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skibidi toilet 76 is the second episode of Season 25, the 2nd episode of Chapter 4, and takes place in New York. The first part was released on July 6th, 2024, and the second part was released on July 19th, 2024.


Part 1: Astro Toilet attack in New York[]

The Episode begins with the POV Cameraman in New York witnessing a battalion of heavily armed toilets and striders blasting their lasers and rockets at an Astro Obliterator, who chuckles and fires his Plasma Emitters at them. From behind, a Superman Skibidi Toilet equipped with acid barrels ambushes the Obliterator, effectively disarming him as he is killed by a concentrated laser strike to the head. A Destructor Astro Toilet flies in, saying, "HOW DARE YOU RESIST?! TRAITOROUS SCUM!", as he easily annihilates the group with his Plasma Emitters & Astro Destruction Lasers. Fleeing the scene alongside 2 Normal Cameramen, the POV sees a Penta-Laser Strider Toilet walking alongside a flying Acid Jet Skibidi Toilet. A large explosion & screaming can be heard from behind as the POV & his companions hide in an abandoned warehouse, with a Medium Normal Skibidi Toilet seen on fire in the bridge in the distance while an Astro Interceptor flies past alongside a Camera Helicopter crashing behind the bridge. An Armored Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet, featuring a thousand-yard stare, approaches from the right. There is a long silence as the POV points his rocket launchers at the toilet who suddenly looks in the direction he fled from. Suddenly, a Troop Astro Toilet rams into him, killing/knocking him out instantaneously. The POV quickly blasts his rockets at the Astro Troop, who simply deploys his face shield. The Astro reveals his face, smiling menacingly as he charges his blasters at the POV. The Astro is then hit with a laser on the side of his helmet, and as he looks up, he screams in horror as he is crushed by the Eli Vance Skibidi Toilet. The POV points his rocket launchers at the toilet, with one his companions using his Paralyzer Rifle as the Toilet slightly winces. An Orange Shirted Cameraman stands up and gestures that the toilet is an ally, with the Toilet smiling and chuckling as he speeds off into the rain. The POV turns to his fellow Cameraman, who shrugs & does a "What?" gesture. A large explosion is heard on the POV's left, where we see a squad of Skibidi Toilets and Cameramen escaping from a Troop Astro Toilet. As the Troop Astro fires his laser blasters at the fleeing squad, the POV blasts his rocket launcher at the Astro, which only sets the Astro on fire. The Troop then fires a shot at the POV, who dodges it as his fellow Cameraman uses his paralyzer laser to stun the Astro. The POV throws his rocket launcher away, punches the Troop, removes his helmet, stabs him with a knife, and rips off his left laser cannon. A beeping sound is heard as the Astro Troop suddenly comes back to life. In response, the POV charges up his new laser cannon. The Astro Troop then rams into the POV as he is blasted, knocking him on the ground. " die" says the Troop does as he prepares to finish the POV off. A red laser is suddenly fired at the Astro, finishing him off for good.

The POV sees an Armed Large Cameraman with blue lens carrying a Portable Laser Cannon and a holographic shield generator. No t long after, LLC charges his Portable Laser Cannon and turns around, firing his laser and injuring an approaching Astro Trooper. Four More Troop Astro Toilets appear, to which the Armed Large Cameraman deploys his holographic shield as the Troops fire their blasters. One of the Troops flies up, trying to fire over the shield. LLC tries to fire his laser cannon, but misses, while the POV Cameraman blasts the Astro with his weapon, slightly damaging him. A rumble is heard in the distance as all the Troops back to the side, with a Strider Astro Toilet sliding into the scene. He charges up his cyber-blaster cannon and hits the shield, easily deactivating it, with the rest of the Astros grinning as the Strider prepares to finish off the duo. Suddenly, a repaired and upgraded Camera Strider approaches the Strider and the Troops from behind in the opposite direction, with the group realizing they are screwed. The Camera Strider easily blasts several of the Troops and the Strider with his plasma cannons. Two Astro Troops try to attack the Strider Camera, who easily jumps and crushes them. Meanwhile, the Damaged Astro Strider screams as the Camera Strider charges up its lens blast effectively destroying him. The Camera Strider's hatch opens up, revealing the Black Tied Scientist Cameraman.

Part 2: The Alliance and Skibidi Toilet's Failed Escape[]

Not long after, two Nornal TV Men teleport into the scene to retrieve the Astro Troops & Astro Strider Corpses. We also see TV Woman with a sad emoticon, clearly upset on how the TV Men were being ungrateful and disrespectful to the Cameramen despite their sacrifices. The POV Cameraman turns around and sees another TV Man retrieving an Astro Toilet corpse, only for the TV Man to flash his screen at him and say, "STAY BACK! Samples first", before teleporting away. We then see an Armless Cameraman looking at another Cameraman wielding an Anti-Parasite Gun.

Picking up his shield, the Armed Large Cameraman tells the POV Cameraman to come forward as he pulls out a Tablet, showing Polycephaly evacuating the remaining Alliance members, saying, "Move, imbeciles! Before they find us again!" LLC gestures that the evacuation point is on the other side of the bridge and says that the POV and his group can still make it. A Large Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet armed with lasers alongside a Silver-Skibidi Mutant and Cameraman approaches the duo, apparently deciding to let the POV hitch a ride. The POV Large Cameraman picks up the Armless Cameraman and the Cameraman wielding the Anti-Parasite Gun, throwing them onto the Toilet before he gets on, Suddenly, more Troop Astros notice the group and fire their blasters at the group. However, the Repaired Camera Strider and Laser Large Cameraman hold them off and divert the rest away from the Toilet-Cameraman group. Proceeding in the opposite direction, the group heads through the ruined city streets as more Astro Troops attack them until they reach the main bridge, with them picking up a Cameraman on the way. On the bridge, Astro Troops try to attack the group but they are defeated by a mysterious green object. After crossing the bridge, a large metal object in the shape of a drill suddenly falls from the sky and implants into the ground, revealing an Itinerant Astro Toilet who fires at the group using his Plasmatic Core. The group narrowly dodge the plasma blast, only for another fast-moving projectile to destroy the bridge and hit them from the side, knocking the Camera POV out.

As the POV Cameraman regains consciousness, he looks back and sees the injured Large Dual Laser Skibidi Toilet and one of the surviving Cameraman get annihilated by another Impactor in the distance. He also sees a slightly damaged Destructor Astro Toilet on fire and another Impactor, who close in on the group. The remaining squad attempts to flee, only for another grinning Impactor to appear in front of them from the nearby forest, along with an Obliterator Astro Toilet. The POV then sees some terrified Cameramen nearby, hiding in fear from the Astros. As soon as the Silver Mutant Skibidi Toilet throws away his weapon and resigns to his fate, he gets pulled by the Astro Duchess, who then crushes him to death. The Cameraman to the right of POV gives him a stoic thumb up before being pulled and smashed into a bloody pulp against a rocket-wielding Skibidi Toilet. The POV Cameraman tries to fire his weapon, only for the Duchess' claws to easily disarm him and pull him in. The Duchess proceeds to smugly smile as she sadistically tears the POV's limbs and lower body apart as he flips her off. "There's nothing you can do.", she says, speaking in the Skibidi language.

A flying injured Jetpack Balaclava Laser Toilet appears from behind the Duchess. He attacks her in an attempt to save the POV, but the Duchess easily deploys her Hexagonal Force-Field, displays an unnerving slasher smile, and screams very loudly as easily annihilates the toilet to a bloody pulp with her eye and mouth lasers. Overseer Astro Toilet flies in and reports that the Astro Toilet squad chasing Titan Cameraman went missing, and that their communications were tampered. He then asks if she would want to join his investigation, to which she complies, saying that she has a promise to keep. "Proceed with the Plan!". Overseer says in Skibidi before flying off. Duchess then throws the POV Cameraman on the ground and flies off, but not before mockingly winking at him. As the POV's body combusts, he sees a Carrier Astro Toilet warship in the distance turn the city he was escaping from into rubble. 'Camera Offline' shows on the screen and zooms out from a monitor in the Cameraman base, revealing that the ENTIRE footage was recorded, and that the Cameramen, including Plungerwoman alongside Floral Tied Medic Cameraman, saw the TV Men heartlessly leave their troops to die in favor of extracting the Astro Toilet corpses for research. A TV Man drops off a Troop Astro corpse for them to analyze, saying, "Analyze this, thoroughly." Enraged, Plungerwoman throws a monitor at the TV Man, with Fred and another Cameraman throwing an office desk at the TV Man and flipping him off. With a -_- Emoticon Face, the TV Man calmly, but angrily says, "You will regret it." before teleporting away. Then the Chief Scientist Cameraman scratches his head and does a "What now?" gesture. Everyone looks at Plungerwoman, who grabs Plungerman's spiked metal plunger and shakes her head in anger, with the camera cutting off, ending the episode.

Characters & Sides/Locations[]


The Alliance Side[]



TV Men[]

Skibidi Toilet's Side[]

Astro Toilet's Side[]

Human's Side[]



The Alliance[]



TV Men[]

Skibidi Toilets[]

Astro Toilets[]

The Administrator's collective[]


  • This episode is the second episode with stormy weather.
    • It is also the first episode that takes place on a rainy and stormy night.
  • This episode also highlights more about the collaboration The Alliance has with the Skibidi Toilets.
  • The Glitch Skibidi Toilet may have been inspired by Troop Astro Toilet.
  • The episode part was initially misspelled. It should've said"(part 1)" but it said "(part1)". It might have been a typo.
    • This was fixed a day after it was released.
  • The POV-Cameraman of the episode is a Large Cameraman.
  • When the Obliterator Astro Toilet attacked the building to the right side there was a figure that looked like it was wearing a white suit Dancing in the background
  • This is the first episode when we all see a supercell storm formed in the night because of the thunder in the background.
  • A Normal Cameraman can be seen holding on top of a Medium Skibidi Toilet which is a reference to Episode 64, where the same thing happened but with a Gray Medium Skibidi Toilet, and the predator was a toilet,
  • The first part of this episode and Episode 22 have the same description text which is "skibidi madness"
  • The white liquid the POV-Camera released while getting dismantled in Part 2 was the product of a rendering error, with the fluid intended to be black with a yellowish tint. While the scene was likely meant to convey something akin to oil, blood, or hydraulic fluid from the cameraman getting sprayed from being torn apart, the crude implications of the scene and especially who it was being done to meant it was removed from the final episode.
    • The Part 2 video was retconned to be non-canon due to the aforementioned issues.
  • We can see that Camerawoman is closest to the TV on the table before it is thrown away at the TV man, implying she is the one who threw it.
  • It's most likely the end of the full episode was a reference to Skibidi toilet 70 full episode as the same thing happened to Plungerman where the "CAMERA OFFLINE" text appears at the end of the full episode. Plungerwoman also holds a plunger with a spike to make it look like a mace to avenge Plungerman.
  • This episode features the first and currently only other version of the Black Skibidi Toilet, being the Large Black Skibidi Toilet.
  • At 6:33 of the full episode, as the Duchess Astro Toilet kills the toilet, the Obliterator Astro Toilet looks clearly disturbed by this but tries to act normal by smiling.
  • Part 2 of this episode is officially regarded as Non-canon due to poor portrayal of Duchess Astro Toilet.


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