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Skibidi Toilet Wiki
Skibidi Toilet Wiki

alliance strikes back to defeat skibidi scientist.
skibidi toilet 70's video description

something unexpected happened
skibidi toilet 70 (part 1)'s description

squad gets closer to scientist
skibidi toilet 70 (part 2)'s description

this is the end... for someone
skibidi toilet 70 (part 3)'s description

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skibidi toilet 70 is the second longest episode of the Skibidi Toilet Series, with Part 1 nearly 4 minutes long, Part 2 over 3 minutes long with possibly added parts to the video, and with Part 3 spanning 6 minutes. This is the 11th episode of Chapter 3. The full episode is 13 minutes and 40 seconds long. This is also the second episode of Season 23 and is the 5th Episode in The Siege of Alpha-Hills.

The full episode contains extra content at the end, which is Part 3's extended ending. Plungerman's fate was viewed on a monitor in a Cameraman medical bay. A POV Cameraman looks at a screen reading "-CAMERA OFFLINE-", before looking around at multiple injured Cameramen, all giving their thumbs up for Plungerman. He looks at the screen one more time, giving his thumbs up, ending the episode.


(Part 1): Return of The Astro Toilets

The episode starts with a Cameraman throwing a grenade under a door, exploding on the other side. The camera pans to the right showing a Cameraman using a Flamethrower on two Medium Gray Skibidi Toilets. The camera pans to the right again and Cameraman are running while a brown suited Cameraman is shooting revolvers. He gets hit with a rocket and Toilets come into the frame.

It is revealed the POV-Cameraman is Heavy Large Cameraman, who uses his plasma minigun and starts flying into the air, using the weapon on nearby toilets, and then lands on a ramp still using the laser. A rocket explodes near him and he turns to the right, revealing the source to be two Shield Laser Rocketeer Skibidi Toilet approaching him. Armed Very Large Cameraman's weapon doesn't work due to the toilets' shields until he is saved by Titan Cameraman, who kills the two toilets. Then the other two Titans arrive at the scene. Titan TV Man then gives Titan Speakerman his core powers, and Titan Speakerman started to charge up his blasters while proceeding to kill every Toilet (examples of toilets being Acidic Artillerist Skibidi Toilet, Helicopter Acidic Bomber Skibidi Toilet, etc.) arriving at the scene. Meanwhile, Titan Cameraman rips an Acid Cannon off an Acidic Artillerist Skibidi Toilet and kills the toilet using its own weapon. Suddenly, a group of toilets surround the three Titans, Titan Speakerman uses his core beam and whirls around, causing collateral damage to the toilets, killing them.

Titan Speakerman finishes using all of Titan TV Man's energy and sits on a rock pile. The DJ Toilet appeared but it was short-lived as the Detainer Astro Toilet appears and destroys DJ Toilet. He then dodges all the Titans' attempts to kill him, even damaging Titan TV Man's arm with his own blade. For the first time, he then spoke and said "You all will die..." and ran away. Then, the POV changes and sees the Woman trio, upgraded. He points to the base and attacks another toilet, and it's revealed Plungerman was watching Blue Suited Cameraman's tablet. As the elevator goes up, the lights cut out for a good four seconds. The two cameramen used their lights until a mysterious force was heard, banging on the roof.

(Part 2): Infiltration Squad Gets Closer To Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet

The sounds and knocks coming from the top of the elevator rise and then stop as a hole is blown in the roof, an Explosive Decoy Cameraman pops out. The Acid Barrel Masked Skibidi Toilet reveals himself and drops the Decoy Cameraman which explodes, causing the elevator to have a hole in the floor. The Balaclava Acid Bomber Skibidi Toilet drops down and stabs the Dark Blue Tied Cameraman and tried to fire his acid gun at the POV. Knife Speakerman launches his knives right into the eyes of the Balaclava Acid Bomber Skibidi Toilet. The Toilet then begins a self destruct timer and the Dark Blue Tied Cameraman who he stabbed pulls him down the hole to save his squad.

The POV-Cameraman walks over the fallen Cameraman's dropped dart gun and picks it up, suddenly the elevator starts to break down and Knife Speakerman flies with the two other Cameramen to safety while the POV uses his retractable claws to climb a wall just as the elevator falls. Dark Speakerman lends his hand to the POV-Cameraman but he slaps it away. The POV climbs up and Blue Suited Cameraman signals everyone to the next door, as they peak around a corner they see Flashlight Laser Guardian Skibidi Toilets so they turn off their lights.

POV-Cameraman activates his Night Vision Ability. Suddenly the lights go back on and one Flashlight Laser Guardian Skibidi Toilet spots the squad, he fires his lasers at them so the Lucky Cameraman uses his Hijack device to open a door and escape. They go through another door and close another where another Flashlight Laser Skibidi Toilet is approaching, and they all go into a room to hide. The POV-Cameraman looks at a newspaper showing the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet and Detainer Astro Toilet with some writing in the Skibidi language, he then views a newspaper on the wall showing The Administrator becoming the administrator of Alpha Hills Labs. then the Lucky Cameraman shows the POV a book depicting the TV logo on the cover looking confused and disappointed, suddenly a claw comes out of nowhere and stabs Lucky Cameraman in the back, and throws him against a glass case injuring him.

The POV turns right to see the Claw Car Skibidi Toilet with a TV screen which he uses on the POV-Cameraman and the other Normal Cameraman. Knife Speakerman pushes both of them away which allows the POV to put on his lens. He turns around and sees the Normal Cameraman ending himself, and then throws his spiked plunger at the TV screen of the Claw Car Skibidi Toilet and then shoots out both his eyes with the dart gun and Dark Speakerman uses his speakers against Claw Car Skibidi Toilet 2.0 so POV-Cameraman easily ends him.

Both of them nod at each other and then start to take the equipment from the lab like the Jetpack, a Spear, and Headphones, The POV also took the Hijack device from Lucky Cameraman. The POV Cameraman opens the door with the Hijack device and they fly over to another corridor. (In the third part, Plungerman looks at the locked door they came from and hears banging from it.)

(Part 3): The End of Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet, Plungerman and Dark Speakerman

Plungerman and Dark Speakerman are both navigating the base hallways. Plungerman flies ahead to a locked door, avoiding a patrolling Flashlight Laser Guardian Skibidi Toilet. The door abruptly opens with another Flashlight Laser toilet but both Alliance members suddenly turn invisible, narrowly avoiding getting caught. Strangely, a Cameraman with green lights watches them from around the corner, ducking away before the viewer can get a clear glimpse.

Before they enter the room; The Administrator is heard communicating to the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet and upon entering the room, they see the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet having just finished speaking with the Secret Agent on a large screen. The Administrator says, "Because I am now here.", "You are not needed", "You cannot escape, my little pawn will kill you", " Well, I guess I can't be Trusted", "Goodbye", then the screen turns from green back to blue. The Scientist then turns and sees both the Plungerman and Dark Speakerman, with the Plungerman quickly locking the door behind him, narrowly avoiding a fast approaching Flashlight Toilet's lasers.

The Scientist attempts to flee, distracting the pair with two wall-mounted lasers that Plungerman deactivates, with the latter hacking the door and closing it before he can escape. The Scientist attempts to teleport away, only to be shut down again. Realizing he is locked in with them and taunted by a confident Plungerman, the Scientist Toilet finally charges forward.

Using a mounted laser, he attempts to blast the agile Cameraman, only to be struck by Dark Speakerman's thrown spear. Attempting to charge the toilet, the Speakerman is caught. Plungerman attempts a rescue only to be batted aside, followed by Speakerman getting torn in two. Plungerman attempts a second charge that fails, only for Speakerman, now just an upper torso, to attack via jetpack. He is thrown aside before he can do much damage, but manages to distract the Scientist long enough for Plungerman to throw his spiked Plunger into one of his eyes. Angered, the Scientist shoots him point-blank, throwing him across the room. He can only watch helplessly as the Scientist Toilet fires again at what's left of Knife Speakerman, notably giving the middle finger towards him, mortally wounding him.

Having stolen back the Hijack device and reversed the hack, the Scientist attempts to teleport again, only to be interrupted as Alliance reinforcements break into the room, led by Large TV Man. The TV Man shows a new ability, seemingly absorbing and negating the Scientist Toilet's stolen teleportation ability. The Scientist attempts to shoot them, only for the TV Man to shine his screen at him, leaving the blinded toilet to crash into a wall. Ignoring smaller potshots from Alliance Paralyzer laser rifles, the Scientist activates a door in the floor and drops down. Peering down, the Large TV Man orders the team to fall back, retreating in time as the Quad-Laser Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech rises up. The door slams shut, but four combined lasers begin boring through the blockade to reach them.

Distracted, he does not notice further reinforcements behind him, consisting of Plungerwoman, Speakerwoman, TV Woman, and Heavy Large Cameraman. The Large Cameraman distracts the Scientist toilet's mech with his Plasma Minigun while the female trio use jetpacks to silently sneak on board. The Cameraman initially outpaces the scientists lasers, circling the room as they wreak havoc on the lab, before getting shot down. The mech chuckles, before pausing and realizing that the mech was destroyed. Due to this, the mech started blowing off erupting in pained roars, crashing into the walls numerous times before collapsing motionless on the floor. The Scientist flies out, thoroughly bloodied and mauled by the three women. Throwing them aside, he desperately attempts one final escape through the ceiling doors, only for them to open to reveal the waiting Alliance Titans.

Grabbed out of the air by Titan Cameraman, the Scientist flails and yells ineffectually, only to be doused by his chest-mounted flamethrower. Thrown to Titan TV Man, he is crushed. Finally, he is tossed one last time to Titan Speakerman, who calmly douses the flames. Now charred, broken, and near-death, the Scientist Toilet shakes weakly up at his captor, only for the vengeful Titan to blare his speakers at him and slams the helpless toilet against the wall again and again with all his anger, before letting the broken and mangled corpse crash to the ground, resulting in Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet dead.

The battle concluded, Plungerman takes off his Lens as the Large TV Man teleports in, with a broken screen and missing and a burning Speaker, but otherwise alive and carrying his surviving team members on his shoulders. Plungerman frantically crawls over to the fallen Knife Speakerman, who reaches out to clasp his comrade's hand one last time, before succumbing to his wounds and dying, his flickering red light going dark. The female trio looks very unhappy as they look down and TV Woman crying with tears appears on her monitor. Looking around, the recording starts running into errors, and appears Lucky Cameraman moving through the flames, also suddenly turn invisible. The Two Green Suited Cameramen shake hands, before looking at Plungerman as their lights glow green, directly shining at him (possibly intending to give him a slight flashbang to him for The Administrator) The world flashes in inverted colors.

The scene shifts to The Administrator, sitting at a desk, a Camera, Speaker and TV to his right. For the third time in the series, he speaks; offering a greeting and thanking the Plungerman for defeating the Scientist, before ominously warning that a bigger threat is on the horizon, with an image of an Overseer Astro Toilet coming into view. A Cameraman hands a card to the Adminstrator, who notes that this new danger requires certain details to remain secret, with no evidence to remain... and no survivors. Naming Plungerman directly, he muses that he too will not survive.

Shifting back to the base, Plungerman's view suddenly goes hazy, his body erupting into sparks, potentially succumbing to his own injuries or willingly made to die. Camerawoman attempts to reach out to help him, only to be held back by a somber TV Woman. Collapsing back, he looks up to the sky, locking gazes with the Titan Cameraman, offering his peer one final shaky thumbs up, before the fires consume him and Plungerman finally dies, his camera feed abruptly cutting out, leaving two words on the screen, "-CAMERA OFFLINE-". Then shortly after, the screen zooms out and it reveals that we were watching all this from a Television from the POV of an Injured Cameraman, then we start to look at the sides and behind and we see we are in a recovery room, there are also more Injured Cameramen in beds and wheelchairs, and also of the Cameraman are doing a Thumbs up, then, the Episode ends.

Characters & Sides/Locations[]


The Alliance Side[]



TV Men[]

Skibidi Toilet's Side[]

Astro Toilet's Side[]

The Administrator's collective[]



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