are shorter than the Detainer's. The most notable thing about the arms is the ominous red glow that emits from the center of his mechanical fingers, along with sparks of electricity briefly flashing around him. On his left arm is a small device capable of creating a hexagonal-styled energy shield.

Furthermore, there is some sort of weapon secured beneath the toilet's exterior, presumably serving a purpose similar to that of the Overseer Astro Toilet.


1.1 (Injured)[]



Hand-To-Hand Combat[]

Juggernaut Astro Toilet is very skilled at fighting, his techniques are violent and consists of spinning around at the opponent, causing lethal damage, shown when he was trying to fight G-Toilet in season 25.

Forge-Mechanical Extender Grips[]

These are gigantic mechanical arms with Claws that serve as hands, which the Astro has incorporated on the sides of his toilet. Besides being useful for close combat (such as crushing, subduing, throwing, and destroying objects with brute force), they also have combat weapons equipped in each arm.

Shockwave cannon[]

In his right arm, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet carries a shockwave cannon capable of launching powerful plasma projectiles to strike his enemies. These projectiles are so powerful that when they explode, they generate a large shockwave that can stun enemies in case they evade the attack. A drawback of this weapon is that the projectiles move at a relatively slow speed, making it challenging to hit fast-moving targets.

Ventral Defense Emplacement[]

It is a ventral turret located underneath the Astro's toilet, with a considerably large size, resembling a type of machine gun. It serves as a long-range attack weapon, acting as an additional weapon alongside his EMP shockwave cannon.


Crimson Hex Shield[]

It is a rectangular holographic shield with hexagons projecting within it, in red-orange color. The Astro can generate it on his left forearm and activate it at will whenever he feels threatened by imminent attacks. The shield is large enough to cover a significant portion of his front.

Striped Metal Helmet [3 Stripes][]

It is a metal helmet that, in addition to providing standard head protection due to its durable material, has a special feature: stripes. These stripes, three in number and shaped like horns on the front, help to indicate the rank of this Astro within the hierarchy of Astro Toilets, possibly signifying him as an elite warrior (or any rank superior to average).

HDVG; Gas Mask[]

It is a gas mask that functions as both Heavy-duty vision goggles and facial protection for the Toilet Due to his durable material, it can counter certain attacks directed at him and (possibly) indicates that he belongs to a sub-faction of Astros that use this type of gas mask appearance.


Intrinsic Levitation Flight[]

Like any other Astro Toilet, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet possesses the inherent ability to fly naturally without any additional enhancements, making it a very useful means of transportation in various situations. It does not have any unique features or characteristics compared to other Astros.


As an Astro Toilet, this character possesses the inherent ability to perform warping, a form of nearly instantaneous teleportation that is highly useful as a means of transportation in various situations. The warping ability of this Astro is not any different or enhanced compared to other Astro Toilets.

Static Warp Levitator[]

This character is one of many Astros equipped with a static warp levitator integrated into his toilet. The levitator is a rotating ring with a metallic silver appearance on a black background, always in regular motion. It can serve as an indicator of the amount of energy the Juggernaut uses for certain actions.


Energy Overload[]

The static warp levitator can become overloaded with energy during certain actions. As seen in Episode 72, the Astro's static warp levitator overloaded while about to use his Warping ability, with energy waves appearing around the ring and the interior of the ring turning red.

X-Ray Vision[]

As seen in Episode 75, this Astro mentions that he can see through walls, most likely indicating that he has X-ray capabilities integrated into this mask. This is the only piece of equipment through which such an ability could be achieved, although it is also possible that this ability is inherent and not necessarily integrated into the mask.

Relationships and Connections[]








Skibidi Toilet 72 (Part 2)[]


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet about to fire one of his Energy projectiles from his EMP shockwave cannon at the G-Toilet after having saved the life of the Detainer Astro Toilet.

In this episode, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet was a secondary character who appeared in the final sequence of the battle between the Detainer Astro Toilet and the G-Toilet, saving the Astro's life and making his debut. After being deceived by the G-Toilet in a double-edged attack, the Detainer Astro Toilet was severely wounded, floating in the air while watching the G-Toilet. The latter, in a frenzied manner, charged his laser cannons to finish off the Astro. With all weapons prepared, the Toilet fired all his cannons.


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet about to teleport away from the area with the Detainer Astro Toilet via Warping to save the latter's life.

Although the attack briefly struck the Astro, something quickly intervened between the lasers and the Astro, turning out to be a giant rectangular red-orange Holographic shield, which aimed to block the attack. The shield was lowered, revealing the Juggernaut Astro Toilet, who, after protecting his ally, used his EMP shockwave cannon against the G-Toilet, deactivating the latter's shield. Before a battle between the two could ensue, the Juggernaut was attacked from afar by the Titan Speakerman. The Astro fired one of his energy projectiles from his EMP shockwave cannon, and although the Titan easily dodged the attack due to the projectile's slow speed, he was knocked down by the shockwave generated by the explosion. After taking down the Titan, the Juggernaut used one of his Mechanical arms to grab the Detainer and quickly departed the scene via Warping.

Skibidi Toilet 75[]


The POV-Cameraman looked upward after hearing the sound of the Static warp levitator, indicating that the Juggernaut Astro Toilet was flying above them.

In this episode, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet was a secondary character who attempted to kill a group from The Alliance and the Skibidi Toilets but did not succeed. After killing the Scout Astro Toilet with the help of all the Hardware Heads and Skibidi Toilets in the warehouse, the survivors of the confrontation managed to hear the sound of the Juggernaut's Static warp levitator, indicating he was above them. They tried to leave the area without drawing attention.


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet looking sadly at the corpse of his comrade Astro Toilet while holding him with one of his Mechanical arms.

As they were leaving calmly and without drawing attention, a deep voice from the Juggernaut suddenly exclaimed, "I CAN SEE YOU THROUGH WALLS!" suggesting that the Toilet had detected their presence inside the warehouse. The Astro quickly ripped off the roof to target them with his EMP shockwave cannon but stopped upon seeing that his battle companion, the Scout Astro Toilet, lay dead on the ground. The Juggernaut grabbed and lifted the corpse to mourn over it, with a sorrowful expression saying desolately, "What? My baby..." before quickly refocusing on the enemies who had killed his comrade, shouting, "YOU WILL PAY!" The POV-Cameraman and the Female Mutant Skibidi Toilet, while flying away from the scene, were suddenly struck by the shockwave from one of the Juggernaut's EMP shockwave cannon projectiles after it exploded.

Skibidi Toilet 77 (Part 3 & 4)[]

In this episode, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet, appearing without his bottom gun, was the main antagonist in the climax sequence, where he was primarily responsible for fighting Titan TV Man, effortlessly defeating him due to Titan TV Man being severely damaged.

UTTM Juggernaut

After three Obliterator Astro Toilets warped into the battlefield, Titan TV Man called them: "PATHETIC TRASH!", and asked, "GIVE ME SOMEONE WORTHY TO FIGHT!", then the Juggernaut Astro Toilet warped into the battlefield in front of the Titan and said, "YOU... ARE NOT ESCAPING THIS TIME!".

In the end of Part 3 of this episode, after three Obliterator Astro Toilets warped in front of Titan TV Man, who is severely damaged by the incidents of other Astros, rhetorically said, "PATHETIC TRASH, GIVE ME SOMEONE WORTHY TO FIGHT!". Just after the Titan said that, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet arrived with his arms facing downwards and faced the Titan with determination while saying, "YOU... ARE NOT ESCAPING THIS TIME!".


After the Juggernaut Astro Toilet punched Titan TV Man to the ground, he charged his EMP Shockwave Cannon and determinedly said, "PATHETIC!".

At the start of Part 4, Titan TV Man tried to escape the battlefield with his teleportation ability, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet moved forward and punched the Titan out of the smoke to prevent him from escaping. The Titan got ready to fight the Juggernaut Astro Toilet and prepared his holographic shield and Energy blade, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet punched the shield twice to prevent the Titan from protection. The Titan tried to hit the Juggernaut Astro Toilet with his Energy blade, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet received no damage from those hits. Then, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet punched the Titan on the head, then spun and punched the Titan to the ground and charged his EMP shockwave cannon while calling him: "PATHETIC!". But the Titan got prepared and caught the energy orb with his hidden detaining claw and shouted, "SURPRISE!" and the Juggernaut Astro Toilet was shocked and activated his hexagonal shield, but the shield wasn't strong enough to protect him from the blast. After the incident, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet quickly recovers, and the Titan pounces on him to the ground and secretly steals the EMP shockwave cannon. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet aims his mechanical arm at the Titan, but quickly finds out it was gone and the Energy blade was the one stuck on his arm, and the Titan attaches the EMP shockwave cannon to his arm and shoots it at the Juggernaut Astro Toilet, and for the second time, he activates his hexagonal shield, but it makes a shockwave and disables the shield. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet gets back up and angrily said, "YOU DARE USE MY OWN WEAPON AGAINST ME?!". Then, the Titan said, "WOMP WOMP. GONNA CRY?" and the Juggernaut Astro Toilet suspiciously said, "I'LL SEE YOU SOON.", and warped away from the battlefield.


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet looking at the POV-Cameraman (Laser Large Cameraman) and having the head of Titan TV Man in his hand rhetorically said, "UNDERWHELMING SLAUGHTER... THAT WAS YOUR STRONGEST SOLDIER?".

After the Juggernaut Astro Toilet left the battlefield, the Titan thought his enemy left for good and tried to teleport again. A few seconds later, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet came back and punched the Titan in the smoke again, and the Titan hit the ground really hard. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet said, "GET UP!" to the Titan and punched him and made some major damage. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet said, "GET UP!" again, and the Titan tried to shoot him with the stolen EMP shockwave cannon, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet pulled it out from his arm and grabbed the Energy blade that was stuck on his arm and stabbed the main screen on the Titan's head and decapitated him by punching the head from the back. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet grabbed the head and said, "UNDERWHELMING SLAUGHTER...", then looked at the POV-Cameraman and asked, "THAT WAS YOUR STRONGEST SOLDIER?". But the Titan stabbed the Juggernaut Astro Toilet's left eye with his Energy blade and tried to burn the helmet by using the core laser, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet stabbed the Energy blade at the Titan's chest and punched him to the ground again and said, "STAY DOWN! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE".


G-Toilet smiling behind the Juggernaut Astro Toilet while rhetorically asking him, "Missed me?".

Suddenly, he noticed the Obliterator Astro Toilets struggling to fight the Skibidi Toilets. After the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech killed one of the Astros, the Titan got up again, and the Juggernaut Astro Toilet said, "THAT CHANGES NOTHING!" and punching the Titan back to the ground. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet pointed at the Titan and stated, "SOON, YOU WILL MEET YOUR FATE... WORSE THAN DEATH!". Then, G-Toilet flew behind the Juggernaut Astro Toilet and rhetorically asked, "Missed me?" and fired his Laser cannons at the Juggernaut Astro Toilet's face. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet said, "WHAT MADE YOU SHOW UP, COMMANDER?", then G-Toilet replied with, "You know me. I'm not leaving my best friends behind." Then the Titan responded to G-Toilet with, "WHAT ARE YOU YAPPING ABOUT?". The conversation continues with the Juggernaut Astro Toilet saying, "DUKE WON'T FORGIVE YOUR BETRAYAL. YOU WON'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST OUR FLEET!", the Juggernaut Astro Toilet gets blasted by the Laser cannons behind him, and G-Toilet replied with, "Really? That's crazy! One small issue, I don't remember asking." and attached his mechanical arms to his side and activated his Visor over his eyes.


The Juggernaut Astro Toilet mockingly questioning G-Toilet with: "THAT'S ALL EARTH GAVE YOU? WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR FORMER GLORY?".

After G-Toilet received his arms, the two started clashing against each other. G-Toilet punches the Juggernaut Astro Toilet and punches another two times, then the Juggernaut Astro Toilet starts to spin around and punches him twice and destroys his visor. G-Toilet fires his lasers at the Juggernaut Astro Toilet's shield and punches it. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet questions G-Toilet with: "THAT'S ALL EARTH GAVE YOU? WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR FORMER GLORY?", then G-Toilet replies with: "Try me..." and flipped him off before leaving the battlefield, and the Juggernaut Astro Toilet chased him down.

Season 25 Compilation[]

In the Season 25 compilation, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet played a leading role in one of the additional scenes. Shortly after Episode 77, it depicts the confrontation between the Juggernaut Astro and the G-Toilet.


"WHAT FOR—THIS FIGHT?" The Juggernaut Astro Toilet questions the G-Toilet about the purpose of their confrontation, to which the latter sarcastically replies: "You tell me."

The Juggernaut Astro Toilet and the G-Toilet, locked in a struggle, crash into a small town in Oregon, USA, where their battle would take place. However, the G-Toilet appeared reluctant to fight the Astro, bringing up their past friendship when they used to conquer planets together. He also mentioned that the other Astro Toilets saw him as nothing more than an "expendable pawn." The Juggernaut, feeling outraged and offended, attempted to continue attacking the G-Toilet, who still refused to engage in the fight.


"JOIN YOU… AFTER YOU HURT MY BABY?" The Juggernaut Astro Toilet exclaims before lunging at the G-Toilet, attempting multiple strikes, all of which the G-Toilet successfully counters.

The G-Toilet reiterates to the Astro that he does not wish to fight. On the contrary, he wants him to join his side. Although the Astro appears momentarily thoughtful about the idea, he ultimately refuses upon recalling how the G-Toilet was responsible for the damage to his "baby." Enraged, he lunges at the G-Toilet, attempting to land multiple futile blows. The G-Toilet is forced to counter lightly, landing several hits that the Astro fails to evade. When the Astro rises again, the G-Toilet once more tries to persuade him to join, empathizing with him by saying he understands what it feels like "to see your children suffer." He concludes with, "Join me, and your legacy shall never know oppression again. You have my word!" However, the Astro doubts the G-Toilet's ability to stand against the Astro Toilets, pointing out that one of his Titans is under their control. The Juggernaut remains determined to fight and attempts to strike the G-Toilet, only to realize that his attacks pass through him, rendering them ineffective. Finally, the G-Toilet gives the Juggernaut an ultimatum, stating that he has a "secret weapon" being prepared. He warns that when this weapon is unleashed, the Astro would be wise to be on his side. With that, the G-Toilet vanishes from the Astro's sight.


As the Juggernaut Astro Toilet departs the area via warping to receive repairs, he shoots an irritated and threatening glare at the POV-Cameraman before vanishing..

After the confrontation, the Overseer Astro Toilet, accompanied by a Carrier Astro Toilet, arrives at the scene via warping in search of the G-Toilet. However, they realize that he is no longer present. Observing only the Juggernaut at the location, the Overseer concludes that the G-Toilet managed to escape.

When the Overseer questions the Juggernaut about the G-Toilet's whereabouts, he shows clear displeasure upon hearing the Juggernaut refer to the G-Toilet as "Commander." The Overseer reprimands him, stating that he is the Juggernaut's commander. He proceeds to berate the Juggernaut, criticizing his failures and lack of efficiency. The exchange ends with the Juggernaut promising that he will not fail again. The Overseer then orders him to return to the "Mothership" for repairs, a directive the Juggernaut complies with without resistance, quickly leaving the area via warping.

Kill Count[]

Episode Character Image/GIF Circumstances
77 Missile Skibidi Toilet x1
Juggery Kills Missile ST
Killed on impact of his arm.


Episode 77[]


Audio Phrase Moment Episode (Part)
TBA "WHERE ARE YOU, SON? I DONT SEE YOU ON MY RADARS!" (skibidi language) Juggernaut Astro Toilet searching the Scout Astro Toilet in the battlefield. Skibidi toilet 75 (Only in Season 25 compilation.)
TBA "WHERE ARE YOU?" (skibidi language) Another same reasonable call to Scout Astro Toilet.
"I CAN SEE YOU THROUGH WALLS!" Juggernaut Astro Toilet is revealing his x-ray ability. Skibidi toilet 75
"What?" Juggernaut Astro Toilet seeing Scout Astro Toilet.
"MY BABY..." Juggernaut Astro Toilet after seeing Scout Astro Toilet's corpse.
TBA "AAAAAARRRGGHHH!!!" Juggernaut Astro Toilet after seeing Scout Astro Toilet critically injured. Skibidi toilet 75 (Only in Season 25 compilation.)
"YOU... ARE NOT ESCAPING THIS TIME." Juggernaut Astro Toilet to Titan TV Man, after warping into the area Skibidi toilet 77
"Pathetic." Before charging his EMP-Cannon.
"YOU DARE USE MY WEAPON AGAINST ME?" After getting shot by his own weapon.
"I'LL SEE YOU SOON..." Before warping away.
"GET UP. GET UP!" While fighing Titan TV Man.
"STAY DOWN, RESISTENCE IS FUTILE." After Titan TV Man gets up once more.
"THAT CHANGES NOTHING!" After seeing the Skibidi Toilet Army enter.
"WHAT MADE YOU SHOW UP, COMMANDER?" After G-Toilet enters.
"WHAT FOR, THIS FIGHT?" After Juggernaut Astro Toilet, along with G-Toilet 5.0, hit the ground violently and got back up. Season 25 Compilation
"ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT WITH AN HONOR... IF YOU STILL HAVE IT!" Juggernaut Astro Toilet talking with G-Toilet 5.0
TBA "STOP YAPPING AND FIGHT ME!" After G-Toilet's offers and sentences, Juggernaut Astro Toilet wants to keep fighting with anger.
TBA "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" After G-Toilet refuses to fight with him.
TBA "JOIN YOU... AFTER YOU HURT MY BABY?" Before Juggernaut Astro Toilet about to hit him again.
TBA "WORD.. WHAT'S THE PRICE OF YOUR WORDS?" After their small battle.
TBA "FIND YOU? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Before Juggernaut Astro Toilet about to punch G-Toilet's hologram
TBA "COMMANDER ESCAPED..." After G-Toilet's hologram disappears from the battlefield.
TBA "I WILL NOT FAIL... COMMANDER." Juggernaut Astro Toilet talking with Overseer Astro Toilet.

Battles & Clashes[]

Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
72 73-GToilet When the G-Man Skibidi Toilet was about to kill the Detainer Astro Toilet, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet appeared and blocked the G-Toilet's attack, thus saving the detainer. Subsequently, the Juggernaut Astro Toilet attacked the G-Toilet with his EMP Shockwave Cannon, and before he could continue attacking the G-Toilet, the Titan Speakerman appeared in the distance and fired multiple times at the Juggernaut with his Arm plasma cannons. These attacks did nothing to the Juggernaut, who, in response to the attack, knocked down the Titan Speakerman with the blast wave from the EMP Shockwave Cannon. Both characters were overpowered by the Juggernaut, who took the Detainer and retreated from the scene via Warping. Victory
Injured G-Toilet
TitanSpeakerman2.1Transparent Victory
Titan Speakerman 2.0
77 77-TitanTvManInjured Juggernaut confronted Titan TV Man, saying the titan wouldn't escape this time. Titan TV Man tried to teleport away, but Juggernaut interrupted it, forcing Titan TV Man to fight. The Juggernaut disabled Titan TV Man's shield with his punches, and in response, Titan TV Man slashes him with his sword, but Juggernaut blocks it and knocks the titan over. He attacked Titan TV Man with his EMP Shockwave Cannon, but Titan TV Man pulled a detainer claw out of his back and threw the attack back at Juggernaut, disabling his shield. Then, the titan jumps on Juggernaut and steals his EMP Shockwave Cannon. Titan TV Man fires the weapon at Juggernaut, and he blocks it with his shield again. Juggernaut then warps away, and Titan TV Man lets his guard down and tries to teleport away, but Juggernaut comes back and knocks the titan over, punches the titan's upgrades off, and stabs his head using Titan TV Man's Energy Blade, but Titan TV Man can surprisingly live without his head and surprise attacked him, but then Juggernaut knocks him over again. After the skibidi army arrives, the titan tries to get up again, but Juggernaut punches him over. Victory
Injured Titan TV Man
G-Toilet5.0NewFinal When the Juggernaut Astro Toilet said to G-Toilet 5.0 that the "Duke" of the Astro Toilets won't forgive his betrayal and won't stand a chance against the fleet, the flying laser cannons snuck up behind and shot him on the sides and fled towards G-Toilet. G-Toilet 5.0 receives the mechanical arms and punched the Juggernaut Astro Toilet and made him activate his hexagonal shield, G-Toilet 5.0 tried to break it by punching it twice, but the Juggernaut Astro Toilet spins around and punched G-Toilet 5.0 twice, the punches made him lose his visor and activated his holographic shield. G-Toilet 5.0 shoots both of his laser cannons at the Juggernaut Astro Toilet and punched him, made him pushed a few feet back. After the fight, both of them fled away from the battlefield, having a chase. In another location, as they continued to fight, G-Toilet tried to convince Juggernaut Astro Toilet to join his side. Following a bit of talk amid the fighting, the fight was discontinued after G-Toilet 5.0 left the battle dissapearing leaving Juggernaut Astro Toilet to think about G-Toilet's words. Discontinued
G-Toilet 5.0

Sound Files[]

Audio Description
Presumably him talking to the Overseer Astro Toilet in Season 23 Compilation.


  • The mask worn by the Juggernaut Astro Toilet is from "Metal Gear Solid 4: Pieuvre Armament Contractors".
  • His arms seem to resemble the arms of "Mechagodzilla" from the 2021 movie "Godzilla Vs Kong".
  • Juggernaut Astro Toilet is one of the few characters to have a theme playing within his proximity. The theme in question is called "Half-Life 2 - Decay Mode"
  • His flashlight model is originally from "Horzine Mark 7" from "Killing". which have no relation to Skibidi Cat whatsoever. (Check Gallery for more)


  • Juggernaut Astro Toilet is the parent of the Scout Astro Toilet. This can be understood from when he appeared right after the Scout Astro Toilet's death and from the sentences he made in Episode 75. And further confirmed through his conversation with G-Toilet in the Season 25 Extra Scenes, where it is also stated by G-Toilet he has more children.
  • Juggernaut Astro Toilet is implied to be able to see through walls.
  • The Juggernaut Astro Toilet is one of the first few characters to utilize an energy shield, the first being Refined Upgraded Titan Cameraman (2.1) and the second being the G-Toilet. And he is the first character who break G-Toilet's energy shield.
    • His shield seems stronger than the other shields since the shield's color considering the hexagonal segments rectangular-esque shape.
  • He can shift eye expressions on his Gas Mask, seen when he removes the shield and aims at G-Toilet, as well as shown more explicitly in Episode 75 and Episode 77.
  • Considering both the Duchess Astro Toilet and him both utilize a special, red Astro energy, it is possible they have some sort of tie to each other or are both categorized in a yet-to-be-discovered classification.
  • From his dialogue with Titan TV Man in Episode 77, it either means six things:
    • Juggernaut and Titan TV Man have seen or fought each other at one point.
    • Juggernaut is aware of Titan TV Man's teleportation powers, figuring that he try to use it to escape from him.
    • Juggernaut is aware of the three Alliance Titans and is targeting them, starting with Titan TV Man.
    • Juggernaut is just mentioning how him and Titan Speakerman escaped the fleet in Episode 74.
    • Juggernaut is just mentioning how he escaped from G-Toilet in Episode 47 since he might know it from other Astros.
    • Juggernaut is taking revenge for Astro Scout, who is his son.
  • In Episode 77 when he said “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” this is a phrase used by the Borg in the Star Trek series and was probably a reference to them as a space fairing race like the Astro Toilets.
    • In that same episode he said, "YOU DARE USE MY WEAPON AGAINST ME?". This could be a reference to the scene in Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince where Harry uses the sectumsempra curse against Severus Snape who then says a similar phrase.
  • In the Season 25 Compilation, when Juggernaut Astro Toilet sees injured Scout Astro Toilet, he screams desperately and bitterly instead of saying "My Baby...".

