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Skibidi Toilet Wiki
Skibidi Toilet Wiki
72-74 episodes of skibidi toilet
the description of Season 24 (all episodes)

"Skibidi toilet - season 24 (all episodes)" is a compilation of episodes ranging from Episode 72 up to Episode 74.

Episode 72[]

Part 1: Scientist Cameraman 1337, SWAT Mutant Toilet, and G-Toilet 4.0[]

The episode begins from the POV of Scientist Cameraman 1337 in his Camera Mech. Witnessing Plungerman's death on his tablet, he slams his fist down on the monitor in anger. He then turns his attention to the battlefield, with a SWAT Mutant Skibidi Toilet firing two of his side-mounted rocket launchers at an Armed Cameramen hiding behind a ruined Humvee, while two other Cameramen fire their handheld laser cannons at a Small Silver Skibidi Toilet and a Silver Launcher Skibidi Toilet. Scientist 1337 tries to use his mech's Portable Laser Cannons on SWAT, only for the Mutant to deploy his Riot Shield and take cover behind a building. A Dual Buzzsaw Mutant Skibidi Toilet tries to ambush 1337 in his mech, only for the Camera Scientist to punch him and destroy him with his laser cannons. The Silver Launcher Skibidi Toilet tries to fire one of his rockets, which 1337 dodges, killing the toilet. Another Dual Buzzsaw Mutant manages to pounce on his mech, damaging the mech's tablet control screen and nearly decapitating 1337. Scientist Cameraman manages to kill him, only for the other Buzzsaw Mutant he killed earlier to suddenly get back up and try to ambush him. Luckily, he is once again killed by the lasers, reducing him to a burning corpse.

As 1337 surveys the scene, several Silver Launcher Toilets, Quadplex Airstrike Toilets, and two Troop Mutant Toilets close in on his mech. 1337 turns to his left to see two Armed Normal Cameramen firing on the SWAT Mutant Skibidi Toilet, who simply blocks the lasers using his Riot Shield. The SWAT Mutant easily bisects both Cameramen with his large sickle, even finishing one of them off with a head-stomp. Scientist 1337 tries to use his mech's lasers, only for the Mutant to easily overpower his defenses, destroying his mech's right arm and laser cannons. As the SWAT Mutant chuckles and prepares to finish off 1337, a large explosion suddenly knocks back SWAT, destroying his visor and leaving a prominent facial scar. Both Cameraman 1337 & SWAT turn to see an advanced Camera Strider Mech, who easily wipes out the surrounding Skibidi Toilets and Mutants with his Plasma Blaster Shots. SWAT tries to block the attacks with his Riot Shield as he flies off, only for his shield and right jetpack thruster to be destroyed, causing him to crash a fair distance from the Camera Mech and 1337.

As the Camera Strider looks in the direction the SWAT Mutant crashed, a large explosion suddenly hits the Strider, momentarily stunning him. The Strider fires his plasma shots in the direction of the explosion, which turned out to be a heavy artillery-mounted Bill Tank Skibidi Toilet, who simply grins as he fires his missiles and rockets at the Strider, seemingly overpowering him. The explosions and smoke clear to reveal the Camera Strider charging up his Plasma Lens and launching a very powerful orb projectile. The Bill Tank Skibidi Toilet screams the "AAAAAAAAAAUUGH!!" Snoring Meme Sound as he is destroyed by the plasma shot, along with the infamous stock metal pipe sound playing in the background. Seeing that the coast is clear, Scientist 1337 looks at the Strider and gives him a double thumbs-up of approval, to which the Strider nods.

1337 slowly walks over to where the SWAT Mutant crashed, with the Strider providing him cover against the approaching Skibidi units, along with the Scientist Cameraman tossing a Paper Toilet Grenade at a nearby Silver Launcher Toilet. As Cameraman 1337 uses his mech's remaining left arm to pick up the SWAT Skibidi Mutant's dropped sickle and use it to finish him off, SWAT raises his middle finger as a final act of defiance. Suddenly, a loud explosion and rumbling can be heard in the distance, with the SWAT Mutant chuckling at 1337 and running off. The Cameraman Scientist turns to the source of the noise, revealed to be an upgraded G-Toilet 4.0, who easily blasts his Camera Mech with his laser cannons. The Camera Strider attempts to fire on G-Toilet, who simply deploys his Holographic Shield to block the shots and fires his lasers, causing the Strider to crash. Shortly after, 1337's mech's controls begin to malfunction, signaling the mech's self-destruct sequence. Scientist 1337 jumps out just in time before the Mech explodes, with what's left of it being a pile of flaming scrap metal.

Hearing the Michael Jackson Skibidi Toilet's "hee-hee" laugh in the distance, 1337 sees the rest of the G-Squad flying past G-Toilet, including DJ Skibidi Toilet, Scientist Kleiner Toilet, and Buzzsaw Mutant Toilet, along with several Double Transporter Toilets carrying cargo crates that seemed to contain something very important to G-Toilet and Scientist Toilet's plan. We then see the Jetpack Welder Skibidi Toilet conversing with the G-Toilet, though we don't exactly understand what they are saying in the Skibidi language. G-Toilet says, "YES! YES!" in response as the Jetpack Welder prepares to fly off to meet the rest of the group. Suddenly, the upgraded Detainer Astro Toilet 2.0 warps in front of the Jetpack Welder Skibidi Toilet, who screams as the Detainer grabs and crushes him using his magnetic Detaining Claws. "You know the penalty for treason, Commander.", Detainer says, threatening G-Toilet as he tosses the Jetpack Welder's corpse at his face, "No one escapes justice!" Detainer then charges up his three Detaining Claws, while G-Toilet smirks and charges up his core and lasers, ready to fight.

Part 2: G-Toilet 4.0 fights Detainer Astro Toilet 2.0[]

Part 2 continues where we left off, with G-Toilet 4.0 firing a concentrated laser beam at the Upgraded Detainer Astro, who simply catches it and redirects it back at G-Toilet, who deploys his Holographic Shield. Detainer smiles and retracts his Detaining Claws, extending three long cables that fasten onto G-Toilet's shield, absorbing the energy from it. In response, G-Toilet uses his two large thrusters and backs off as the energized tendrils return to the Detainer, who chuckles and charges up his laser claws as G-Toilet deploys his Mechanized Integral HDVG Helmet. The two Toilets engage in a square off, with both of their concentrated laser beams slamming against each other in the middle and each trying to push back and forth to outmatch the other. Although G-Toilet appears to have the upper hand at first, he is slowly being pushed back by the laser strike as the Detainer spins his claws faster. At this, G-Toilet nods, giving the order to attack. Two Explosive Airplane Toilets crash into the Detainer from both sides, slightly damaging him. Irritated, the Astro Toilet pushes back G-Toilet's beam as he easily overpowers the other approaching Airplane Toilets flying behind him. Seeing that Detainer is distracted, G-Toilet fires his lasers as the Astro turns around, sending him crashing to the ground.

Slightly injured and bleeding profusely, Detainer gets up, battered and bruised from the attack. "Enough games!", he says, effortlessly dodging G-Toilet's laser attack. Detainer charges forward and punches G-Toilet twice, then rips off G-Toilet's left-most laser cannon. He then proceeds to remove G-Toilet's right-most laser and HDVG helmet, then grins sadistically as he grabs G-Toilet's head with his left claw while his other arm turns into a blade, preparing for the kill. Suddenly, the background shakes as G-Toilet, enraged, screams at the Detainer, the shockwave knocking him back. G-Toilet loudly screams as he fires his lasers and charges at the Astro, who temporarily retreats. G-Toilet then looks around for Detainer when suddenly, Detainer rams into him from the right, then the left, damaging his sunglasses and knocking them off. G-Toilet quickly deploys his Holographic Shield, which the Astro rams into, slightly disorienting his Static Warp Levitator and stunning him momentarily. G-Toilet once again fires his lasers as the Detainer once again flees the scene. Seemingly unbeknownst to the former Astro Commander, the Detainer had warped behind him and was readying for an ambush attack. G-Toilet smirks, sensing what Detainer is up to, then quickly turns and fires his head-mounted lasers, catching the Astro off-guard and headbutting him. G-Toilet fires his lasers again, but Detainer absorbs the lasers and throws back two energy orbs, knocking G-Toilet back and temporarily disabling his weapons. "Give up!" gloats the Detainer Astro Toilet, "It's over for you!" G-Toilet then utilizes his core to create a small orb, which proceeds to fly above him and past the Astro, executing a U-turn towards him. Detainer Astro easily catches the orb, throwing it back at G-Toilet. "That's all?!", he says. In response, G-Toilet generates two purplish- energy orbs for the Astro to catch. Overconfident, Detainer catches and absorbs the energy orbs, saying, "Pathetic!" Suddenly, the Astro's two claws that caught the orbs begin to malfunction, latching onto his head and beginning to crush him. Upon seeing this, G-Toilet laughs at the Astro's predicament, knowing his Batman Gambit worked. Detainer's left claw attempts to stab him in the head, forcing the Astro to chop it off using his upper claw. However, Detainer's right claw manages to stab his neck not long after, causing him to crash to the ground. The Astro gets back up, critically injured and almost destroyed, yet slowly cracking a smile. G-Toilet then grins evilly as he charges up his weapons and fires at the now-defenseless Astro.

Just when it seems that Detainer is about to be annihilated by the G-Toilet's laser onslaught, a large orange Hexagonal Holographic Shield appears, blocking the lasers and protecting the Detainer Astro from being destroyed. The shield then moves, revealing the owner to be a massive Juggernaut Astro Toilet wearing a Red Gas Mask and a Black Combat Helmet. The large Astro glares at the G-Toilet as he points his EMP Shockwave Cannon and fires a powerful energy orb at his Holographic Shield, temporarily disabling it and leaving him shocked and stunned by the impact. As the Astro moves in and prepares to finish him off, a series of small red projectiles hit the Astro, barely even fazing him. Juggernaut turns toward the source of the attack, revealed to be an Upgraded Titan Speakerman. The Astro once again fires his Shockwave Cannon, only for the Titan to easily dodge the projectile. However, the aftermath explosion from the orb creates a powerful shockwave that knocks Titan Speakerman to the ground. Turning around, Juggernaut quickly grabs the injured Detainer and warps away from the battlefield. Noticing G-Toilet, Titan Speakerman gets up and fires his red laser core at the Toilet, who blocks the attack using his shield. G-Toilet then turns to his left to see the Titan TV Man, who teleports into the scene and activates his red screen of death. Frightened, G-Toilet quickly retreats as the Titan tries to hit him with his Purple Energy-Sword but misses. "He will not escape this time", says TTVM to 1337 as Titan Speakerman chases after G-Toilet. "Are you ready, bro?", he says to Titan Cameraman. Removing the Acid Barrel Sprayer and replacing it with Detainer's fallen arm, Titan Cameraman nods in response, saying, "For Plunger." before flying off. 1337 sees Polycephaly and Scientist TV Man examining the Detainer's other claw. With Polycephaly kneeling beside it, Scientist TV Man says, "Get this b**ch to the lab.", to which Large TV Man comments,"This s**t is longer than our Titan's c**k!" Once again, D67 replies, "Confidential." with a ;) expression as he and Large TV Man teleport away with the Detainer arm. 1337 suddenly hears a noise in his distant left. Approaching the source, he comes across the Upgraded Camera Strider, who survived the crash, albeit badly damaged. He proceeds to give it a thumbs-up, with the screen cutting to black.

Lucky Cameraman arrest:[]

The scene then starts where we left off in the previous Season 23, with Lucky Cameraman alongside the other recovering Cameramen in the medical bay paying their respects and honors to the fallen Plungerman on the monitor screen. After giving a thumbs-up to Plungerman while being repaired, he then tries to leave the room, only to be accosted by Detective Cameraman, who orders two Armed Cameramen to arrest him. Finding himself in handcuffs and being placed under custody and investigation for his involvement with the Administrator, Lucky looks down on the floor and silently shakes his head in anger as the Detective leads him away.

Episode 73[]

Part 1:[]

The episode begins from Camerawoman's POV as she witnesses the death of Plungerman in Episode 70. She tries to reach out toward him, only for TV Woman to hold her back. Alongside Plungerman, we also hear Speakerwoman's soft sobs as she desperately tries to revive Knife Speakerman, to no avail. Plungerwoman tries to comfort her friend by placing her hand on her shoulder, only for Speakerwoman to aggressively swat it away. Plungerwoman watches as Plungerman's corpse slowly burns to a crisp. The playback on the camera feed pauses, transitioning to a recording of Episode 57, where Camerawoman sees TV Woman teleporting an injured Plungerman to the Cameramen Laboratory after he was crushed by the Infected Titan Speakerman. The recording then switches to Episode 52, where Plungerwoman is seen giving a thumbs-up of approval to Plungerman as they and their squad of Medic Cameramen are interrupted by an approaching group of Toilets. The tape changes once more, revealing Plungerman wearing a red tie back then, yet still carrying his iconic Plunger weapon. We then see that he and Camerawoman are hiding from the Infected Alliance Members and the Infected Titan Speakerman. The tape switches again, this time taking us to the secret Cameramen Laboratory, where we see Plungerwoman alongside Plungerman, Scientist 1337, and Titan Cameraman as he's being upgraded. Once more, the recording switches to the early days of the Skibidi Invasion, where Cameramen were still using their good old fisticuffs against the Skibidi Toilets. We see Plungerman giving a thumbs-up to Camerawoman, when suddenly, a large explosion is heard in the background. We then see the Fast Armored Skibidi Toilet sliding into action, with Lucky Cameraman running away as the Toilet charges towards Plungerman. The tape then switches one final time to a different time-period: Sept. 16, 1985, 10:30 am, where we see a female scientist wearing glasses adjusting a camera recording. She proceeds to give a double thumbs-up before joining her colleagues at an observational window, hinting that they were carrying out some sort of laboratory experiment. "Dave," she says to her partner on her right, "Look back." "Nah, I'm good", Dave replies, giving a thumbs-up to her, to which she replies, "Alright." "Okay, we're all set.", says the leftmost scientist wearing a white labcoat, "Proceed with Phase 1 Cathy." The camera then gets blinded out by the blue beam of light at the observational window as we hear Cathy say, "Opening gate..."

We cut back to the present as Camerawoman, now Plungerwoman, puts her tablet away before readying her dual Forearm-mounted bolt rifles and jumping off an aerial Camera transport vehicle into a nearby warzone within the Alpha-Hills Labs complex, killing a couple of Quad-Launcher Copter Toilets. As she falls from the sky, she sees her fellow Hardware-heads firing their laser weapons at a Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet standing over a bisected Large Cameraman and a Floral Medic Tied Cameraman. She then lands and kicks herself off the Strider Toilet's face, knocking his sunglasses off and dodging his attacks. Using her arm-guns, Plungerwoman shoots the Toilet's eyes, blinding him. As the Strider screams in pain and tries to lash out, she dodges the attacks then jumps on the Toilet. Taking out her spiked plunger, she bats the Toilet twice before stabbing him in the face with it. She then tosses two toilet paper grenades into his toilet bowl before jumping off, killing him. She then turns to the Floral Medic Tied Cameraman on the ground and offers her right arm out to help him back up, only for her and the Medic to realize that his left arm is missing. She extends her other hand, and the Medic proceeds to grab hold of it, managing to stand up. Several Dual Rocketeer Silver Toilets alongside a Quad-Launcher Copter fire explosives at the area around them. Plungerwoman quickly activates her Head Plasma Turret, targeting her enemies in red and shooting blue plasma beams at her targets, instantly destroying them. She then turns back to the injured Large Cameraman and Floral Medic Tied Cameraman, who both give her a thumbs-up. As she prepares to follow her two Armed Cameramen companions through the destroyed fence gate, the Upgraded Berserker Skibidi Mutant 2.0 suddenly ambushes one of the Cameramen with his shoulder lasers, then quickly grabs the other Cameraman, instantly crushing him to death. Seeing Plungerwoman, Berserker smiles and prepares to close in on her alongside two Jetpack Quad-Launcher Skibidi Toilets flying behind him. Suddenly, a loud explosion is heard as Berserker, noticing it, flies off with the two other Toilets looking shocked and horrified. The source, revealing itself to be the Quad-Laser Scientist Mech of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet, easily destroys the two Toilets with its three functioning laser cannons. Plungerwoman's tablet beeps, revealing the mech's pilot inside to be TV Woman herself, to which Plungerwoman does a thumb-up of approval. We then see four large Doublet Transporter Toilets flying past the scene. The Quad-Laser Mech proceeds to blast the cargo container crate of one of the transport Toilet units, causing him to drop it. Meanwhile, G-Toilet 4.0 enters. Seeing the hijacked Scientist's Mech, his expression suddenly goes from stoic to a sad and somber expression, realizing that his friend, the Scientist Toilet, whom he had entrusted to retrofit him with the necessary upgrades to counteract the Astros' possible threat of invasion, had been defeated by the Alliance. The Scientist Mech chuckles and fires his lasers at the G-Toilet, who blocks the attack using his Holographic Shield and rams into the mech, destroying one of its lasers. G-Toilet, in a calm but angry expression, fires his laser cannons at the mech, effectively destroying it. Seeing what happened, Plungerwoman, believing TV Woman was killed in the blast, flies over to one of the Doublet Transporter Toilets and tries to use her Head Plasma Turret on the left-most Toilet, with the shots hardly doing any damage. G-Toilet notices Plungerwoman and is about to use his lasers on her when suddenly, a large explosion is heard from the right, killing the right-most Toilet and sending the left-most Toilet meme screaming as he, alongside the cargo crate, crash sideways onto the ground. With a raised eyebrow, G-Toilet turns to see the Upgraded Titan Speakerman, who roars as he charges up his dual red plasma arm cannons. Alongside, we see Upgraded Titan Cameraman 2.0 fly into the scene with his Detainer arm. G-Toilet turns to his left and tries to flee, only for Upgraded Titan TV Man teleporting in, saying "There's nowhere to run!" "Fools!", G-Toilet says, "You have no idea what's coming!" Upgraded Titan TV Man simply responds; "Whatever is coming, you won't survive to see it!" G-Toilet then readies his weapons, face-to-face with the three most powerful members of the Alliance.

Part 2:[]

As G-Toilet charges up his lasers, he says, "For Scientist." Titan Speakerman and Titan Cameraman both fire their weapons at G-Toilet, who deploys his Holographic Shield as he turns to face Cinemaman and fires his lasers at the Titan's core. Absorbing the attack, Titan TV Man deploys his RSOD, saying, "I'm the last thing you will see." G-Toilet closes his eyes and unleashes a strange green orb from his core. It hits Upgraded Titan TV Man's core, slightly damaging and temporarily stunning him.

G-Toilet turns his attention to Titan Speakerman, who is blasting from his cannons,

G-Toilet blocks the blasts from his shield and unleashing the green orb from his core and hitting Titan Speakerman's core. Titan Cameraman takes one of G-Toilet's laser cannons while using his detaining claw, G-Toilet unleashes the purple-yellow orb from his core, but Titan Cameraman deflects it away while waving his index finger, G-Toilet blasts his laser cannons at Titan Cameraman, but G-Toilet looks back at Titan TV Man, Titan TV Man says, "Come here", and jumps right into G-Toilet, but G-Toilet dodges the jump.

Titan Cameraman throws the energy of G-Toilet's lasers into him, making him slightly damaged, G-Toilet laughs evilly, but Titan Speakerman goes behind G-Toilet, and destroying one of his jetpack turbines. G-Toilet takes one of Titan Speakerman's cannons off his attachment, Titan Speakerman blasts G-Toilet into the mouth and shots a beam from his core, but G-Toilet pushes him off, making Titan Speakerman scream in anger.

A Claw Helicopter Parasitic Skibidi Toilet comes behind Titan Speakerman, making him infected again. Titan Speakerman turns to Titan TV Man, who is saying, "You've got to be s**ting me", Titan Speakerman blasts his cannon at Titan TV Man, Titan TV Man turns his body 360 degrees and he uses his Energy Blade to make Titan Speakerman fall on the ground. Titan Cameraman grabs G-Toilet on the head while saying, "You're Mine", and slamming his head on the ground, Titan Cameraman now uses his shoulder cannons on G-Toilet while G-Toilet screams in pain, but the Berserker Skibidi Mutantcomes behind Titan Cameraman's neck and puts a bomb-like explosive and shoots a few shots from his laser cannons. Titan Cameraman slams the mutant toilet on the ground, making him lose one of his laser cannons, the mutant toilet flies away before Titan Cameraman could stomp on him.

The Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet comes out from the ground and grabs onto Titan Cameraman's leg, Titan Cameraman holds onto its head and explodes. The explosion made Titan Cameraman lose one leg and Plungerwoman's arm, G-Toilet emerges after burning and screams at Titan Cameraman, biting off one of Titan Cameraman's shoulder cannons, G-Toilet pushes off Titan Cameraman to the ground, Titan Cameraman grabs G-Toilet on the head while G-Toilet is singing the The Skibidi Dop Dop Yes Yes Song. G-Toilet blasts his lasers right at Titan Cameraman's core while laughing menacingly, Titan Speakerman comes back from the infection with his core overcharged, Titan Speakerman screams and stabs G-Toilet into his eye while blasting into his mouth, G-Toilet pushes Titan Speakerman off him, G-Toilet rams into Titan Speakerman's back and G-Toilet blasts his laser cannons at Titan Speakerman, Titan Speakerman blasts his speakers at G-Toilet, but G-Toilet screams back and blasts his laser cannons, making him push Titan Speakerman on the ground, G-Toilet bites both of Titan Speakerman's feet off his legs.

G-Toilet laughs evilly while Titan TV Man comes from behind, destroying one of his laser cannons, he utilizes his claws, but misses G-Toilet. G-Toilet yelps out, "WAIT, YOU NEED ME!" but Titan TV Man responds back saying, "Only your head", jumping back at G-Toilet, but G-Toilet dodges Titan TV Man's jump. Titan TV Man now says, "Now, die", he utilizes his red screen at G-Toilet, making him close his eyes in pain, one of the Double Transporter Skibidi Toilet tries to protect G-Toilet, but gets destroyed instantly. G-Toilet shouts, "NOOOOOOOO", and now saying, "I will survive", his upgrades detaches him and the containers gets onto G-Toilet's body, G-Toilet uses his shield to push Titan TV Man, and he flees from the battlefield. Titan TV Man rages and destroys some buildings with his blade and teleports away with purple thunderstorms

After Titan TV Man teleported away, Plungerwoman turns to Titan Cameraman with one leg, Titan Cameraman stands up and grabs one of G-Toilet's destroyed laser cannons to use as a walking stick. Titan Speakerman crawls towards Titan Cameraman, Titan Cameraman grabs Titan Speakerman with his Detaining Claw and puts him on his back, and they depart from the area. Black Camerawoman flies towards near the building and sees three Armed Cameramen walking towards the building, the Energized TV Man teleports near them and says, "Mind your own business", Black Camerawoman turns to her arm and it started bleeding, the Medic Cameraman runs towards Black Camerawoman's arm and heals it with his Utility Repair Device.

The Medic Cameraman gives a thumbs up to Black Camerawoman, then an axe gets thrown at his shoulder, a Dark Gray Mutant Skibidi Toilet appears injured and starts walking towards them. The mutant toilet was about to throw the other axe, but TV Woman teleports behind him, she stabs it with her dagger hands and uses her orange fire screen. TV Woman gives an unamused emoticon at Black Camerawoman, they hear gun shots in the distance, Black Camerawoman flies towards the noise of the gun shots and she shoots her blaster at the two Dual Gun Skibidi Toilets and she uses her spiked plunger at a Hexa-Claw Skibidi Toilet and shoots one more with her blaster, she starts walking towards the door near her.

Black Camerawoman tries to open the door, but it was locked, she kicks the door open and a group of people shoots their guns at her. A soldier says, "Wait, stop blasting!" and one of them says, "It's not one of them", the soldier says, "You're an ally, right?" Black Camerawoman gives a thumbs up to them.

A few cameraman are seen enjoying the sunset at the Alpha Hills Engineering Center. Then, G-Toilet arrives but gets confronted by Titan TV Man who teleports to the scene. After a few seconds of fighting and disabling his shield, G-Toilet successfully evades him.

Third Episode[]

The episode starts at the end of Episode 73, where we see the Chief Scientist Cameraman putting a camera on the Energized TV Man. The scientist is accompanied by Armed Cameramen, Armed Speakermen, and two Camera Drones.

The Energized TV Man teleports through the front doors of the laboratory and turns around to face two Laser Guardian Skibidi Toilets to mind control them. He rides on one of the toilets towards another set of doors before teleporting through it where we see a scientist toilet with lasers on the other side. The Energized TV Man goes through and reflects the beams back at the scientist toilet before severing his head with teleportation smoke and using it for facial recognition to open doors. Once the door is open, the mind controlled toilets move into the base and start attacking their fellow toilets while Energized TV Man opens the front door for the Camera Drones, Armed Cameraman, Armed Speakerman and Chief Scientist Cameraman. The Energized TV Man flies back into the toilet base and uses the head in his hand to open another set of doors. The doors open to reveal a room with destroyed bits of camera and speakermen scattered across the floor with Scientist Speakerman, a Normal Speakerman, Brown Coated Cameraman, and another cameraman still alive, albeit all suffering damage.

The camera turns left, and we see that the mind controlled laser guardian toilets cleared out the area and only one survived with heavy damage. The remaining toilet goes towards TV Man to seek his affection, but while Energized TV Man rubs his face telling him he did good, the toilet snaps out of his mind control. Energized TV Man immediately kills the toilet by slashing him across the face with his arm blades. The camera turns straight and Energized TV Man again puts the head against the scanning pad, opening the doors to a group of humans being brainwashed by music playing in a room with a record player and speakers. After Energized TV Man destroyed the record player, a brain washed human approaches him reaching his arm out towards TV Man. He kills the man with one punch and then tells two Armed Cameramen with flamethrowers to burn everyone else because their brains are rotten.

As Energized TV Man leaves, the camera zooms in to see Brown Coated Cameraman carried by an Armed Cameraman to the container brought by Large TV Man. At this time, TV Woman also teleports onto the scene. The Brown Coated Cameraman in the container drops a photo of TV Woman and reaches his arms out towards TV Woman before the container doors shut and it is teleported away. The camera pans right and we see a photo of what appears to be a blueprint for a G-man Toilet mech on the wall. Energized TV Man looks down and sees a photo of G-toilet mech wreaking havoc with text scribbled on the page. The POV grabs the photo and starts teleporting to the TV Men Laboratory, where we see something behind the Scientist TV Man.

Then the Scientist sees the camera on the Energized TV man and tells the Energized TV Man to turn it off. The camera turns to static and zooms out showing the POV of a cameraman using their Tablet. Finally, they see the Titans Trio, with Titan TV Man revealing that he had found the recording from the other Cameraman and started connecting into the recording. We see DJ Toilet getting repaired while also seeing the SWAT Skibidi Mutant, Berserker Skibidi Mutant and a Buzzsaw Mutant. We also see the Michael Jackson Skibidi Toilet, and finally we see G-Toilet saying that their going after looking at G-Toilet.

The Mutants start noticing the POV and the SWAT Mutant strolls over to the POV, and the POV runs from the SWAT Mutant. We see the Buzzsaw Mutant again looking at the POV, and when he looks back, the SWAT Mutant starts screaming at him, and then the recording stops.

After that, the Titans are ready for battle, and to end the war. When Titan TV Man is about to teleport, the Scientist TV Man teleports to where the Cameramen were and says "NO, BRING THEIR LEADER TO OUR BASE, ALIVE". Upgraded Titan TV Man upon hearing this, starts screaming and blurts "ARE YOU INSANE" The Scientist TV man says "We need to understand the full picture... Before it's too late." The Cameraman starts looking at the tablet, but it then switches.

The camera turns, and a flying toilet with a static warp levitator ends up killing the POV. Then the camera zooms out from the tablet then we see the Overseer Astro Toilet dodging all of Titan Cameraman lasers and Titan TV Man's red death screen, and then it goes away. But the ambush continues to get worse when it backs up a little, and then the Cameraman sees a multitude of Astro Toilets, ranging from the Fighter Astro Toilet, the Annihilator Astro Toilet, the Destroyer Astro Toilet and a Mothership Astro Toilet, and they begin to attack the Titans.

Titan Cameraman slams into an Astro Toilet in order to distract them, yet when Titan Speakerman tries to help Titan Cameraman, Titan TV Man restrains him and tells him, "I CANT LOSE BOTH OF YOU", and teleports away along with an army of Alliance members are attempting to escape from the massacre, but unfortunately, two of armed cameraman did not manage to survive. With a glitching screen, the POV looks at the Overseer Astro Toilet. The POV soon burns to death, ending the episode.


