“ | astro toilet invasion forcing skibidi toilets to form a new union with alliance, although nothing is too simple | ” |
Skibidi toilet - season 25 (all episodes) is a compilation of episodes ranging from Episode 75 up to Episode 77.
Extra Scenes: 1, 2, 3 & 4[]
Plungerwoman's flashback:[]
The episode begins with Plungerwoman getting her left arm repaired by Floral Tied Medic Cameraman and a Physician Cameraman analyzing results on a nearby machine. As she sits in silence reflecting, a voice suddenly calls out to her from the darkness. "Cathy?" "Cat... Cat..." "Cathy?" Dave says, walking up to her while holding a crowbar. “Are you okay?” he says, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Dave?" asks Cathy, bewildered. "You don't look good." he says. "I-I'm fine.", says Cathy. “Can you get up?" he asks, "You were unconscious. Something terrible happened... We need to get out of here... as soon as we can…” When then see Cathy/Plungerwoman's consciousness temporarily leave her real body, as if she was reliving the events that transpired from her memories. "You think it was the Grand Experiment?" Cathy asks as Dave forces a malfunctioning security door open using his crowbar. “Whole system overloaded…", Dave says, "Only one thing could cause this...” As the two scientists exit the room into the main corridor, a logo of ‘Secret Trinity Association of Research’ can be seen on a nearby wall. The hall is eerily quiet, shrouded in darkness, with nobody else present, save for an emergency alarm blaring in the background. “Not good…” Dave comments. "Is this blood?!" Cathy asks, horrified. Ignoring Cathy's question, Dave continues further ahead. “Wait!” Cathy says as she checks around the corner to ensure that the coast is clear, “Where is everybody?” “Either left… Or stuck somewhere…” Dave answers. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream can be heard from the far-right side of the hallway. Dave points his finger to the other side. “Look…" he says, "Other part of facility is still powered… See if you can find the others... Try to contact the surface.” “And what about you?” Cathy says, clearly concerned about his safety. “I’ll go to the test chamber and find out what the hell happened!” Dave resolutely replies, picking up another crowbar and dual wielding both weapons in his iconic Plungerman pose. "Wait." Cathy insisted, "Let's be reasonable, okay? What if it's dangerous?" “You heard it.", Dave says as he gathers his courage and resolve to go towards the left corridor. "Someone may be in trouble. I’m not leaving anyone behind. I don’t care if it’s dangerous or not…” “I care.” Cathy says. "Don't worry about me." Dave looks back and smiles, "I'll be okay. I promise." As Dave walks away from Cathy, the flashback ends, cutting back to reality as we see Plungerman's corpse being slowly wheeled to the laboratory by a Physician Cameraman, with the Detective Cameraman monitoring closely. A Camera Offline TV is seen mounted to a wall with the label ‘TITAN’ along with some very distressed Cameramen can be seen from Plungerwoman’s POV.
Scientists' autopsy on Plungerman's memories & TCM's disappearance:[]
In the Cameramen Laboratory, we see Detective Cameraman and a few other Physician Cameramen attempting to dissect Plungerman's burnt corpse for information regarding the Administrator's identity. A mechanical tentacle and buzzsaw emerge from the ceiling and descend down to dissect Plungerman. However, as soon as the tentacle reaches inside Plungerman’s upper half, all the equipment in the room begins to short-circuit and malfunction from the Administrator's powers. Detective Cameraman proceeds to leave, with the sliding door opening reveal a distraught Plungerwoman. Meanwhile, in the TV Men laboratory, Titan Speakerman can be heard roaring in anguish over the disappearance of Titan Cameraman, whose camera feed appears to be offline. Titan TV Man comforts him, saying he needs to be repaired and upgraded as he presumably teleports TSM to the Speakermen Laboratory as the screen cuts to black.
Obliterator Astro Toilet finishes POV-Cameraman (Episode 75 prologue):[]
The scene then cuts to the damaged lens of a crippled Cameraman POV in Detroit, USA. Seeing the corpses of his fellow Cameramen amidst the burning rubble, he desperately tries to crawl and reach out to them, only for an Obliterator warping over to the scene with his visor equipped to notice him, letting out a low menacing chuckle before firing a plasma shot, finishing him off. The POV zooms out from a tablet held by 1K34 Cameraman, starting Episode 75.
Episode 75[]
This episode opens with a scene of cataclysmic destruction, with Astro Toilets annihilating a city. Camera Attack Helicopters attempt to strike at an elite-ranked Carrier Astro Toilet to cover their peers' retreat. In response, the Carrier deploys his Holographic Shield and releases a squadron of four Interceptors, who easily destroy the retreating helicopters. The POV-Cameraman pans down to his side, revealing him and his fellow Cameramen hiding in a dark warehouse, cowering and losing hope. The POV hears an explosion and peers outside from the shutter, spotting an approaching group of Toilets from the right, including several Mutants and a Strider. A trio of Interceptors confront them before grinning at each other, readying their blasters. The Skibidi Toilets have a moment to look nervous before they're annihilated by the waiting Interceptor Astro Toilets, confirming the Skibidi Toilets are truly in a state of civil war.
The POV and his group then notice several Skibidi Toilets hiding in the warehouse alongside them, one of which is revealed to be a Female Skibidi Mutant. He then turns to one of his fellow Cameramen, who responds with a shrug of confusion. As the Interceptors fly off, a commotion is heard in the distance, revealed to be a Scout Astro Toilet resembling a mini-Juggernaut fighting several Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilets on the rooftops. This Scout Astro Toilet suddenly notices the Cameraman and his group, causing them to scramble back, close the shutter, and ready their weapons, expecting him to break through the door. He suddenly flanks them from the left through the wall, proceeding to tear apart the small Cameramen squad with his claws and lasers, all while being too fast and tough for them to track and fire upon it. The Large Cameraman blasts his rocket launcher at the Scout's helmet before his head is ripped off, slightly damaging the Astro's left eyehole. The POV-Cameraman attempts to blast the Scout Astro Toilet, only to be shot out of the air, losing his laser firearm in the process.
"NOW, YOU WILL DIE!", says the Scout Astro Toilet as he prepares to kill the POV. Suddenly, one of the Skibidi Toilets outfitted with grenade launchers alongside a laser-cannon wielding Blue-beret Cameraman blasts him from behind with their weapons. The Scout Astro Toilet is ambushed by these new opponents and fights back, killing a Laser Soldier Skibidi Toilet who destroys his Double Plasma Cyber-Claws. Then one of his Astro Destruction Lasers is blown off by a nearby Balaclava Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet, with the POV-Cameraman getting a shot in, tossing a Toilet Paper Grenade when his back is turned, with the explosion mildly stunning him and knocking off his other Astro Destruction Laser. Enraged, the now battered-looking Scout Astro Toilet swings his arm at the POV, who dodges, only to be jumped on and stabbed in the head by the Female Skibidi Mutant with one of his Cyber-Claws. As the Mutant attempts to fire at the Scout Astro Toilet's nape, he throws her down as the POV Cameraman uses his paralyzer rifle. Then the Buzzsaw Soldier Strider Skibidi Toilet with Sergeant Cameraman jumps on the Scout Astro Toilet and implants an explosive device at the back of his helmet. The Scout Astro Toilet manages to grab the two and throw them off shortly before the bomb explodes, blowing his helmet clean off and revealing a very damaged head with animal ears. The Female Skibidi Mutant flies up and clings to the Scout Astro Toilet, blasting through his head with her laser, finally putting him down for good.
The POV-Cameraman looks to his left to reveal an odd duo between Sergeant Cameraman and Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet, smoking together and seemingly at ease with one other. The duo considers the POV-Cameraman for a moment before a rumbling has everyone glancing to the roof, hearing the arrival of a very large Astro Toilet. "WHERE ARE YOU, SON?", he says, "I DONT SEE YOU ON MY RADARS!" Sergeant Cameraman and Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet, pick up one of Scout's Plasma Claws, while the Female Mutant Skibidi Toilet, carrying the Scout's Astro Destruction Laser on her back, tells the POV, "Follow me, if you wanna live!" As the group rushes towards the opening in the back of building, concealed by a cargo container. The voice from outside is heard saying, "WHERE ARE YOU?" Before the POV makes it far, a much louder rumbling shakes the room, revealed to be the Juggernaut Astro Toilet as he says, "I CAN SEE YOU THROUGH WALLS!" before he rips the roof clean off. As he prepares to blast them, he pauses, surprised and seemingly distraught as sees the very damaged Scout Astro Toilet reaching an arm up. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet is clearly heartbroken, saying "What...?" The Juggernaut Astro Toilet then roars in anger, punching the ground so hard, the POV Cameraman is knocked outside the building by the resulting shockwave. The POV then gets up, noticing the chair facing him, when the Female Skibidi Mutant suddenly sprints and flies up, grabbing him and taking off. They make it a fair distance before a loud explosion suddenly rocks the frame. The Female Mutant Skibidi Toilet has a moment to look shocked before she and the POV are both blasted out of the sky by the Juggernaut's EMP Shockwave Cannon.
The POV-Cameraman and the Female Mutant Skibidi Toilet have survived, being dug out of the rubble by Sergeant Cameraman and Buzzsaw Soldier Skibidi Toilet, both of whom are smoking. There are also a few survivors seen; a Speakerman, a Cameraman missing his left forearm, and Garry Newman Skibidi Toilet. In the horizon, a Carrier Astro Toilet can be seen annihilating an entire city district. The POV-Cameraman turns to the Female Mutant, smoking a cigarette, then at the direction they fled from, giving her a thumbs up. The Female Mutant smirks and winks at the POV, ending the episode.
Extra Scenes: 5 & 6[]
The Rescued Humans:[]
The second extra scene begins with the Female Officer, one of the rescued survivors from episode 73, holding a portrait of herself and her sister. The officer explains that her sister was a national guard before the war, and that she couldn't find her at Alpha-Hills. Having zero knowledge of where her sister currently at, the officer doesn’t know if she is still alive or not. Another rescued survivor sitting beside her offhandedly comments, "Damn that's horrible. But I didn't ask." The POV zooms to the right, showing a Cameraman sitting beside a human woman, trying to act normal, emphasis on "trying". He attempts to drink coffee and talk with her, but since he doesn’t have a mouth, he just spills the coffee on his clothes and gives her an awkward thumbs-up. Meanwhile, Chef Cameraman is seen offering a dish he cooked to another human survivor. He takes a sniff and says, "Smells like sh*t bro. I ain't eatin' all that! Let me cook.", as Chef Cameraman looks down and spills the contents of the plate on the floor. Nearby, a rescued survivor exits a blue bathroom stall after using the toilet while holding a Plunger. “Hehe, that was a tough one,” he says in a friendly tone as he approaches another Armed Normal Cameraman and gives the plunger back, “Last time I tried to use toilet - it almost killed me!” The Armed Cameraman looks at the plunger and seems distraught, as if he is reminiscing memories of Plungerman. "Why are you looking like that?", says the human, unaware of Plungerman, "It's just a plunger." Other human survivors have gathered in the locker room alongside the POV, who is revealed in the bathroom mirror to be a Cat Maid Cameraman. Black smoke appears, signifying the entrance of Scientist TV Man/D67 and Brown Speakerman, who attaches a translator device to allow D67 to talk normally while interrogating one of the human scientists. He then asks if any other human scientists worked at Alpha Hills, to which one of the human scientists next to the POV raises his hand. Scientist TV Man tells the human scientist to walk towards him, only for Detective Cameraman to enter. He puts his hand on the human’s shoulder, reassuring the survivor and telling D67 to remain silent. Unfortunately, this makes Scientist TV Man upset. “Know your place!” D67 says as he slams the Detective to the wall, to which the Detective responds by pulling out his plasma revolver at Scientist TV Man’s monitor. Brown Speakerman manages to break up the fight before it escalates. Scientist TV Man asks an Armed Cameraman, "Have you analyzed every survivor?", to which the Cameraman nods. "Then tell me...what the hell is that?!" The entire group suddenly shifts their attention to the left, revealing that one of the human survivors has turned into a Skibidi Mutant, complete with a toilet bowl around his neck. One of the Armed Cameramen tries to utilize his laser cannon on the Mutant, who effortlessly dodges his attacks with remarkable acrobatic performance. "Stop it! I came here to speak on behalf of my peoples. In these hard times... We must seize the opportunity to form a new union. Time to bury the hatchet! Don't you think?" he says, grinning audibly. There is a long silence as the group of Humans and Alliance members stare in disbelief at what they just saw and heard.
Lucky Cameraman interrogation:[]
The scene starts near Alpha-Hills Labs as the POV-Lucky Cameraman watches the battle between Skibidi Toilets & Alliance Members, similar to the one from Episode 66. This is suggested by the fact that there is the injured Brave Large Speakerman and a Large Cameraman who throws away his rockets and charges at the toilet. The POV is then ambushed by a Hexaclaw Skibidi toilet, who stabs him multiple times and easily overwhelms him. Suddenly, a spear pierces through the toilet's head. The POV turns to the right, revealing The Administrator who slaps the toilet away, with the toilet exploding in the distance. "Hello again.", says The Administrator after helping Lucky get up, "Their leaders are hiding inside my facility. They stole our technologies! I’M ANGRY! My anger is immeasurable.", he says, stomping on the floor with a cartoonish "BONK!" sound as if he overexaggerated himself. "They think they’re safe inside. They’re wrong! This device is my personal master key. It opens every door; grants access to Any. Computer. Inside. I can't do a lot from here, but I'm sure your army can handle this. Good luck." The POV then zooms out from a computer attached to Lucky Cameraman's head, who is in the interrogation room with Detective Cameraman & White-shirted Interrogator Cameraman. Lucky Cameraman tries to point out that The Administrator is an ally, but Detective Cameraman looks at White-shirted Cameraman, who doesn't buy Lucky's trick, and orders the POV to watch him before leaving the room. As Detective Cameraman exits, we see Cameramen Troops shipping in Astro Equipment. Lucky then asks to be freed but the POV denies him this, causing him to look down in disappointment.
Episode 76[]
Part 1[]
The Episode begins with the POV Cameraman in New York witnessing a battalion of heavily armed toilets and striders blasting their lasers and rockets at an Astro Obliterator, who chuckles and fires his Plasma Emitters at them. From behind, a Superman Skibidi Toilet equipped with acid barrels ambushes the Obliterator, effectively disarming him as he is killed by a concentrated laser strike to the head. A Destructor Astro Toilet flies in, saying, "HOW DARE YOU RESIST?! TRAITOROUS SCUM!", as he easily annihilates the group with his Plasma Emitters & Astro Destruction Lasers. Fleeing the scene alongside 2 Normal Cameramen, the POV sees a Penta-Laser Strider Toilet walking alongside a flying Acid Jet Skibidi Toilet. A large explosion & screaming can be heard from behind as the POV & his companions hide in an abandoned warehouse, with a Medium Normal Skibidi Toilet seen on fire in the bridge in the distance while an Astro Interceptor flies past alongside a Camera Helicopter crashing behind the bridge. An Armored Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet, featuring a thousand-yard stare, approaches from the right. There is a long silence as the POV points his rocket launchers at the toilet who suddenly looks in the direction he fled from. Suddenly, a Troop Astro Toilet rams into him, killing/knocking him out instantaneously. The POV quickly blasts his rockets at the Astro Troop, who simply deploys his face shield. The Astro reveals his face, smiling menacingly as he charges his blasters at the POV. The Astro is then hit with a laser on the side of his helmet, and as he looks up, he screams in horror as he is crushed by the Eli Vance Skibidi Toilet. The POV points his rocket launchers at the toilet, with one his companions using his Paralyzer Rifle as the Toilet slightly winces. An Orange Shirted Cameraman stands up and gestures that the toilet is an ally, with the Toilet smiling and chuckling as he speeds off into the rain. The POV turns to his fellow Cameraman, who shrugs & does a "What?" gesture. A large explosion is heard on the POV's left, where we see a squad of Skibidi Toilets and Cameramen escaping from a Troop Astro Toilet. As the Troop Astro fires his laser blasters at the fleeing squad, the POV blasts his rocket launcher at the Astro, which only sets the Astro on fire. The Troop then fires a shot at the POV, who dodges it as his fellow Cameraman uses his paralyzer laser to stun the Astro. The POV throws his rocket launcher away, punches the Troop, removes his helmet, stabs him with a knife, and rips off his left laser cannon. A beeping sound is heard as the Astro Troop suddenly comes back to life. In response, the POV charges up his new laser cannon. The Astro Troop then rams into the POV as he is blasted, knocking him on the ground. "Time...to die" says the Troop does as he prepares to finish the POV off. A red laser is suddenly fired at the Astro, finishing him off for good.
The POV sees an Armed Large Cameraman with blue lens carrying a Portable Laser Cannon and a holographic shield generator. No t long after, LLC charges his Portable Laser Cannon and turns around, firing his laser and injuring an approaching Astro Trooper. Four More Troop Astro Toilets appear, to which the Armed Large Cameraman deploys his holographic shield as the Troops fire their blasters. One of the Troops flies up, trying to fire over the shield. LLC tries to fire his laser cannon, but misses, while the POV-Cameraman blasts the Astro with his weapon, slightly damaging him. A rumble is heard in the distance as all the Troops back to the side, with a Strider Astro Toilet sliding into the scene. He charges up his cyber-blaster cannon and hits the shield, easily deactivating it, with the rest of the Astros grinning as the Strider prepares to finish off the duo. Suddenly, a repaired and upgraded Camera Strider approaches the Strider and the Troops from behind in the opposite direction, with the group realizing they are screwed. The Camera Strider easily blasts several of the Troops and the Strider with his plasma cannons. Two Astro Troops try to attack the Strider Camera, who easily jumps and crushes them. Meanwhile, the Damaged Astro Strider screams as the Camera Strider charges up its lens blast effectively destroying him. The Camera Strider's hatch opens up, revealing the Black Tied Scientist Cameraman.
Part 2[]
Not long after, two Nornal TV Men teleport into the scene to retrieve the Astro Troops & Astro Strider Corpses. We also see TV Woman with a sad emoticon, clearly upset on how the TV Men were being ungrateful and disrespectful to the Cameramen despite their sacrifices. The POV Cameraman turns around and sees another TV Man retrieving an Astro Toilet corpse, only for the TV Man to flash his screen at him and say, "STAY BACK! Samples first", before teleporting away. We then see an Armless Cameraman looking at another Cameraman wielding an Anti-Parasite Gun.
Picking up his shield, the Armed Large Cameraman tells the POV Cameraman to come forward as he pulls out a Tablet, showing Polycephaly evacuating the remaining Alliance members, saying, "Move, imbeciles! Before they find us again!" LLC gestures that the evacuation point is on the other side of the bridge and says that the POV and his group can still make it. A Large Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet armed with lasers alongside a Silver-Skibidi Mutant and Cameraman approaches the duo, apparently deciding to let the POV hitch a ride. The POV Large Cameraman picks up the Armless Cameraman and the Cameraman wielding the Anti-Parasite Gun, throwing them onto the Toilet before he gets on, Suddenly, more Troop Astros notice the group and fire their blasters at the group. However, the Repaired Camera Strider and Laser Large Cameraman hold them off and divert the rest away from the Toilet-Cameraman group. Proceeding in the opposite direction, the group heads through the ruined city streets as more Astro Troops attack them until they reach the main bridge, with them picking up a Cameraman on the way. On the bridge, Astro Troops try to attack the group but they are defeated by a mysterious green object. After crossing the bridge, a large metal object in the shape of a drill suddenly falls from the sky and implants into the ground, revealing an Itinerant Astro Toilet who fires at the group using his Plasmatic Core. The group narrowly dodge the plasma blast, only for another fast-moving projectile to destroy the bridge and hit them from the side, knocking the Camera POV out.
As the POV Cameraman regains consciousness, he looks back and sees the injured Large Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet and one of the surviving Cameraman get annihilated by another Impactor in the distance. He also sees a slightly damaged Destructor Astro Toilet on fire and another Impactor, who close in on the group. The remaining squad attempts to flee, only for another grinning Impactor to appear in front of them from the nearby forest, along with an Obliterator Astro Toilet. The POV then sees some terrified Cameramen nearby, hiding in fear from the Astros. As soon as the Silver Mutant Skibidi Toilet throws away his weapon and resigns to his fate, he gets pulled by the Astro Duchess, who then crushes him to death. The Cameraman to the right of POV gives him a stoic thumb up before being pulled and smashed into a bloody pulp against a rocket-wielding Skibidi Toilet. The POV Cameraman tries to fire his weapon, only for the Duchess' claws to easily disarm him and pull him in. The Duchess proceeds to smugly smile as she sadistically tears the POV's limbs and lower body apart as he flips her off. "There's nothing you can do.", she says, speaking in the Skibidi language.
A flying injured Jetpack Balaclava Laser Toilet appears from behind the Duchess. He attacks her in an attempt to save the POV, but the Duchess easily deploys her Hexagonal Force-Field, displays an unnerving slasher smile, and screams very loudly as easily annihilates the toilet to a bloody pulp with her eye and mouth lasers. Overseer Astro Toilet flies in and reports that the Astro Toilet squad chasing Titan Cameraman went missing, and that their communications were tampered. He then asks if she would want to join his investigation, to which she complies, saying that she has a promise to keep. "Proceed with the Plan!". Overseer says in Skibidi before flying off. Duchess then throws the POV Cameraman on the ground and flies off, but not before mockingly winking at him. As the POV's body combusts, he sees a Carrier Astro Toilet warship in the distance turn the city he was escaping from into rubble. 'Camera Offline' shows on the screen and zooms out from a monitor in the Cameraman base, revealing that the ENTIRE footage was recorded, and that the Cameramen, including Plungerwoman alongside Floral Tied Medic Cameraman, saw the TV Men heartlessly leave their troops to die in favor of extracting the Astro Toilet corpses for research. A TV Man drops off a Troop Astro corpse for them to analyze, saying, "Analyze this, thoroughly." Enraged, Plungerwoman throws a monitor at the TV Man, with Fred and another Cameraman throwing an office desk at the TV Man and flipping him off. With a -_- Emoticon Face, the TV Man calmly, but angrily says, "You will regret it." before teleporting away. Then the Chief Scientist Cameraman scratches his head and does a "What now?" gesture. Everyone looks at Plungerwoman, who grabs Plungerman's spiked metal plunger and shakes her head in anger, with the camera cutting off, ending the episode.
Episode 77[]
Prologue: Titan TV Man's Plan[]
The prologue takes place before the events of Part 1 in the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. The surviving Skibidi Toilets and Alliance Members from the Astros' attack in Episodes 76-77 have arrived to seek refuge at the Hidden Cameramen Laboratory. "Hey...", says the Female Skibidi Mutant approaching the POV-Cameraman, "Your comrades..." "You did not bother saving them..." "Without our help, they would die." She later puts her arm around the POV's shoulders and says, "Now, lil bro... your base, is our base ;)" and smirks. The POV suddenly changes, with the Titan TV Man and Scientist TV Man disagreeing with each other's statements. "DUMB B*TCH.", said TTVM, "WHY ARE WE ALLYING WITH THE SH*THEADS?" The POV Camera switches to Khabarovsk, Russia, where we see an Obliterator Astro Toilet flying past a ruined building with a Troop Astro Toilet following closely behind. The POV turns to the right to see a Russian Cameraman and Ushanka Combatant Skibidi Toilet hiding from the Astro Toilets. The Russian Cameraman is holding a bottle of vodka before taking it to his flashlight and "drinks" it, resulting in the vodka spilling all over his clothes. After finishing, the Russian Cameraman, the Ushanka Combatant Skibidi Toilet, and the POV-Cameraman ready their laser weapons as the same Troop Astro Toilet referenced earlier notices the POV's group, with the POV changing again. The ongoing conversation between the Titan TV Man and Scientist TV Man can be heard, with Titan TV Man continuing, "ARE WE THIS DESPERATE?" The Scientist TV Man replies with, "This is necessary..." "If we want to survive..." "We must organize a meeting with their hiding leader." "He knows something that can help us!" The POV then shifts to Amsterdam, Netherlands, where a Cameraman and numerous Alliance members, including a Green Suited Speakerman, are evading the Astro Toilets through the city streets, which are on fire and in chaos. While escaping energy projectiles, an Astro Carrier can also be seen hovering above the city. The conversation between the Titan TV Man and Scientist TV Man continues, with Titan TV Man replying, "ONLY THING I'M ORGANIZING IS HIS FUNERAL." "HOW CAN YOU TRUST HIM?" The POV then changes to Birmingham, United Kingdom, where the POV-Cameraman is holding a paralyzer rifle while looking at the burning corpse of a Speakerman, bisected in half. The POV moves away, looks at his surroundings and the sky for a moment, and walks toward a dark alleyway while surveying the carnage of Skibidi Toilet and Alliance member corpses around him. The POV notices a Specialist Astro Toilet, which he fires his weapon at as the Specialist cloaks himself, turning invisible. Suddenly, unbeknownst to the POV-Cameraman, the Specialist ambushes the POV from the right side of the screen and bisects him with his Star Saber, the POV falls to the ground before engulfing in flame, dying. The Titan TV Man and Scientist TV Man continue in this part, "AFTER ALL THE GENOCIDE..." "You've seen what the invaders can do..." "Weakest units..." "Wipe out entire legions!" "They kill everything in their way..." "Do you think we have a choice?" "WE DO." The POV changes to Osaka, Japan, where the Samurai Cameraman sits on top of a roof. The POV looks down to see other remaining survivors, including two Speakermen, a single Cameraman in the back, a Samurai Skibidi Toilet wielding another katana, and a Large Cameraman grabbing an Astro Laser Blaster from a dead Troop Astro Toilet. The POV looks around his surroundings, and after looking a few moments, another Troop Astro Toilet appears. The POV charges up his Astro Laser Blaster, shooting the Troop as he turns around, before the POV changes. The conversation plays throughout the scene: "ACQUIRE BIGGER SAMPLES." "DEVELOP STRONGER UPGRADES." "JUST LIKE BEFORE." "This is not just like before..." The Surveillance POV changes to Alaska, USA, showing the TV Men's Laboratory location. The camera switches from a snowy mountainous landscape to a snowy forest, then turns slightly before showing the last POV. Both TV Men are heard saying, "Our advantage is being underground and in secrecy..." "But we have to be cautious and slow..." "If they find us, access our technology..." "This will be the end of our world..." The POV switches one last time to Halifax, Canada, showing the POV looking up to see an Astro Obliterator, an Astro Destructor, and a standard-ranking Impactor Astro Toilet, darting their gazes around the burning city, the three Astro Toilets then look at the POV, as Titan TV Man finishes off their conversation with, "OUR WORLD HAS ALREADY ENDED." "IT'S THEIRS NOW." The POV shifts to Denver, USA, where Plungerwoman and her small squad of Cameramen 3.0 are preparing to fight the Astros.
Short (Snippet of Prologue)[]
The short begins in Denver, USA, where Cameramen 3.0 alongside a Troop Astro Toilet corpse can be seen. An Armored Camera Van passes by, and the POV of the Cameraman 3.0 turns to the front, showing multiple Cameramen 3.0, Large Cameramen 3.0, Orbital Cameras, Camera Battle Drones, a Camera Strider, and a Plasma Camera Car firing at Astro Troops in the distance. Titan TV Man can be heard saying, "THAT IS NOT ENOUGH POWER..." THEY'VE LOST THEIR GUIDANCE, MARCHING TO THEIR IMMINENT DEATH". As the POV zooms out, we see it being recorded from the Ceiling TVs, with Titan TV Man monitoring a Tablet of the current invasion with the Scientist TV Man and a Normal TV Man. Titan TV Man angrily calls out the Scientist TV Man for his decision to prioritize gathering Astro Toilet corpses over rescuing their fellow Alliance members. "ARE WE GOING TO STAY HERE AND WATCH THEM DIE?" TTVM asks. Scientist TV Man calmly says, "It takes sacrifice to achieve progress..." as he attempts to take a "sip" of coffee, spilling it on his shirt and lab coat. He then follows up with, "Better safe than sorry... I learned it the hard way..." Titan TV Man is furious and snaps at him, saying, "YOU IMBECILE!" "SOON NO PLACE WILL BE SAFE.", before tapping the head of a TV Man to further his point. The Scientist TV Man counters the argument, "Speakermen were preparing their armada this whole time..." he reassures, "They'll come. Just give them time! Moment, you get out, they'll send their strongest against you!" Titan TV Man responds with, "THAT... IS MY PLAN." The POV-cameraman then zooms in on the TV Screen again, cutting to black as the Titan TV Man says a final sentence: "EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE TODAY."
Part 1: G-Squad Joins the Alliance[]
The episode begins with Laser Large Cameraman (POV) & Scientist Cameraman 1337 piloting the Upgraded Camera Strider in Denver, Colorado, hiding underwater from the Astro Toilets as an Astro Interceptor flies overhead. As soon as it passes by, both Cameramen begin coming out from their hiding spots, but LLC gestures for 1337 to lay low, to which he complies. The POV-Cameraman sees what's left of the entire city: nothing but rubble alongside a few select buildings remaining. He begins to scout the area, and soon enough, he sees the floating Chair approaching some sort of light from an unknown source. As the church bells ring, the Chair flies into said light. LLC arrives to investigate, only to find nothing but a Potted Palm Tree. A few seconds later, coughing can be heard from a distance, revealed to be a small group of five Humans. One of them, presumably their leader, says, "Don't shoot! We're not enemy! I've seen the likes of you helping out others. Can you get us to a safer place?" LLC points at the church behind her, suggesting that she and her companions take shelter there. However, the leader says, "No, can't you see? The church is on fire." She and the others suddenly gasp, and LLC turns to her direction to see that two Troop Astro Toilets have warped into the scene, firing at him and the Humans, with a horrible squelching sound heard behind the Large Cameraman. LLC shoots one of the Troops with said Astro going down, while the other Astro toilet tries to ram him, but is countered by his Holographic Shield, and screams before being killed. LLC turns around and gestures the Humans to come along with him, then does a double take, realizing they did not dodge the plasma blast on time. Seemingly distraught by this, he stands there contemplating in silence for a few seconds until a figure in the fog moves around. Alarmed, [1]Laser Large Cameraman pulls out his weapon, preparing for the worst. After a short period, a Specialist Astro Toilet suddenly appears on the right and tries to ambush LLC with his Cyber Sword, which he quickly dodges, deploying his Holographic Shield as the Specialist Astro Toilet fires three shots from his Quadruple Laser Blasters. The Specialist Astro Toilet approaches LLC and strikes his Cyber Sword against the Holographic Shield, effectively dispelling it in two hits. As [2]Laser Large Cameraman flies up and fires at the Specialist Astro Toilet, the Astro blocks the laser beam with his sword and rams into LLC, knocking him to the ground. On the losing side, the Large Cameraman stares at the grinning Specialist Astro Toilet, ready to fire his Quadruple Laser Cannons and kill him. Suddenly, an Orange-Edged Sword stabs into the side of the Astro's face, revealing Buzzsaw Mutant Skibidi Toilet as he flies at the Astro, striking his helmet with the Buzzsaw and firing his newly mounted Astro Destructor Laser Arm Cannon. The Specialist tries to block and move back but loses two of his Quadruple Blaster Cannons in the process. From behind, the SWAT Mutant Skibidi Toilet uses his Dual Cyber Sickles to slice off both arms of the Specialist Astro Toilet and fires three of his rocket launchers at the Astro. With no arms and on fire, the Specialist Astro Toilet backs away from the two mutants, but Berserker Skibidi Mutant shows up and grabs the Specialist Astro Toilet from behind. The Specialist screams in horror as Berserker Mutant squishes his head into a pulp. As LLC gets up and aims his laser gun at the SWAT Mutant, the Mutant says, “Why bro is aiming at me? Is he stupid?” the Buzzsaw Mutant responds with “We saved your life.” The Berserker Mutant follows up with, “Relax. We ain’t here to hurt nobody. Time for us to become friends... Officially ;)” [3]Laser Large Cameraman skeptically gives them the middle finger as an act of denial, but Berserker just chuckles and responds with “We are not asking.” in a passive-aggressive tone. Seemingly in context to what the Berserker Mutant said, a warping sound is heard as the three Skibidi Mutants smile and ready their weapons. LLC turns to his left to see that two Troop Astro Toilets and an Interceptor have appeared, forcing him and the G-Squad to fight together. 1337 Scientist & DJ Toilet join in the attack, and as the Interceptor is disoriented and grounded, the Michael Jackson Skibidi Toilet decapitates his head with glowing swords similar to the Buzzsaw Mutant's, with the severed head rolling to a stop in front of [4]Laser Large Cameraman. We then see Scientist 1337 in the Upgraded Camera Strider land alongside DJ Skibidi Toilet and SWAT Mutant, staring at LLC. Suddenly, the Interceptor's head grows four legs and starts to scream loudly as he rushes LLC, revealing another skull inside his mouth and about to self-destruct in the process. Quickly, the Berserker Mutant grabs the head and throws it into a Troop Astro Toilet approaching them, taking them both out in a large explosion. [5]Laser Large Cameraman begrudgingly sticks out his hand, then stiffly gives a thumbs-up to the Berserker Mutant, indicating a change in his decision. Seeing this, Berserker Mutant laughs and says, “LET'S GO!”
Part 2: The Arrival of Cameramen 3.0[]
The episode continues where part 1 ended, with two Interceptors flying over and firing at the group. Berserker and the others fly away to attack the two Astros, then LLC turns to see the SWAT Mutant getting attacked by a Specialist and a Troop Astro Toilet, losing 2 rocket launchers in the process. LLC quickly flies up to the Troop Astro Toilet, firing his portable laser cannon and killing it. [6]Laser Large Cameraman then shoots the Specialist Astro Toilet, catching him off guard. The SWAT Mutant hits the Specialist Astro Toilet as he flies off and shoots at SWAT but misses. Three more Troop Astros arrive, though they all die to the SWAT Mutant throwing his sickle like a boomerang. The SWAT Mutant chuckles at LLC before flying off, dropping a picture of his time in the Special Government Objects Defense Service with The Administrator in the background. [7]Laser Large Cameramangrabs the picture as an Interceptor Astro Toilet fires at the approaching DJ Toilet, who fires his lasers at the Interceptor, slightly damaging him. The Interceptor fires his blasters at the Toilet, but DJ uses his speakers to freeze the shots, deflecting them towards the Astro. The damaged Interceptor screams as he is taken down by a plasma shot fired by the Upgraded Camera Strider. We then see a Specialist Astro Toilet watching the scene, but Fred jumps and punches him. The Specialist Astro Toilet then fires his Quadruple Laser Blasters at Fred, only for him to use a holographic shield to block the shots and charge at the Astro with his thrusters. Fred rams into the Specialist Astro Toilet with the holographic shield and pulls out a Chainsword right afterwards. The Specialist Astro Toilet and Fred charge at each other, only for the Specialist Astro Toilet to be knocked back and brutally killed by the Chainsword. Fred puts the Chainsword behind his back and looks at the POV, then more Astro Troops arrive, with Fred managing to kill two of them with his Double Barrel Plasma Blaster. Just as he is about to be overwhelmed, several plasma shots take down the rest. It turns out to be Sniper Cameraman alongside multiple Cameramen 3.0, Orbital camera 2.0, Camera Striders, and Plasma Camera Vans approaching the battlefield. The Sniper Cameraman shoots at a Specialist Astro Toilet, only for the Specialist to block the attack with his energy-sword. We then see two magnetized spiked black plungers go onto the Specialist's helmet, dismantling it from his head. The plungers return to the sender, revealed to be an upgraded Plungerwoman, who strikes the Specialist two times with her plungers, disarming one of his shoulder cannons. She then fires her four tentacle-lasers at the Astro, knocking him to the ground near the Grey Suited Large Cameraman, who shoots him point-blank with his Double Barrel Plasma Blaster. We then see the Berserker Mutant look at Camerawoman's direction, lowers his glasses, and says, "Damn!", with Camerawoman nodding in response. She then flies down by LLC, putting the plungers behind her back, before walking up to him and offering a hand up. Her camera glitches, which changes her face into Cathy's. She then says, "As one...till the end." Then the camera glitches back, and Laser Large Cameraman takes her hand and gives her a thumbs up, to which she nods back.
Part 3: The Return and Revenge of Titan TV Man[]
After that, more Astro Troopers enter the battlefield. From Troop Astro Toilets, Specialist Astro Toilets, and Strider Astro Toilets, all begin to attack the Cameramen and the G-Squad, with LLC getting hit by one of the Astro Specialists as he tries to blast an Astro Strider. After exchanging a laser and plasma gunfight, the Cameramen eventually succeed. An Interceptor Astro Toilet attempts to do a gun run on the squad but is shot down by the Orbital camera 2.0 controlled by Plungerwoman. The Upgraded Michael Jackson Skibidi Toilet goes to the crashed Interceptor Toilet to finish him off. As Fred looks and nods at [8]Laser Large Cameraman while Plungerwoman watches the scene, a huge Astro Obliterator warps into the battlefield, letting out a low chuckle as he fires at both Plungerwoman and Fred, who both dodge the energy projectile. LLC gets thrown back from the impact of the explosion, losing his Laser Cannon and right hand in the process as two Cameramen 3.0, a Plasma Camera Car, and an Armored Camera Van are destroyed. As he recovers, we can see Plungerwoman performing a three-point landing in front of the grinning Astro Obliterator with her butt slightly on fire, which she casually puts out without a flinch. With the Astro Toilet chuckling at Plungerwoman, she starts to pull out her Dual Black Spiked Plungers, similar to what Plungerman did, and prepares her Quad Laser Cannons while charging towards the Astro Toilet. As she begins to fly, the Obliterator Astro Toilet fires a projectile at her before she is suddenly intercepted by an Upgraded TV Woman with a Òwó Expression. Both crash to the ground on top of each other as the Astro Obliterator misses his projectile shot and teleport away from the battle. Laser Large Cameraman notices someone teleporting in front of the G-Squad and the remaining Cameramen, who is revealed to be an Upgraded Large TV Man. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he scolds, "ARE YOU INSANE? GET OUT!” At this point, the Astro Obliterator fires a projectile at the Upgraded TV Man, who catches it using his two Detaining Claws. “MY TURN, SH*THEAD.”, says Large TV Man as he deflects the two energy projectiles at the Astro Obliterator Toilet. The projectiles hit the body armor of the Astro as he lowers himself and scrapes the terrain, attempting to crush everything in his path. Knocking back the Large TV Man and the squad, the Obliterator flies upwards, charging up his weapons and firing four projectiles at Large TV Man. From the left, a Purple Plasmatic Core Projectile destroys one of the Astro Obliterator Toilet’s main plasma guns and the Toilet is grazed on the head by an Energy Blade. [9]Laser Large Cameraman turns around to see Titan TV Man, who says, “SOMEONE IS DYING HERE… AND IT AIN'T ME.” The Astro Obliterator Toilet fires three consecutive shots at the Titan TV Man, who deflects them with his Energy Blade. Titan TV Man fires another Plasmatic Core Projectile at the Obliterator, who dodges, sacrificing his leftmost gun to protect his main body. The Astro Obliterator then laughs and rams against Titan TV Man, firing two projectiles at his lower screen and biting off one of the side-TV Screens on his Main TV Head. “LOOK AT ME!” Titan TV Man says while striking the Obliterator’s Energy Cell Levitator with his Energy Blade, then grabs the Astro's front and slams the down to the ground as he utilizes his RSOD, crushing the Astro's rightmost Plasma Cannon in the process. Crashing down, the Astro Toilet deploys his Red Visor and tries to fire at Titan TV Man, who destroys the last left Plasma Emitter with his blade. Utilizing the Triple-Bladed Claws, he removes the helmet of the Astro Toilet, who tries to lunge again before being decapitated with the energy blade in one swift striking motion. As Titan TV Man turns around, an Astro Impactor Toilet fires his Core Projectile towards him, destroying his left screen. As the toilet charges up his Plasmatic Core, an Interceptor Astro Toilet (Controlled by TV Woman) fires on him from behind before being destroyed by the Impactor's left side-mounted Astro Destructor Laser. At the same time, the Titan TV Man uses his Energy Blade teleportation ability to slash the Astro Impactor. The Astro quickly dodges the attack, sacrificing his right Astro Destructor Laser in the process. Almost immediately, the Impactor jumps and lands on Titan TV Man’s head, firing his Core Projectile on the main Television Screen. Using the Triple-Bladed Claws (now Double-Bladed) on his back, the Titan shoves the Astro Impactor onto the ground, pins him with his energy blade, and kills the Astro Toilet using the Disintegrator Beam. As the Titan gets up, he looks at the nearby group of surviving Cameramen saying, “YOUR TITAN WOULDN’T WANT YOU TO DIE MEANINGLESSLY. LEAVE, WHILE YOU STILL CAN.” As he turns around, he notices an Astro Destructor Toilet approaching him. Titan TV Man deploys his Holographic Shield as the Astro Destructor Toilet begins to circle him, firing two of his Astro Destructor Lasers at the Titan. Titan TV Man initiates a counterattack by doing a full 360° turn, using the Energy Blade to slash the Destructor Astro Toilet, temporarily disabling one of the Astro's laser cannons. The Astro Toilet fires two Plasmatic Emitters and dodges a Plasmatic Projectile shot by the Titan's Reactor Core. The Destructor changes tactics, transforming into his alt. mode and ramming the Titan three times, damaging TTVM's right screen and his main TV head and knocking him off-balance. “TOO SLOW!” taunts the Astro Destroyer as he fires his two Astro Destructor Lasers, repurposing his core as a third laser. At this point, the Titan is pinned to the ground, using the Energy Blade to avoid taking further damage. A Plasma Camera Car driven by Fred fires a projectile at the Astro Toilet, diverting his attention away from the Titan. The Astro Toilet destroys the Camera Car with his lasers, mortally injuring Fred. As the Astro Toilet looks back, Titan TV Man surprise attacks the Astro Toilet, grabbing his head before slamming him to the ground. “BITTTCCH!”, he says as he repeatedly strikes the Astro Toilet with his Energy Blade. “YOU CAN’T KILL THE DEAD! I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT THE OTHER SIDE LOOKS LIKE.”, he says as he removes the Destructor’s Helmet and crushes his head for an instant kill. LLC sees Large TV Man, who says, “You did well, lil bro.” to the injured Fred in his arms as he succumbs to his injuries. The POV then notices Energized TV Man, who informs the group, saying, “We teleported everyone to base”, “Let’s get outta here, big bro!” However, [10]Laser Large Cameraman notices that the TTVM isn’t paying any attention, focusing his attention on three Astro Obliterator Toilets who have warped into the scene. “P A T H E T I C T R A S H”, TTVM says, “G I V E M E S O M E O N E W O R T H Y T O F I G H T”. A deeper sounding warp along with heavy Vader Breathing could be heard as the Astro Juggernaut suddenly enters the battlefield. “YOU… ARE NOT ESCAPING THIS TIME!”, says Juggernaut as he angrily glares at the Titan TV Man in a heavily injured state.
Part 4: Titan TV Man Confronts Astro Juggernaut/G-Man Toilet 5.0 and his squad returns[]
As Titan TV Man, Juggernaut, and the three Astro Obliterator Toilets stare down one another, Titan TV Man expresses an :| emoticon on his TV Head as he tries to Teleport away from the battlefield. Seeing this, Astro Juggernaut quickly charges and punches the Titan TV Man with his EMP Shockwave arm to disrupt the teleportation process. In response, Titan TV Man then deploys his Holographic Shield and Energy Blade, ready to attack. The Astro Toilet throws two punches, temporarily breaking the Titan's shield. The Titan counterattacks by swinging his Energy Blade at the Juggernaut, knocking him back. Titan TV Man swings again but Juggernaut catches his arm. The Astro Juggernaut Toilet proceeds to punch Titan TV Man and spins around, punching him twice and knocking the Titan aside. “PATHETIC.”, Juggernaut exclaims as he fires his EMP Shockwave Cannon at Titan TV Man. The Titan surprisingly unveils an Astro Detaining Claw from his back, catching the EMP projectile. "SURPRISE!", says the Titan with a “>:D” emoticon on his face as he throws the projectile back at the Astro. Caught off-guard, Juggernaut quickly activates his Holographic Shield as the orb explodes and temporarily disables it, with the POV of Laser Large Cameraman getting disoriented by the shockwave blast. As the Astro Juggernaut gets up, Titan TV Man lunges towards Juggernaut FNAF 2 Foxy style, pinning him to the ground. As Titan TV Man stabs Juggernaut’s right arm with the Energy Blade to remove his EMP Shockwave Cannon, Juggernaut punches Titan TV Man twice to get him off. Juggernaut tries to fire his EMP Shockwave Cannon, but realizes it's missing, along with the Energy blade being impaled on that arm. We turn to see Titan TV man putting the EMP Shockwave Cannon onto his arm and fires it at the Astro Juggernaut Toilet, which the Astro Toilet again deploys his Holographic Shield, again disorienting the POV. The Astro Juggernaut Toilet gets up, in a more battered state, and says to Titan TV Man angrily, "YOU DARE USE MY WEAPON AGAINST ME?". Titan TV Man taunts the Astro with, "WOMP WOMP. GONNA CRY? ;')", as a laughing emoticon with tears appears on his TV Screen. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet then says "I'LL SEE YOU SOON..." and seemingly retreats from the Titan. "COWARD", says TTVM as he begins to teleport away. Unbeknownst to him, Juggernaut suddenly charges him from behind and uppercuts him, destroying his right Claw and sending Titan TV Man flying before landing on the ground. "GET UP.", says Juggernaut Astro Toilet as he hovers behind the Titan. Titan TV Man tries to deploy his Holographic Shield against the Astro Toilet, but the Astro Juggernaut brutally punches him twice, destroying his shield and left Claw and ripping the Astro Detaining Claw off his back. "GET UP!" says the Astro Juggernaut again as Titan TV Man tries to fire the EMP Shockwave Cannon. However, Juggernaut redirects Titan TV Man's arm away and rips the EMP Shockwave Cannon off Titan TV Man, with the shot fired earlier exploding offscreen, giving the background a bright red hue. Juggernaut rips out the Energy Blade from his arm and stabs it into Titan TV Man's face. As the Titan takes out the Energy Blade, the Astro Juggernaut punches the main TV, decapitating it from his main body. The Astro Juggernaut then picks it up, and taunts while looking at Laser Large Cameraman, "UNDERWHELMING SLAUGHTER", "THAT WAS YOUR STRONGEST SOLDIER?" he says. Almost immediately, the headless Titan TV Man surprise-attacks Juggernaut, stabbing the Energy Blade into the Astro's right eye. As the Astro takes out the Energy Blade, he is blasted with the Disintegrator Beam from the Titan's Reactor Core. The Astro Juggernaut stabs the Energy Blade into the right side of the Reactor Core and punches Titan TV Man to the ground. The Astro Juggernaut growls, "STAY DOWN", "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE". Suddenly, an injured Astro Obliterator Toilet is seen going down in the background, screaming before crashing. LLC then looks at the remaining two Astro Obliterators in a struggling state, firing their Astro Plasma Emitters and deploying their Troops. The POV then sees that an army of Astro-enhanced Skibidi Toilets have appeared to rescue TTVM, all singing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem. From flying toilets to striders, mutants, and regular toilets, they all feature stolen Astro Toilet tech and weaponry like the Astro Destruction Laser, Laser Blaster or Plasma Emitters. The POV-Cameraman also sees the G-Squad, with Berserker Mutant Skibidi Toilet seen with a megaphone, singing the Skibidi Toilet Anthem. Five missiles are fired into the sky, which are modified with Acid Barrels. The Berserker Skibidi Mutant can be heard saying "YES" in a louder pitch as the missiles close in onto the Obliterator Astro Toilets. One missile is shot down by the exploding debris as the four missiles hit the two Astro Obliterator Toilets, grounding them. The Mafia Skibidi Mutant tries to kill the downed Astro Obliterator Toilet with his dual Astro Destruction Lasers but dodges and fires his acid projectiles at the Astro Toilet trying to lunge at him. Then, an upgraded Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech 2.0 suddenly appears from behind the Obliterator, stabbing its Upgraded Claws behind the Astro before firing three Astro Destruction Lasers towards the Toilet's head, killing it. As the Juggernaut Astro Toilet witnesses this, he turns around towards Titan TV Man saying, "THAT CHANGES NOTHING!" before furiously punching the titan to the ground. The Juggernaut Astro Toilet points at TTVM, saying, "SOON, YOU'LL MEET YOUR FATE... WORSE THAN DEATH.", as G-Toilet sneaks up behind the toilet with his invisibility stealth ability. G-Toilet then charges up two of his Astro Destructor Lasers, with the Astro Toilet's left eye widening in realization before G-Toilet says, "Missed me? :)" With a smirk expression, he fires the lasers as the Astro Toilet turns around. The Astro Juggernaut Toilet deploys his Holographic Shield against the lasers, and withdraws it, saying "WHAT MADE YOU SHOW UP, COMMANDER." The G-Toilet flies, saying "You know me." "I'm not leaving my best friends behind :)", while looking at Titan TV Man. Hearing this, TTVM says, "WHAT ARE YOU YAPPING ABOUT?" Juggernaut says, "DUKE WON'T FORGIVE YOUR BETRAYAL", "YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST OUR FLEET." The Juggernaut Astro Toilet is then blasted with two flying Astro Destructor Lasers, which then fly towards G-Toilet. G-Toilet says "Really? That's crazy!", "One small issue...", "I don't remember asking." As this happens, the flying Astro Destructor Lasers attach to the G-Toilet, transforming into arms and forming hands. G-Toilet then flies forward and punches the Astro Juggernaut back. Activating his shield, Juggernaut blocks two punches and counterattacks, one punch hitting G-Toilet and taking off his visor, while the other two are by G-Toilet’s holographic shield. G-Toilet fires his two Astro Destructor Lasers as Astro Juggernaut deploys his Holographic Shield, then tries to punch again, but Juggernaut dodges by warping backwards. Juggernaut says, "THAT'S ALL EARTH GAVE YOU?", "WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR FORMER GLORY?". "Try me...", G-Toilet smirks in response, transforming his rocket boosters in front of his chest and flipping off Juggernaut with his hands as he blasts away from the Astro Toilet to provoke him. Juggernaut chases after G-Toilet, warping away from the battlefield. As a Camera Drone arrives at the scene, a Carrier Astro Toilet warps into the background. The Carrier Astro Toilet stretches his neck, looks at Laser Large Cameraman, and aims his Astro Destructor Lasers as Titan TV Man deploys his Black Smoke ability. LLC get up and runs towards the Titan teleporting away as more Astro Toilets warp into the battlefield, with the screen cutting to black.
Epilogue: Raid on the TV Base/Titan TV Man's Corruption/The Duchess Arrives![]
As the POV switches over to Energized TV Man/TV Daddy, we can see the Titan TV Man arriving at the TV Men Laboratory, severely injured and exhausted as the Scientist TV Man/D67 exclaims, "Look at yourself! Why did you stay?!". "YOU NEEDED SAMPLES.", Titan TV Man replies, holding Juggernaut's EMP Shockwave Cannon. He says "I BROUGHT YOU SAMPLES" as he places down the cannon. D67 says "Why...", as lightning rumbles. "Gate...", as he walks backwards in realization, "It's not closing." D67 expresses a sad ":(" emoticon as the Titan TV Man turns around along with TV Daddy to see the teleportation clouds now in a shade of red. With haste, the Energized TV Man checks the TV monitor, which switches the POV to the Camera Drone outside. There, they see that the Teleportation Smoke had been surrounded with a red shade of energy, swirling like a vortex. To the right, the Overseer Astro Toilet is present, with a red core-like device on his helmet, his Static Warp Levitator spinning at an extremely fast pace as he had supercharged the device to funnel the teleportation smoke and force the portal open. Out of nowhere, the Duchess Astro Toilet flies and lands beside the Overseer Astro Toilet, equipped with a new titan body hosting a Reactor Core and a large Static Warp Levitator. "Where do you think you're going, silly?", she says as she extends her four Detaining Claws into the controlled Black Smoke with a smug ":)" expression. The Energized TV Man zooms out of the TV monitor and sees the Duchess' Detaining Claws entering the TV Men Laboratory. As the Titan TV Man punches one of the Magnetized-Tentacle Claws in an attempt to break free from her clutches, he is ultimately overwhelmed and restrained by them. "I", "CAN'T", "MOVE.", he states before being forcefully dragged out of the TV Men Base. Two Interceptor Astro Toilets suddenly enter the laboratory through the portal and start firing at the TV men on the bridge and surrounding guardrails, TV screens, and support columns, effectively collapsing most of the base structure and severely damaging the salvaged EMP Shockwave Cannon of the Astro Juggernaut. TV Daddy deploys his Retractable Arm blades and flies toward one of the Interceptor Astro Toilets, slashing his left eye and destroying his plasma scope. The Interceptor groans in pain before the Energized TV Man kicks himself away, landing on the ground. The Interceptor attempts to aim at TV Daddy before being jumped on by the Polycephaly. As the Large TV Man tackles the Interceptor, the Astro attempts to use his blasters against him but accidentally hits the other Interceptor in the process. The Astro attempts to fire at Polycephaly but flies too close to a Ceiling TV, which activates its Screen in defense, setting him on fire and making him fly into a nearby Reactor Core while trying to shoot it down. The Reactor Core blasts the Interceptor with Core Energy, killing him. The other Interceptor Astro Toilet is thrown down by the Large TV Man, where he notices an unusual device on the Astro Toilet. Crushing it, he says, "TRACKING DEVICE!", as the Interceptor Astro Toilet screams and prepares to self-destruct. Both TV Daddy and Large TV Man fly away before the Interceptor Astro Toilet explodes, knocking the Energized TV Man to the ground. Quickly surveying the extent of the damage caused by the Interceptor Astro Toilets, we see that all the Normal TV Men along with Laser Large Cameraman have gathered together in the back, some of them badly injured, with Jolly TV Man struggling to maintain a smile. The TV Men Laboratory suddenly sounds an alarm, which zooms to the POV of a large TV monitor with red warning lights, showing that the Mothership Astro Toilet had warped in and had already found their base. The Astro Mothership slowly charges up his Death Ray, creating a huge explosion on the mountain near the TV Base. Exiting the TV Monitor, TV Daddy looks at Scientist TV Man/D67 as he and TV Woman activate the switches of the teleportation protocol, where an arrow on a colored square grid switches from white to black. The Reactor Core powers up and activates the massive Black Smoke teleportation method. As the black smoke envelops the POV, a flashback is shown where a human scientist known as Takuma Hakashita wearing the same attire as Scientist TV Man stares longingly at a control panel, with "WARNING!" messages all over the display screens. He looks sadly at TV Daddy before looking away, all while dialogue in backwards speech is heard in the background, accompanied by human screams:
TV-Woman (presumably): Stop. Please dad.
Scientist TV Man/Takuma Hakashita: I'm sorry, I can't.
TV-Woman: We're going to die because of you.
Scientist TV Man/Takuma Hakashita: It's going to be okay.
Some strange interference is in our system.....
The scene then switches back to the Large TV Monitor, showing that the base had teleported to an Abandoned Prison Coast in the North Sea, possibly Normandy. TV Daddy looks at both TV Woman and Scientist TV Man, with flames burning in the background before the screen goes black.
We cut back to the Camera Drone's POV of Titan TV Man on the ground, as the Astro Duchess approaches the Titan with an energized chain whip. Striking twice, the Titan TV Man groans as the Duchess Astro Toilet says; "How do you like the pain?". The Titan TV Man defiantly replies; "IT TAKES MORE THAN THAT TO HURT ME". The Overseer Astro Toilet flies beside the Titan TV Man saying, "This is just the beginning", as the Duchess Astro Toilet kicks him over. A Corruptor Device is then deployed from the nearby Carrier Astro Toilet, flying towards the Titan TV Man. As the Titan looks at the Corruptor Device, the device suddenly screams as it latches and pounds into his Reactor Core. As the Titan TV Man attempts to remove the arms, he struggles and lets go as the arms forcefully latch, changing the color of his Purple Reactor core to Orange. As the now Infected Titan TV Man gets up, the Overseer Astro Toilet says to the titan; "Serve your new master..." "Watchman of Doom." before warping away. The Infected Titan TV Man stares at the POV, as the Duchess finishes looking at the titan and looks at the POV. The Infected Titan TV Man charges up a Core Projectile, with the Duchess doing an eyebrow shrug before the Infected Titan TV Man fires at the POV Drone, killing the POV and switching to "-CAMERA OFFLINE-", wrapping up the entirety of Episode 77.
Extra Scene: 7[]
G-Toilet confronts Juggernaut:[]
In Oregon, USA, a POV-Cameraman is looking around a ruined city, with destroyed tanks and dead Skibidi Toilets visible in the background. Suddenly, a loud rumbing sound was heard, slightly disorienting the POV-Cameraman as he turns his head to the source of the noise, revealing to be G-Toilet 5.0 and Astro Juggernaut tackling each other and crashing to the ground, causing a large explosion. The Juggernaut punches G-Toilet as he falls back, asking him, “WHAT FOR - THIS FIGHT?” as he looks at the G-Toilet. G-Toilet then replies, “You tell me ;)”, as he shrugs. Astro Juggernaut says, “ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT WITH AN HONOR... IF YOU STILL HAVE IT!” as he points at G-Toilet. G-Toilet simply replies with, “Why such hostility?” “Did you forget how we conquered the worlds together?” “For me, you were always like brother...” as he points at the Juggernaut, “For them, an expendable pawn!” The POV-Cameraman turns to the Juggernaut as he says angrily, “STOP YAPPING AND FIGHT ME!” as he launches himself to G-Toilet and punches him, which G-Toilet blocks with his energy shield. The Juggernaut spins around and slams his fists into G-Toilet's energy shield, as G-Toilet falls back once again. The Juggernaut then looks at him and shouts, “WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?”. G-Toilet looks back at the Juggernaut and says, “I don't want to fight you, my old friend...I want you by my side!” as he slams his fist into his own Reactor Core. The Juggernaut replies with, “JOIN YOU... AFTER YOU HURT MY BABY?” before launching himself into G-Toilet once again, punching him twice as G-Toilet tries to block with his holographic shield. Astro Juggernaut punches him twice more, as G-Toilet deactivates his energy shield. His face went manic for a moment before turning serious as G-Toilet “locks in” - clenching his fists, G-Toilet flies to the Juggernaut, grabbing him and slamming him to the ground with extraordinary force, before punching the Juggernaut and striking him again, causing a cataclysmic explosion as G-Toilet falls back. The Juggernaut slowly gets up from the impact, slightly injured. G-Toilet says, “You know there was no choice!” as the Juggernaut slowly turns around to face G-Toilet, only to see there was nobody. “But... I know what it's like...” the Astro Juggernaut turns around in an attempt to find G-Toilet, as the POV-Cameraman also does the same. “Seeing your child suffer...” “Unable to help...”. The Juggernaut turns to see G-Toilet reappearing from the right, approaching him. G-Toilet then says to the Juggernaut, “Join me, and your legacy shall never know oppression again.” “You have my word!”. Astro Juggernaut doesn't say anything for a moment after hearing G-Toilet's words. “WORD...” “WHAT'S THE PRICE OF YOUR WORD?” He says as he points at G-Toilet. Juggernaut hovers next to G-Toilet as he crosses his arms and circle G-Toilet and saying, "ONE OF YOUR TITANS IS IN THEIR POSSESSION. SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS THERE TOO." the POV then zooms in on G-Toilet's face, which shows a slightly shocked and sad expression, as if he actually tried to prevent that from happening. Juggernaut then continues, "WOULD YOU DO WHAT'S NECESSARY... WHEN TIME COMES?" G-Toilet then smirks and says, "They would have to find me first." Irritated, Juggernaut yells, "FIND YOU? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" He then attempts to punch G-Toilet, but his hand phases through him. G-Toilet continues speaking as Astro Juggernaut moves through G-Toilet's hologram, saying, "A secret weapon is preparing... waiting for the right moment." "When it strikes... YOU better be on our side. I would hate for your children to become parentless. ;)" G-Toilet's hologram then fades away as the POV turns to Astro Juggernaut momentarily considering G-Toilet's words, when suddenly, the Overseer Astro Toilet and an Astro Carrier warp into the scene. "Where is he?", says the Overseer, searching for G-Toilet's whereabouts. Juggernaut answers, "COMMANDER ESCAPED." before Overseer warps near him and angrily says, "COMMANDER?!" he then leans closer to Astro Juggernaut and says, "I Am. Your. Commander." Overseer then circles Juggernaut while saying, "You already failed me twice." "Shall I doubt your efficiency... or loyalty?" "Lock in." "Your next failure will be your last." Juggernaut says, "I WILL NOT FAIL... COMMANDER." Overseer turns around and says, "Very soon, there won't be a place on Earth this RAT can hide in..." He then turns back to Astro Juggernaut and says, "Go back to MOTHERSHIP and get repairs." Astro Overseer suddenly notices the POV-Cameraman before turning away and saying, "Annihilate this place" in Skibidi language. Overseer warps away as the POV-Cameraman looks at Juggernaut looking directly at him before warping away as the Carrier's laser cannons fire down on the area, the POV-Cameraman turns to see a Astro Obliterator laughing maniacally and shooting his plasma cannons, the POV then attempts to flee the area before turning his left and being hit by a plasma projectile, knocking him to the ground and destroying his right arm. A red car amidst the wreckage suddenly turns towards the POV-Cameraman and moves slowly towards him. The car then shifts into the chair, a potted palm tree, and finally shifting into the shapely legs of a woman, who kneels in front of the POV and inserts a floppy disk into his camera head. The landscape behind her shifts into green hills as the sky turns blue, a green text appears on the camera: "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" as the female agent looks at the camera, the video then turns black, officially ending the season.
- This is the first time that the Skibidi Toilets and The Alliance work together to defeat a common threat, instead of fighting against each other in previous episodes.
- This is the first Episode we see a Cameraman and a Skibidi Toilet smoking cigarettes together as seen at the ending.
- This is the first season where the Female Skibidi Mutant is seen, and after 30+ episodes a female Toilet is seen.
- In this episode a mysterious chair was seen, the chair made at least 3 cameos.
- The short that DaFuq!?Boom! released was actually part 0 and not an additional scene. It was confirmed to be before part 1 in the description.
- The Administrator additional scene might be made-up to convince the Alliance that he is an ally, but the scene could also be real.
- This is supported by the fact that the Green Suited Large Cameraman who shot rockets and charged at the toilets who also appears in Episode 66.
- It was confirmed before the release of the compilation that there would be 7 additional scenes included in it.
- This season has the most teasers out of any season compilation so far.
- Skibidi Toilet 75 has been revamped, with revamped character designs, new lighting, new dialogue, new scenes, and new characters.
- In Lucky Cameraman's video footage, when he pans out to view the battlefield of Alpha-Hills, a Cameraman can be seen running backwards into battle at the bottom-left of the POV.
- As of currently, Season 25 has been unfortunately removed from YouTube due to the result of a legal loophole being exploited by a Play Store game company known as: Next level apps technology. They striked DaFuq!?Boom!, with them claiming ownership of the character designs, when they don't have ownership, which caused the series to have a copyright strike. This event also occurred with the Skibidi Saga series created by Maxedy, with the removal of their episode 14 that took place before Season 25 was taken down.
- DaFuq!?Boom!, and his legal team has also striked Next level apps technology, and as currently trying to get episode 14 of Skibidi Saga and his own video back from the company.
- DaFuq!?Boom!, has also been talking on X (Twitter) about the copyright strike to TeamYouTube.
Seasons | |
Seasons 1-10 | Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • Season 4 • Season 5 • Season 6 • Season 7 • Season 8 • Season 9 • Season 10 |
Seasons 11-20 | Season 11 • Season 12 • Season 13 • Season 14 • Season 15 • Season 16 • Season 17 • Season 18 • Season 19 • Season 20 |
Seasons 21-30 | Season 21 • Season 22 • Season 23 • Season 24 • Season 25 |