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The Railgun was a strong ranged weapon that Titan Cameraman 2.0 used, attached on his hand. It first made its first appearance in Episode 50, unfortunately being destroyed in the ending of Episode 55 at the same time as the death of the Skull Dismantler Skibidi Toilet. But later on, it made a brief reappearance on Episode 63's ending and made its full reappearance on Episode 64 during the Incinerator Skibidi Urinal's death. The new version was unfortunately destroyed in Skibidi toilet 65.


The weapon was likely created by the Cameramen, specifically their Science Division, to give Titan Cameraman 2.0 a long-ranged weapon with devastating effects.


The Railgun takes the shape of a portable turret, with a blocky, gray engine that powers the frontal, blue-colored laser. There are two cables feeding into the laser, one black, one yellow, that presumably power it. On the grayish engine, there is a warning sign stating ISOLATE LASER BEFORE REMOVING. There is a small, black panel mounted at the top of the laser section, as well as two "cartridges". At the very end, there is a bright, glowing blue, laser, from which the projectiles are fired from.

In Skibidi toilet 65, the Railgun appeared much bulkier with little to no wires exposed to the surrounding air, providing it with the additional advantage of being presumably harder to destroy from acidic substances or corroding substances, which had resulted in it previous destruction in Skibidi toilet 55. Furthermore, The Railgun appears to have armor plating covering every inch of the weapon, with air exhaust vents secured to the center-top of the Railgun, presumably acting as a way to disperse excess heat once the weapon had been fired. Last but not least, the tip of the Railgun is now similarly protected, with armor platings sealing the blue glow at the tip of the weapon, which was a design choice in the previous iteration of the Railgun.


Base (2.0)[]

The base version of the railgun first appears in Skibidi toilet 50 with the debut of Titan Cameraman 2.0. This weapon, mounted on his left arm, can blind the opposing unit and cause death by firing intense light explosions when used. Additionally, the weapon affects a wide area, allowing multiple units to be attacked.

Refined (2.1)

Titan Cameraman 2.0 lost his original railgun in the Skibidi toilet 55, which allowed it to have a fully refined and improved railgun in the Skibidi toilet 63, moving to 2.1 version. This railgun has exactly the same appearance as its previous version and no changes can be observed. However, its function are much more effective. Unlike its previous variant, it now fires energy spheres that deal much more effective damage instead of firing light explosions. These spheres are realized in a completely visible way, unlike the light explosion.

Similar Variants[]


  • The Railgun is the first railgun-type of weaponry to be created by the Cameramen, and it is also the first railgun weapon in the entire series.
  • It is presumably a Cameraman variant of Titan Speakerman's Upgraded Arm Plasma Cannon
  • This is one of two of The Alliance's weapon to be destroyed 2 times. (Other being Upgraded Parasite Disabler Laser Tank)
  • In Episode 65, the Railgun fired a blue orb-type of projectile made of plasma that exploded upon impact. This trait is shared similarly to Titan Speakerman's Arm plasma cannon.
    • It is unknown as to why the projectile the Railgun fires changes in Episode 65, although it could be possible that the railgun has different uses and can be changed to fire different types of energy and projectiles
      • However, it could be cited that the Railgun in Episode 64 and Episode 65 is a different model and type entirely due to its obvious physical changes to be much bulkier than the previous iteration, which was seemingly more experimental due to wires of the machine being exposed to the environment.
    • Titan Speakerman's Arm plasma cannon is the Speaker version of the railgun, and the Energy Blade is (presumably) the TV's version of it even though it's not a ranged weapon, but a close combat weapon.



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