“ | titans confront g-toilet while cameramen infiltrate last piece of skibidi lab | ” |
“ | cameramen infiltrate last remaining part of skibidi lab | ” |
“ | titans confront g-toilet | ” |

skibidi toilet 73 is the second episode of Season 24 and the 14th and penultimate episode of Chapter 3. it is the 8th Episode in The Siege of Alpha-Hills. It was released on May 10, 2024. It is 9 minutes and 41 seconds long, making it the third longest episode in the series behind skibidi toilet 70 and Skibidi toilet 77.
Furthermore, the full version of the episode features additional scenes and a remastered version of the titan trio fight with the G-Toilet. This is the second to last episode of The Siege of Alpha-Hills.
The Alliance[]
- Plungerwoman (POV)
- Killing some Toilets, recording the battle of the Titans.
- Armed Normal Cameraman x3
- With Camerawoman, attacking some Toilets. x3
- Burgundy Tied Speakerman
- Last Showed in Camera Helicopter, but later he didn't show up in the Episode. Same as the Armed Cameramen. x1
- Light Gray Suited Large Cameraman
- Getting injured by the Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet, to later be saved by Camerawoman. x1
- Floral Tied Medic Cameraman
- Repairing the Cameramen, helping Camerawoman too. x1
- Titan Cameraman 2.0
- Fighting against G-Toilet 4.0, having injured G-Toilet but later getting also severely injured himself.
- Lucky Cameraman (Flashback)
- Plungerman (Flashback)
- Black Tied Scientist Cameraman (Flashback)
- Red Tied Cameraman (Flashback)
- Simp Cameraman (Flashback)
- Gray Suited Cameraman (Flashback)
- Fred (Flashback)
- Camera Van (Flashback)
- Camera Drone x3 (Flashback)
- Large Speakerman (Flashback)
- Titan Speakerman 2.0 x1
- Doing a lot of damage to G-Toilet but got infected only for a short period of time, later getting massacred with only its upper torso left.
- Dark Speakerman (Flashback)
- Speakerwoman (Flashback)
- Large Speakerman (Flashback)
TV Man[]
- Upgraded Titan TV Man x1
- Attacking the G-Toilet 4.0 in the battle, being one of the only Titans standing, going to chasing him later. x1
- Energized TV Man (In Full Episode's Secret Scene)
Skibidi Toilets[]
- G-Toilet
- Double Transporter Skibidi Toilet
- Fast Armored Skibidi Toilet (Flashback)
- Berserker Skibidi Mutant
- Jetpack Quad-Launcher Skibidi Toilet x2
- Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet
- Silver Dual Launcher Skibidi Toilet x4
- Quad-Launcher Copter Skibidi Toilet x3
- Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet
- Quad-Laser Scientist Mech (Controlled by TV Woman)
- Silver Semi-Giant Skibidi Toilet x2
- DJ Skibidi Toilet
- Parasitic Skibidi Toilet x2 (Flashback)
- Normal Skibidi Toilet x11 (7 in Flashback, 4 after Flashbacks)
- Bonesaw Skibidi Toilet (Flashback)
- Normal Gray Skibidi Toilet x7 (Flashback)
- Semi-Medium Skibidi Toilet x4 (3 in Flashback, One after Flashbacks)
- Medium Skibidi Toilet x1 (Flashback)
- Infected Titan Speakerman
- Infected Large Cameraman x2 (Flashback)
- Helicopter Hexa-Claw Parasitic Skibidi Toilet
- Jetpack Quad-Laser Skibidi Toilet (Full Episode only)
- Airplane Skibidi Toilet (Full Episode only)
- Troop SWAT Skibidi Mutant (Full Episode only)
- The Administrator
- Dave (Flashback)
- 3 Unnamed humans (Black Tied Scientist Cameraman, Striped Tied Scientist Cameraman and Lucky Cameraman (Flashback)
- Cathy (Flashback)
- Military x3
- Civilians x4
- Scientist x1
Part 1: POV-Camerawoman[]
The Episode begins at the end of Episode 70, when POV-Camerawoman looks at Plungerman. She then turns over to Speakerwoman and places her hand on her shoulder. However, Speakerwoman pushes her arm away, attempting to fix the already dead Dark Speakerman. Plungerwoman then directs her attention back to Plungerman, who begins to burn. Plungerwoman attempts to reach and help him, but TV Woman stops her from doing so.
The tape then transitions to a different recording of POV-Camerawoman, where she is observing the burning body of Plungerman, which occurred in Episode 57. The tape then shifts to POV-Camerawoman's perspective as she is interrupted by incoming toilets, which takes place in Episode 52. The tape changes once more, revealing a Black Cameraman with a red tie holding a Plunger. POV-Camerawoman then turns her attention towards Infected Titan Speakerman. The tape switches again, this time taking us to the Camera laboratory, where POV-Camerawoman and Titan Cameraman look at each other. We switch tapes once more, this time to a location from earlier episodes. Suddenly, the Fast Armored Skibidi Toilet forcefully enters and charges towards Plungerman.
The tapes switch for one final time. Instead of the tape being set during the war, it actually takes place in 1985. We witness a woman named Cathy setting up the camera before she joins her colleagues at work. She proceeds a double thumbs-up to the camera. Then she asked one of her colleagues, Dave, to look at the camera, but he refuses, which causes Cathy to turning away from the camera too. Then Dave looks at the camera and secretly gives a thumbs-up. Then the other colleagues look at Cathy then turns back to work, then they start a core-like laser.
Plungerwoman puts her tablet away, before unlocking her arm-guns and flying off the plane, shooting at Flying Skibidi Toilets. She kicks the Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet mid-air, breaking his glasses, and uses her arm-guns to blind him by shooting nails at his eyes. She then takes out the Spiked Plunger and hits the toilet twice. The Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet tries to defend himself by buzzsawing the POV-Camerawoman, but misses. Camerawoman then stabs the Quad-Buzzsaw Strider Skibidi Toilet in the face with the Spiked Plunger. Camerawoman throws two toilet paper grenades to the toilet, then gives a double middle finger to the toilet before jumping off, causing them to explode and destroy the toilet.
She then turns to a Floral Tied Medic Cameraman and offers her assistance, but she notices that the medic's left arm is missing. She extends her other hand, and the medic grabs hold of it, managing to stand up. A few toilets shoot missiles at them, but they miss and hit the ground instead. Camerawoman aims towards the toilets, which are becoming highlighted in red. She shoots blue beams from her turret, instantly destroying the toilets. Walking forward with two Armed Cameramen in front of her, as suddenly a Berserker Skibidi Mutant appears and uses his lasers to kill one of the Cameramen. He proceeds to grab the remaining Cameraman, crushing him in his hand.
He begins to walk towards Camerawoman with a slow, grinning pace. However, his approach is interrupted by The Scientist Mech, who takes off into the air. The two toilets, positioned directly above him, do not fly away but are instead shot down by Controlled Scientist Mech. Camerawoman's tablet beeps, as she takes it out, revealing TV Woman inside, who is controlling the mech. Camerawoman puts her tablet away as she does a thumbs-up to the Scientist Mech. Suddenly, three Double Transporter Skibidi Toilets appear overhead and start flying away. Nonetheless, when another one tries to pass through, it is shot down by the Scientist Mech.
G-Toilet flew in and looked devastatingly haunted as he saw the Scientist Mech, which was mockingly laughing at him. He quickly activated his holographic shield when he realized the mech was firing at him. After quickly deactivating his shield, the mech laughed and fired again, but G-Toilet blocked it with his shield again. He then charged at the mech while preparing his laser cannons, firing mercilessly after ramming into it. A Double Transporter Skibidi Toilet attempted to pick up a fallen container, but Camerawoman fired at them to stop them, though unsuccessful. G-Toilet aimed his charged-up laser cannons at Camerawoman.
However, something knocks down the Double Transporter Skibidi Toilet. Camerawoman looks to see who them down and we see the Upgraded Titan Speakerman sitting down. He stands up, spinning his blasters and charging them up. We then see the Upgraded Titan Cameraman arrive. After this, we see Upgraded Titan TV Man teleporting in and saying, "There's nowhere to run." G-Toilet doesn't seem scared at all as he says, "Fools, you have no idea what's coming." Upgraded Titan TV Man responds; "Whatever is coming, you won't survive to see it." Which then follows with G-Toilet charging his laser cannons before the episode cuts, ending Part 1.
Part 2: The Titans confront G-Toilet[]
At the beginning of the episode, continuing the first part, Upgraded Titan Speakerman is sitting down, he then stands up, spinning his blasters and charging them up. We then see the Upgraded Titan Cameraman arrive. After this, we see Upgraded Titan TV Man teleporting in and saying, "There's nowhere to run." G-Toilet doesn't seem scared at all as he says, "Fools, you have no idea what's coming." Upgraded Titan TV Man responds in capitalized words; "Whatever is coming, you won't survive to see it." which then follows with G-Toilet charging his laser cannons (previously mentioned).
G-Toilet then says, "For scientist!" and immediately gets shot by Upgraded Titan Speakerman and Upgraded Titan Cameraman, however he is unbothered due to his Holographic shield opening behind his back. After getting shot, G-Toilet immediately uses his Laser cannons at Upgraded Titan TV Man's core, but unbothered and shouts, "I'M THE LAST THING YOU WILL SEE!", as he activates his Death screen. G-Toilet then blasts a plasma ball radiating green energy at Titan TV Man, which explodes upon making contact with his core and stuns the titan.
G-Toilet then turns around to Upgraded Titan Speakerman and Upgraded Titan Cameraman. He gets shot frequently by both titans while turning around but receives no damage thanks to his Holographic shield. The POV-Camerawoman then faces Upgraded Titan Cameraman, while G-Toilet charges his Laser cannons and a green charged plasma ball at Upgraded Titan Speakerman, then subsequently blasts the titan down. Upgraded Titan Cameraman disrupts his attack with his new arm from Upgraded Detainer Astro Toilet, ripping off one of the G-Toilet's laser cannons.
G-Toilet then shoots a purple charged plasma ball at Upgraded Titan Cameraman but the titan knocks it away, following up with wagging his finger at G-Toilet, as he knows G-Toilet's intention of controlling the detaining arm. G-Toilet then flies himself up and charges all 3 laser cannons at Upgraded Titan Cameraman. The titan retaliates by catching the laser beams with his detaining claw arm, and charges it up. After a few seconds Upgraded Titan TV Man, who has recovered from the green plasma ball, shouts "COME HERE!" and leaps at G-Toilet with his Energy Blade, but misses.
Upgraded Titan Cameraman then uses his detaining arm and blasts a plasma ball at G-Toilet, Hitting the front of his gear. G-Toilet mockingly laughs and charges his Laser cannons at Upgraded Titan Cameraman, until Upgraded Titan Speakerman flies onto G-Toilet's back. G-Toilet looks behind him and raises an eyebrow, until he realizes Titan Speakerman is on his back. G-Toilet attempts to attack the titan, but Titan Speakerman blasts off one of the thrusters on his side. This causes G-Toilet to fall to the ground, and G-Toilet bites one of Upgraded Titan Speakerman's Plasma cannons and tears it off, while getting shot twice by the other Plasma cannon. G-Toilet headbutts Titan Speakerman away, sending him to the ground. Titan Speakerman screeches at G-Toilet, until suddenly a Helicopter Parasitic Skibidi Toilet flies behind his neck and latches on, attempting to infect him. Titan Speakerman fails to realize the parasite is there until it's too late, and despite attempting to remove the parasite, it takes control of him and infects him.
Infected Upgraded Titan Speakerman then looks at Titan TV Man who says, "YOU GOT TO BE $#!T!N ME!". Infected Upgraded Titan Speakerman proceeds to fly up and frequently shoot Upgraded Titan TV Man, however he gets stopped as Titan TV Man's Energy Blade hits him and knocks him to the ground. The Parasite likely disconnected from Titan Speakerman's head and was destroyed by the impact. While G-Toilet watches the two titans clashing, Titan Cameraman flies up behind G-Toilet, grabs his head with his detaining claw arm, and says "You're mine." Titan Cameraman slams G-Toilet's head into the ground, and proceeds to scorch him with his shoulder laser cannons.
After a couple seconds of Titan Cameraman blasting G-Toilet, the Jacked Mutant Skibidi Toilet flies up to Titan Cameraman's neck and throws some kind of electrical bomb onto his neck, disortating the titan. The Jacked Mutant would also shoot multiple blasts at the titan's neck. Titan Cameraman proceeds to grab and throw Jacked Mutant Skibidi Toilet to the ground and attempts to stomp him. However, the Jacked Mutant flies out of the way before Titan Cameraman can crush him. The Acid Strider Skibidi Toilet then digs out of the ground and leaps onto Titan Cameraman's left leg, and self-destructs via the explosive acid barrels attached to it, causing a huge explosion. The explosion blasts off Camerawoman's right arm and destroys Titan Cameraman's left leg and left hand's glove. The titan falls to the ground, stunned, as G-Toilet recovers from the titan's relentless attacks.
Recovered and furious, G-Toilet then screams at Titan Cameraman and tears one of his Laser cannons off. Titan Cameraman grabs the G-Toilet's head with his detaining claw arm, but G-Toilet charges his laser cannons and aims them at the titan's core. Moments later, Titan Speakerman, now disinfected, leaps to G-Toilet with a large knife, and proceeds to mercilessly stab G-Toilet's right eye multiple times while also shooting his plasma cannon at the toilet. G-Toilet knocks off Titan Speakerman and rams in the back twice, then shoots him with his laser cannons. In response, Titan Speakerman uses his speakers to loudly scream at G-Toilet, but the latter however counters it with a louder scream and proceeds to critically injure the poor Titan Speakerman. Titan TV Man then uses his Energy Blade and his upgrades to critically injure G-Toilet as well while showing a display on their screen being ">:(".
G-Toilet then says "WAIT!!!" "YOU NEED ME!". Titan TV Man then retorts with "ONLY YOUR HEAD!" and leaps at G-Toilet saying "NOW, DIE!" and then uses his television and emits the red death screen. A Double Transporter Skibidi Toilet appears but is instantly shot by Titan TV Man's core laser, making the toilet say the meme sound effect "OAHHHH" and get killed instantly. G-Toilet then says "NOOOOOO!" and says "I WILL SURVIVE." He then removes his old thrusters and laser cannons to replace with two new thrusters using magnetic beams attaching to his sides, activates his holographic shield, then rams at Titan TV Man and finally flies away. Titan TV Man becomes angered and slashes all the surrounding buildings with his blade out of pure frustration. He displays another angry emoticon and teleports away. Part 2 ends right after.
Full Episode[]
There are many changes in details made in Part 2 of the Full Episode version comparing to the old version. These include (some details have timestamps for the Full Episode video to mark the time when each change starts appearing):
- (4:50) Titan Speakerman now shoots slightly earlier right when G-Toilet finishes attacking Titan TV Man and, successfully hitting G-Toilet for a few shots before he manages to activate his shield.
- (4:55) When G-Toilet attacks Titan Speakerman, the POV now turns at Titan Speakerman, who is now shown to be hit by G-Toilet's attacks.
- (5:04) Titan TV Man now teleports his blade to attack G-Toilet from above (but misses as G-Toilet manages to dodge) then hits him with a laser beam from his core, destroying one of his thrusters before charging at him.
- (5:13) In the full version, G-Toilet now activates his shield to block the plasma ball from Upgraded Titan Cameraman right before it hits him, unlike the old version where he didn't block the plasma ball and let it hit him.
- (5:16) There's now a purple laser shot by Titan TV Man from his core at G-Toilet. It misses as it flies through right in front of G-Toilet's face.
- When Titan Speakerman was about to get infected in the old version, there was a small purple laser beam that briefly appeared, seemingly being shot at the Claw Helicopter Parasitic Skibidi Toilet (presumed to be from Titan TV Man). It is later been removed in the Full Episode, showing that it probably wasn't intentional.
- When Titan Speakerman is about to get infected,he tries to grab the Claw Helicopter Parasitic Skibidi Toilet instead of his speakers on the old version.
- After Titan TV Man knocks Infected Titan Speakerman down, several Jetpack Quad-Laser Skibidi Toilets begin to appear and shoot lasers at Titan TV Man. Shortly after that, the POV then turns to the right to continue watching G-Toilet's head being grabbed and forced into the ground by Titan Cameraman as usual.
- When Titan TV Man slashes his energy blade to G-Toilet, we can see that G-Toilet loses all of his laser cannons instead of one laser cannon remaining.
- (7:05) Titan TV Man also manages to pierce one of G-Toilet's armor plates with his shoulder claws in the new version, although he didn't strike anything in the older version.
- (7:11) At the same time when Titan TV Man jumps at G-Toilet, he additionally shoots a core laser at G-Toilet.
- (7:13) As the Titan TV Man jumps to the G-Toilet, he screamed.
- When Titan TV Man uses his red death screen to finish G-Toilet, 2 Explosive Airplane Skibidi Toilets rush to him and explode, as the first one hits him at his left shoulder from behind (but barely does anything to him) and the second one flies from his right but then killed by his blade. When the POV turns at G-Toilet, we can see more Explosive Airplane Skibidi Toilets around G-Toilet that are all killed by his death screen and fall down. It also seems like Titan TV Man didn't say "NOW, DIE!" before using his red light like in the old version.
- Just after G-Toilet manages to ram into Titan TV Man and escape from the battle, three Normal Skibidi Toilets can be seen on the top of a building singing their anthem, possibly mocking Titan TV Man for being unable to kill G-Toilet.
- Titan TV Man doesn't roar while killing the Normal Skibidi Toilets and destroying his surroundings, while he let out a powerful roar in the older version.
- Titan TV Man now appears burning in the Full Episode, which makes him look a bit more injured than before.
Extra Scenes[]
After Titan TV Man teleports away, Black Camerawoman turns her POV to see Titan Cameraman missing a leg. The titan then grabs the laser cannon that he ripped off of G-Toilet in the fight and uses it as a cane to walk. He then turns to Titan Speakerman, who also is missing a leg, as well as a foot. Titan Cameraman lifts Titan Speakerman onto his back using his claw, and limps away. Camerawoman then flies to a secret base where she finds the new Shadow TV Man, who tells her "Mind your own business". Black Camerawoman then sees that she is bleeding, but is helped by Floral Tied Medic Cameraman, who is then hit in the shoulder by an axe. It is revealed the Small SWAT Mutant Skibidi Toilet attacked, but he is then stabbed by TV Woman, who teleported behind him and burned him with her orange light. The Black Camerawoman proceeds to hear some distant gunshots and screams coming from the base and flies to investigate, getting in through a door. She then spots 2 Dual Gun Skibidi Toilets and immediately shoots them with her back laser cannon. A Hexa-claw Skibidi toilet approaches her and she kills it using the spiked plunger. Another Hexa-claw Skibidi toilet approaches her via crawling on the ceiling, which she shoots down with her back laser cannon. She then approaches a door, only to find it locked, so she kicks it in. Inside the room is a group of various humans. They immediately start shooting, but then a soldier from the group said "Wait! Stop blasting! It's not one of them! You're an ally, right? " Camerawoman gives a thumbs up to them, as a human in the background suddenly smiles a wide smile, exactly like the Skibidi Toilets, only to stop after a moment.
- The music used during the flashback was "Half Life 2 - Lab Practicum".
- In the skibidi toilet 73 (part 2) video specifically, one can change the audio track. Setting it to English (United States) will play some music during the fight scene.
- In one of the flashbacks of Black Camerawoman when the Fast Armored Skibidi Toilet appears and is about to crash onto Plungerman, Fred in the background does the Miles Morales shocked face.
- The woman that we see during Black Camerawoman's flashback is heavily implied to be her before she turned into a hardware head.
- This is the most brutal episode yet in the entire Skibidi Toilet series.
- In the full episode, we can see a lot of information and lore for the series.
- One of these being Alive Humans, killing and hiding from the Toilets, but there are lot of unanswered questions, like how they've managed to survive without any food, how long they've been there, or how they got all those Headphones.
- On the left side you can see a woman who is based on the model Heather from Dead by Daylight, as well as the protagonist from Silent Hill 3.
- In the secret scene we see some alive Humans, but one in the left is not wearing Headphones and for a split second he does the Skibidi Toilet smile face. He later on turned out to be the Messenger Skibidi Mutant.
- YouTube themselves commented on the Full Episode Video, saying, "the way titan cameraman helped titan speakerman up omg", being this the first time Youtube comments on a skibidi toilet video.
- G-Toilet's line "WAIT!!! YOU NEED ME!" may be a reference to a popular 2011 G-Mod meme video on YouTube called "you need me" made by Jimbomcb, which features a creature with 6 G-Man heads following the player while constantly saying "you need me".
- This could alternatively be a reference a scene from Half-Life 2, where Dr. Breen also says the line "you need me".
- This is the second to last episode of The Siege of Alpha-Hills.
- [Annoucement] 1:10 : Attention Group C: Please prepare for the experiment.
- [Scientist] 1:15 : Switch it back to Normal.
- [Cathy] 1:15 : Dave, Look back ;)
- [Dave] 1:17 : Nah, I'm good...
- [Cathy] 1:20 : Alright...
- [Scientist] 1:22 : Ok, we're all set.
- [Scientist] 1:24 : Proceed with "phase 1", Cathy.
- [Cathy] 1:27 : Ok...
- [Cathy] 1:28 : Opening the gate.
- [Soldier] 9:20 : Wait, stop blasting!
- [Soldier] 9:22 : It's not one of them...
- [Soldier] 9:25 : You're an ally, right?
ETV: Energized TV Man
GT: G-Toilet 4.0
TCM: Titan Cameraman 2.0
TVM: Titan TV Man 2.0
- [Annoucement] 1:10 : Attention Group C: Please prepare for the experiment.
- [Scientist] 1:15 : Switch it back to Normal.
- [Cathy] 1:15 : Dave, Look back ;)
- [Dave] 1:17 : Nah, I'm good...
- [Cathy] 1:20 : Alright...
- [Scientist] 1:22 : Ok, we're all set.
- [Scientist] 1:24 : Proceed with "phase 1", Cathy.
- [Cathy] 1:27 : Ok...
- [Cathy] 1:28 : Opening the gate.
- [GT] 4:18 : Fools, you have no idea what's coming!
- [GT] 4:34 : For scientist!
- [TVM] 5:05 : COME HERE!
- [TCM] 5:49 : YOU'RE MINE.
- [GT] 7:07 : WAIT!
- [GT] 7:08 : YOU NEED ME!
- [TVM] 7:11 : ONLY YOUR HEAD!
- [GT] 7:27 : NO!
- [GT] 7:31 : I WILL SURVIVE.
- [ETV] 8:32 : Mind Your own business.
- [Soldier] 9:20 : Wait, stop blasting!
- [Soldier] 9:22 : It's not one of them...
- [Soldier] 9:25 : You're an ally, right?