![Tabs info icon](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/skibidi-toilet-official/images/0/0e/Tabs_info_icon.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/50?cb=20240413165010)
The Speaker Helicopters are flying variants of the Speakermen, first appearing in Episode 24. They are also referred to as Stereocopters.
The Speaker Helicopters are composed of a singular vintage-stereo complete with a helicopter rotor attached to the top of it. The rotor featuring six rotor blades secured to it that generates the needed air lift to make it mobile.
It is not known as to how it maneuvers itself, as there are no visible wings or flaps that are capable of directing and moving it.
Their combat method is similar to the Strider Speakers, emitting Soundwaves capable of generating enough force to knock back unsuspecting enemies into buildings and obstacles making them explode, except for the bigger enemies, shown in an extra scene of the Season 24 compilation. It seems that Speaker Helicopters don't mostly engage in combat, given how Alliance members doesn't utilize headphones very often.
- Welder Speaker Helicopter (Welder Variant)
- Black Speaker Helicopter (Black Variant/Stronger Variant)
- Large Speaker Helicopter (Large Black Variant)
- The Speaker Helicopters would not be able to take flight in real life as their rotors would cause the speaker's framework to spin in the opposite direction.
- The speaker model was made by a steam user named ivip: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2680336465
- The Speaker Helicopter shares similarities with the Camera Helicopters.
- Although the series itself is illogical, (Containing Skibidi Toilets having a full on war with the The Alliance) it is worth mentioning that the Speaker Helicopters do not possess any way of maneuvering themselves.
- The Speaker Helicopters were shown to attack in combat for the first time in the Season 24 compilation, in the extra scene of episode 73, when Titan TV Man tries to attack G-Toilet, it can be seen two Speaker Helicopters shooting soundwaves to the latter but they sadly don't affect G-Toilet in any way.
- It seems to be able to maneuver itself inside by a Speakerman that is probably inside it.
- In real life, he would not be able to fly due to the absence of a rotor behind the body.