The Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilets are an upgraded variant of the Armed Strider Skibidi Toilets and Dual Laser Strider Skibidi Toilets that made their debut in Episode 76, where one of them was seen fighting an Obliterator Astro Toilet with other Skibidi Toilets that were present during the fight.
Additionally, another variant of the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet was seen whilst the POV-Cameraman was fleeing from the area, alongside Acid Jet Skibidi Toilets.
The Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet closely resembles the Armed Strider Skibidi Toilet. To start off, the Skibidi Toilet possesses a rusted grayish toilet, similarly to the Claw Car Skibidi Toilet, with an additional metal plate in front of it acting as a protective wall. He is also equipped with a number of five Laser Cannons, four of each positioned on the sides, spaced out a moderate distance, while the fifth is located at the bottom of the toilet. Improving height is his tall, three black strider legs, which are mostly wrapped in gray pieces of armor material. As for the head, he wears a simple Helmet and Heavy-duty vision goggles that cover the eyes.
Another variant of the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet, referred to as the "Mouth Laser," also possesses equipment similar to the first one shown in Episode 76. However, the only difference is that this type instead has the fifth laser cannon in his mouth as well as Sunglasses instead of Heavy-duty vision goggles to complete the appearance.
The Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet is primarily a Laser User, meaning they have the ability to fire lasers in their arsenal. In addition to that, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet wears a Helmet and Sunglasses (or Heavy-duty vision goggles depending on the variant), which have the purpose to protect the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet in possible attacks or injuries. They seem extremely enthusiastic about fighting as they release loud battle cries as they fire their lasers.
Quintuple Laser Cannons[]
As mentioned, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet is capable of firing laser beams, but only five to the minimum. These are his main weapons and have only been seen utilized on an Obliterator Astro Toilet, only causing a bit of flames on the wings alongside the other artillery.
Frontal Metal Plate[]
There is a single metal plate affixed to the front of his rusted toilet. Why that's there is to decrease the risk of severe damage from enemies, specifically the Astro Toilet.
Located at the top of the head of the Skibidi Toilet is a Helmet. This protective layer secures the head of the entity.
Heavy-duty vision goggles[]
There is a Heavy-duty vision goggle covering the eyes of the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet, which has the goal to prevent any attack similar to the TV Men.
The HDVG (standing for Heavy-duty vision goggles) variant possess this as a way of defending themselves against said attack.
This is the weaker version of the Heavy-duty vision goggles. Although they can also prevent energy-based attacks, they are also fragile, meaning they can break easily.
Additionally, only the Mouth Laser variants have the sunglasses equipped.
Relationships and Connections[]
Factions & Affiliations[]
- Skibidi Toilets - Belonging Faction
- The Alliance - Subfaction Allies
- Astro Toilets - Main Enemy Faction
- Artillerist Strider Skibidi Toilet † - Companion in battle
- Multi Rocketeer Skibidi Toilet - Companion in battle
- Ultra Launcher Skibidi Toilet † - Companion in battle
- Jetpack Quad-Launcher Skibidi Toilet - Companion in battle
- Superman Skibidi Toilet † - Companion in battle
- Acid Jet Skibidi Toilet - Companion in battle
- Jetpack Laser Balaclava Skibidi Toilet - Companion in battle
- Obliterator Astro Toilet - Opponent in battle
- Destructor Astro Toilet - Opponent in battle
Skibidi Toilet 76 (Part 1)[]

The Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet firing his laser cannons while roaring loudly and fighting with his comrades, against an Obliterator Astro Toilet.
In this episode, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet made his first appearance as a tertiary character who fought against an Obliterator Astro Toilet alongside a large group of Armed Skibidi Toilets. The episode begins with a large group of armed Skibidi Toilets attacking an Obliterator Astro Toilet, including the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet, who used all five of his laser cannons while roaring very intensely and loudly. After the Superman Skibidi Toilet committed kamikaze into the Obliterator Astro Toilet, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet fired his laser cannons at the Astro's face. After the death of the Astro, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet was unfortunately obliterated by the Destructor Astro Toilet.

Another Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet advancing through the battlefield, alongside with two Acid Jet Skibidi Toilets.
Another Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet appeared after the Armed Skibidi Toilets got obliterated by the Destructor Astro Toilet. The POV-Large Cameraman ran away from the destruction of the Armed Skibidi Toilets, alongside with two Normal Cameramen and saw another Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet advancing through the battlefield to fight the Destructor Astro Toilet, alongside with two Acid Jet Skibidi Toilets. After that, it's unknown whether he survived or not, thought it likely did considering that Eli Vance was able to make it out.
- The Mouth Laser variant is a reference to the series; America, where Camo Skibidi Toilets with cannons in their mouths are seen.
- The episode also includes an American flag, which is seen on the Ultra Launcher Skibidi Toilet, further supporting the idea.
- As of now, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet has the most laser emitters in Strider Skibidi Toilet terms.
- Additionally, he has Heavy-duty vision goggles, along with the Bladewielder Strider Skibidi Toilet & the Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet.
- Mid-fight in the beginning of Episode 76, the Penta-Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet can be heard screaming obnoxiously for an unknown reason. It is likely a battle cry to act as an intimation tactic or morale booster.