“ | someone has returned... | ” |
“ | the final battle has begun? | ” |
skibidi toilet 62 is the 3rd and final episode of Season 20, released on September 13/14, 2023. This is also the 3rd episode of Chapter 3. It marks the debut of Skibidi Scientist's Attack Team.
The Alliance x19[]
Cameramen x16[]
- POV-Cameraman
- Medic Cameraman x2:
- Both fixing a Dark Blue Suited Cameraman.
- Normal Cameraman x11:
- Dark Blue Suited Cameraman getting fixed by Medic Cameramen
- 1 sitting on a toilet drinking something.
- 1 walking around in one of the buildings.
- 1 sitting on the ledge of a building.
- 1 standing on the roof of a building.
- 1 standing on the balcony of a building.
- 1 walking down the streets of the city.
- 1 talking to a Gray Suited Speakerman.
- 1 running from the Normal Gray Skibidi Toilets.
- 2 falling from the buildings.
- Large Cameraman x2:
- Both playing catch with a Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet.
Speakermen x3[]
- Brave Large Speakerman x1:
- Sitting on a toilet throwing around a Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet.
- Normal Speakerman x2:
- Gray Suited Speakerman Talking to a Normal Cameraman.
- Sitting on the right gray building.
- The Administrator:
- Giving the POV-Cameraman Headphones, only his shoes are seen.
Skibidi Toilets x19[]
- Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet x9:
- 1 getting thrown around by The Alliance members.
- 4 chasing after a Normal Cameraman.
- 4 attacking the city with the rest of the Skibidi Toilets.
- Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet x3:
- All flying in the sky before the rest of the Skibidi Toilets appear.
- Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech
- Teleports uses its speakers to disorient The Alliance members to kill them later.
- Decoy G-Toilet:
- Using its lasers to destroy the city.
- Strider Skibidi Toilet:
- Walking through the city with the rest of the Skibidi Toilets.
- Helicopter Bomber Skibidi Toilet:
- Flying over the sky dropping bombs on the city.
- Large Brown Skibidi Toilet x1
- Arriving at the city.
- Berserker Skibidi Mutant
- Ripped a Large Cameraman while approaching the POV-Cameraman.
- Buzzsaw Skibidi Mutant x1
- Approaching slowly to later kill POV-Cameraman with his buzzsaw.
- Normal Skibidi Toilet x1
- Broken.
- Cameramen Helicopter x2
- Blown up by unknown means.
- Maybe blowned up by the Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet's Rocket Launchers.
The episode starts with two Medic Cameramen fixing a Normal Cameraman. The Cameraman gains consciousness, and two of the Medic Cameramen give a thumbs-up to him at the same time. Meanwhile, two Large Cameramen and a Large Speakerman play catch with a Glass Skibidi Toilet. The Large Speakerman blasts the toilet into an alley using his sound waves, causing it to explode. The Large Cameraman seems annoyed, and the Large Speakerman shrugs.
Suddenly, there's an explosion, and a few Skibidi Toilets appear, with a Cameraman being chased by them. Multiple Duplex Airstrike Helicopter Toilets is seen flying and black smoke suddenly emerges. The Upgraded Scientist Skibidi Toilet arrives and uses Cinemaman's protective speaker upgrades, which are now his, to disorient all the nearby alliance members with thunderous sound waves.
The POV-Cameraman drops to the ground and barely manages to reach a pair of headphones left on the ground by The Administrator and puts them on. He looks up and sees the G-Toilet flying above, wearing headphones, and using its lasers to obliterate parts of the city below. More Skibidi Toilets arrive; a Strider Skibidi Toilet walking, a Nuke Propeller Plane Skibidi Toilet dropping its bombs, and a Large Brown Skibidi Toilet with a few Skibidi Toilets wearing Headphones. The POV-Cameraman then witnesses two Cameramen Helicopters getting shot down. The Berserker Skibidi Mutant is holding a Large Cameraman and rips him. At the same time, it approaches the POV-Cameraman that gives the middle finger (season compilation only), and the Buzzsaw Skibidi Mutant grabs him and uses its buzz saw on him, killing him and ending the episode.
Casualties and Losses[]
The Alliance x19[]
Cameramen x16[]
- POV-Cameraman Killed:
- Killed from the Buzzsaw Skibidi Mutant's Buzzsaw. (Presumably)
- 2 Medic Cameramen Killed:
- Both were killed from the sounds of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's speakers.
- 11 Normal Cameramen Killed:
- All killed from the sounds of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's speakers.
- 2 Large Cameramen Killed:
- All killed from the sounds of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's speakers.
Speakermen x3[]
- 1 Large Speakerman Killed:
- Killed from the sounds of the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's speakers.
- 2 Normal Speakerman Killed:
- Gray Suited Speakerman was killed from the sounds of the Upgraded Scientist Skibidi Toilet's speakers.
- Killed from the sounds of the Upgraded Scientist Skibidi Toilet's speakers.
Skibidi Toilets x1[]
- 5 Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet Killed:
- 1 blasted into the ground by a Large Speakerman.
- 4 exploded by Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech's Spider Legs
- Normal Skibidi Toilet:
- Broken
- 2 Cameramen Helicopters Destroyed:
- Both shot down by Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilet's rockets.(presumably)
List Of Differences[]
These are the differences between the Full-Screen version and the Shorts version:
Full-Screen (Single Episode)[]
- When the Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet is thrown by the Large Speakerman, it explodes.
Full-Screen (Season 20 Compilation)[]
- POV-Cameraman gives the middle finger to Berserker Skibidi Mutant, a sign of the series' maturity.
- The Decoy G-Toilet has a different facial expression and his Jetpack has exhaust coming out.
- When the Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet is thrown by the Large Speakerman, a metal pipe sound effect is played when it explodes.
- This episode introduces the largest number of new Skibidi Toilet variations in the series.
- It's the third time we've seen a Large Speakerman use his soundwaves.
- This marks the twelfth appearance of The Administrator, and it's the first time he directly helps the POV-Cameraman by giving him headphones. Only his shoes are visible in this episode.
- At 0:17 of the episode, there's an image of a real woman.
- The map used in this episode is the same as one of the maps from the America series, made by DaFuq!?Boom! himself.
- The Strider Skibidi Toilet appears larger because it's standing up.
- This episode was the first ever time that Decoy G-Toilet summoned his lasers to attack the alliance and infrastructures. Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech also used his giant speakers for the first time as well.
- This is the first time we've seen blood in the series, you can see it spewing out of the Large Cameraman's torso after he is ripped in half, some people say it can be oil, because it seems to be black but it's actually the lighting of the scene giving it that color, red blood can be seen in Episode 63 when the Jetpack Claw Skibidi Toilet decapitates a cameraman.
- Though, this could mean that the Cameramen are cyborgs based on the fact they spew out blood when decapitated as seen in this episode.
- This is another sign of the series getting more mature every episode by introducing blood, and swear words.
- Though, this could mean that the Cameramen are cyborgs based on the fact they spew out blood when decapitated as seen in this episode.
- In the Season 20 Compilation, the POV-Cameraman stuck out the middle finger. This makes the single episode version more family-friendly than the compilation version.
- This episode shows some POV-Cameraman being fearless and cynical even though they are going to die
- The Normal Speakerman seen chatting with the Normal Cameraman. It resembles the Normal Speakerman that helped the POV-Cameraman get up in Episode 24.
- The Shorts version's description is nearly identical to Episode 66's full-screen description.