The Alliance is an organization of humanoid mechanical beings (rarely shown to be slightly organic, unknown if created by The Administrator) with A/V equipment for heads. For most of the series, they were seen fighting the G-Toilet and his army of Skibidi Toilets, but since then the Alliance has made a union with the Skibidi Toilets, after the Astro Toilets revealed themselves as much more of a common enemy and a possibly world ending threat. The Alliance play a pivotal role in the Skibidi Toilet universe, being shown as the protagonists throughout the series and our way of seeing into the universe. The coalition is one of the two primary belligerents that are actively engaged in warfare, specifically against the Skibidi Toilets until Episode 75.
Currently, it is collectively composed of three branches, these being the Cameramen, Speakermen, and TV Men. Within each faction, the roster is distributed among the personnel based on their variant and distinctive combat or characteristic capabilities.
The Allience has no true leader, as the entire structure of it is based around socialism and mutual understandings, although certain members are higher than others in certain fields, with Titans being the top priority in the field of combat.
Chapter 1[]
The Alliance was formed when the Skibidi Toilets declared, as of Episode 3, an unprovoked war against the entirety of the planet, causing widespread, indiscriminate destruction, eventually taking over the humans who weren't part of them. This was evident from the fact that they had already established a police force.
In light of this, the Cameramen decided to go on the offensive, subsequently declaring war and battling the Skibidi Toilets, though they were initially very weak and inexperienced. As the Cameramen battled the toilets, larger and more dangerous Skibidi Toilets started appearing, so they called upon their titan for help. Said titan was able to dispatch even the strongest of Skibidi Toilets in the initial phase of the war. However, he was unfortunately defeated after a short battle against the joint G-Toilet and Rocket Toilet and returned back to the Cameramen laboratory for repairs and upgrades.
As the war progressed, the Skibidi Toilets seemed to be on the verge of winning. However, a new species of hardware heads joined the Alliance in Episode 24 and began fighting alongside the Cameramen: they were the Speakerman, who liked to blast their anthem (Tears For Fears' 1985 single Everybody Wants To Rule The World) in most battles.
With the sudden appearance of their new allies, another hardware head titan was bound to join the war, Titan Speakerman. This Titan had an arm cannon that dominated the battlefield, destroying small, regular-sized Skibidi Toilets with ease while stunning the bigger ones, and it even managed to destroy a base of theirs.
However, as things were looking up for the Alliance, the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet introduced a new bio-weapon into the war, the Parasitic Toilets, capable of infecting Alliance members and turning them against their own kind. With this new development, they managed to infect Titan Speakerman, which initiated the ongoing downfall of the Alliance. Eventually, the Alliance were able to create a weapon capable of ridding their infected allies of the parasites. This weapon was termed the Parasite Disabler Gun, otherwise known as the EPD.
With the development of their new technology, the Alliance sought to regain their titan. Thus, they created a larger and more powerful variant of the EPD, actually a vehicle, called the Parasite Disabler Laser Tank, or PDLT for short. During a battle between the Skibidi Toilets and the Alliance, the PDLT arrived into battle, where the infected Titan Speakerman was standing on the top of a high building, surrounded by battalions of different variants of Skibidi Toilets. As the PDLT fired at the titan, however, G-Toilet 2.0 blocked the laser beam in time and destroyed the PDLT in Episode 38.
Chapter 2[]
With all hope lost, the war raged on with little hope of victory as the Titan Cameraman was still in the process of being repaired and upgraded. Fortunately, new allies appeared to help them, these being the TV Men. They had the unique ability to hypnotize the toilets and direct their allies through radiant beams with a different array of effects such as making them unable to fight back, forcing infected allies to free themselves from parasitic toilets or even make these fight each other.
Several variants of the TV Men had stronger and more powerful versions of the hypnotizing ability such as the Large TV Man being able to disorient Skibidi Toilets, the Titan TV Man capable of forcing Skibidi Toilets to flush themselves, and the TV Women having the ability to force Skibidi Toilets to combust into flames alongside the unique ability to detach her head and control Skibidi Toilets similarly to the parasites. In addition, they have the special ability to teleport, puffing up into a cloud of black smoke before disappearing somewhere else. They can also bring allies along during their teleportation through physical contact as a way to transport them into battle or bring the wounded allies into a more secure location like the Cameramen laboratory.
However, with such powerful abilities, drawbacks and disadvantages would be at play too. With the exception of the Titan TV Man, it would seem that none of them have experience in physical combat, often opting for ranged combat through their hypnosis ability as shown in Episode 56. On the topic of hypnosis, it would seem that it would affect allies as well, which can be fortunately countered with the Lens. Unfortunately however, the toilets were able to steal this technology and use it for themselves, creating sunglasses capable of blocking the lights of the TV Men.
During an encounter against the toilets, Titan TV Man was upgraded into Cinema Man mid-way through when three Stereocopters flew to its aid, amplifying the titan's abilities. In the same encounter, the Infected Titan Speakerman arrived and battled Cinema Man for a short while before retreating when the latter tore off one of his superstructures.
Cinema Man would chase after the Infected Titan, encountering a strange variant of the toilets, which had its eyes and ears screwed shut, making it immune to the abilities of the TV Men. Cinema Man was able to defeat it with the spikes on his back, impaling the toilet's head.
As Cinema Man teleported in Skibidi toilet 47 into a dilapidated city where Infected Titan Speakerman flew off to, G-Toilet 2.0 appeared and began fighting it. The titan managed to gain the upper hand for a short while before getting ambushed by some of the best fighters within the toilets' ranks alongside Infected Titan Speakerman, who were able to bring him down with a Helicopter Large Parasitic Skibidi Toilet and almost managed to infect him. However, Cinema Man was able to teleport out of the battlefield before he could be parasitized.
In Episode 50, the toilets, whether through sheer luck or tactical genius, managed to find the Hidden Laboratory of the Alliance and launched an all-out assault on the complex. Before they could breach the interior of the facility, the now fully Upgraded Titan Cameraman flew into the fray and single-handedly defeated the entire toilet force with ease.
In the subsequent episode, Episode 51, Upgraded Titan Cameraman was sent to a destroyed coastal city to take care of the mess the toilets created and once again defeated all of them alone. With the Upgraded Titan Cameraman active in battle, the Alliance might gain the edge needed to win the war.
In Episode 55, there is an army of Cameramen marching with an Electromagnetic Anti-Parasite Tank. Seeking to destroy the offensive force, the toilets launched an ambush on the convoy. The first few attacks made by the ambush were unsuccessful, with them losing two rocket launcher helicopters, but the toilets were more dedicated to the ambush than The Alliance thought. With the help of the U-Titan Cameraman, the attacks were repulsed. However, the EPD tank was destroyed, which caused the Cameramen army to retreat.
In Episode 56, while a small group of Cameramen and a Normal TV Man subdued the toilets in an area, they received the news of the destroyed Anti-Parasite Laser Tank, which made the TV Man disappointed with the Cameraman and teleported away. Suddenly, something ambushed the group of Cameramen, which was then revealed to be the infected Titan Speakerman, who had been upgraded.
In Episode 57, Infected Upgraded Titan Speakerman slaughters more alliance members and suddenly U-Titan Cameraman arrives there. They both prepared for their first fight, and U-Titan Cameraman waved a finger at the other "Nuh-uh". As the battle progressed, the U-Titan Cameraman got an opportunity to push the U-Titan Speakerman to the ground, but soon after, G-Toilet 3.0 in its upgraded form began firing lasers at the U-Titan Cameraman. The Upgraded Titan Cameraman got angry and attacked the G-Toilet 3.0. Meanwhile, taking the opportunity, Plungerman flew to the Upgraded Titan Speakerman's nape but was noticed by ditto and captured. Upgraded Titan Speakerman then crushed him in his palm and threw him to the ground.
After that Upgraded Titan Cameraman (supposedly enraged about Plungerman's demise) battles out against the G-Toilet 3.0, Upgraded Titan Speakerman and Malformed Strider Skibidi Toilet. As the battle progresses, things get tougher, although Upgraded Titan Cameraman manages to stay on the offensive. Just then, TV Woman arrives to put an end to the mess and attacks Upgraded Titan Speakerman's parasite. The Upgraded Titan Cameraman grabs Upgraded Titan Speakerman's hands to prevent him from reaching out behind his back and hurting TV Woman, making her job easier. Long story short, they succeeded and Upgraded Titan Speakerman is at last disinfected. Meanwhile, G-Toilet 3.0 quickly flies away from there, accepting his defeat. Upgraded Titan Speakerman looks around first in confusion, before realizing all the damage he caused and lowers his head in remorse and regret. He then promptly leaves the area. The episode ends with Upgraded Titan Cameraman showing a "thumbs up" to the POV-Cameraman.
After that, Upgraded Titan Speakerman goes on a rampage and massacres the Skibidi Toilets, furious for being made a slave for the Skibidi Toilets all this time, killing so many allies and also an action of compensation for all the trouble he caused while being infected. After the battle, the Speakerman army comes out of their hiding place and welcomes the return of their titan, and Upgraded Titan Cameraman smashed palms with Upgraded Titan Speakerman, just like brothers.
Chapter 3[]
In Episode 60, two cameramen (including the POV Cameraman) could be seen spying on the toilets, with Decoy G-Toilet being confronted by an Astro Toilet, annoyed by his recent failures. Enraged, G-Toilet tries killing the Astro Toilet but a second Astro Toilet emerges and the two Astro Toilets tried to kill G-Toilet. Fortunately for the latter, Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet, in his mech form, appears in time and rescues G-Toilet, and angrily orders the Astro Toilets to leave. This is the first sign of tension and internal conflicts amongst the Skibidi Toilets. G-Toilet and Scientist Skibidi Toilet exchange glances before noticing, and (supposedly) killing, the two spying Cameraman. The two Cameramen managed to transmit what they've seen to Large TV Man however, who then broadcasts to the alliance, including Upgraded Titan Cameraman, to let them have the latest notice on the toilets. Upgraded Titan Cameraman then smashes his fists determinedly, obviously vowing to eliminate the toilets.
In Episode 61, as a group of Cameramen advance, their way blocked by Geeky Jesus Skibidi Toilet. Cameramen are stunned by exposure to high light and killed by a rocket hit coming from Geeky Jesus Skibidi Toilet. When it's the POV-Cameraman's turn, Speakerwoman, the last female member of The Alliance, appears with a sarcastic expression and has a fight with Geeky Jesus Skibidi Toilet. After her victory, she helps the POV-Cameraman and celebrates her victory there with a group of Speakermen.
In Episode 62, a group of Alliance members spend time together and have fun. But suddenly they see a Cameraman running towards them, running away from a group of Skibidi Toilets. After that, a Large Speakerman then begins to look at the mysterious black cloud that suddenly forms in the air. He waits there to witness Titan TV Man's return, but Scientist Skibidi Toilet suddenly appears and tricks him. The members of The Alliance begin to run away in panic. After, POV-Cameraman subjects Scientist Skibidi Toilet's sound boom. And for a short moment, G-Man Skibidi Toilet appears and proceeds to destroy the city once again. It looks like Skibidi Toilets are revived again with new technology upgrades and with stronger Skibidi Toilet members.
As the war grows, brand new members emerge. In Episode 63, a group of Cameramen fights with Skibidi Toilets. And suddenly one Cameraman is caught and killed by Jetpack Claw Skibidi Toilet. After, Jetpack Claw Skibidi Toilet is stunned by a Cameraman Rifle and Dark Speakerman appears. He jumps on the toilet and stabs it. Then, while a group of Cameramen were trying to go to other parts of the war with their armored car, they were captured and killed by the Berserker Skibidi Mutant. And after a short looking with Knife Speakerman, he is repeatedly hit and injured by Plungerman, who appeared six episodes later with new upgrades, and is eventually stabbed to death by a Large Speakerman. The last remaining toilet in the area, Plane Bomber Skibidi Toilet, is killed by Upgraded Titan Cameraman as he advances towards the allies. At the end of the episode, Upgraded Titan Cameraman and Upgraded Titan Speakerman go towards the other parts of the battle with a fleet of various aerial vehicles.
In Episode 64, a new type of Skibidi Urinal would appear, this time with the size of a Giant Skibidi Toilet, and upgraded with an enhancement attached to the front of it, an oven. This Skibidi Urinal would mow down fellow Skibidi Toilets and Alliance members alike, obtaining several of such kills before it was smashed by the Upgraded Titan Cameraman when it arrived alongside the Upgraded Titan Speakerman and their aerial fleet that was following the titans. The G-Toilet who was watching this, grinned at the titans before flying away, whilst another new Skibidi Toilet would appear to confront the titans. The Rocket Overload Skibidi Toilet would fire a missile filled with acid at the Titan Cameraman, who blocks it with his new energy shield.
Seeing this, the Titan Speakerman would then start flying around the Rocket Overload Skibidi Toilet, narrowly avoiding another acidic missile launched at it, and landing behind the Skibidi Toilet, taking off the protective cover over its flusher and subsequently flushing it soon after. However, a ticking time bomb would then suddenly rise up from the flushed Skibidi Toilet, activating itself and starting a detonation sequence, causing both the titans to be stunned with surprise. After they shook off said surprise, the Titan Cameraman immediately went on carrying the ticking time bomb up, flying away with it and dropping it at a more secluded location, with an explosion occurring soon after.
The Titan Cameraman would return back to the Titan Speakerman, and the both of them would spot a small group of four Duplex Airstrike Skibidi Toilets flying away from them as they had spotted the titans. The Titan Cameraman quickly dealt with the cowering Skibidi Toilets with a finger blast, shooting a destructive blue orb at them before looking at the POV-Cameraman who was watching the entire fiasco. The Titan Cameraman would give a thumbs up as a sign of approval before it gets seemingly scolded by the Titan Speakerman for being distracted as the G-Toilet was getting away. Seeing this, both titans would then fly off to pursue the G-Toilet, with The Administrator that was watching them, slowly disappearing soon after.
A Cameraman is backing away with his hands up, looking at something off-screen. He suddenly gets impaled by a javelin from the Jetpack Nailgunner Police Skibidi Toilet, The POV-Cameraman turns around and covers his face with his hand, but the Jetpack Nailgunnner cop gives a smug face before flying away. Soon after, G-Toilet flies to the toilets' destination, smiling of the "trap" set up by him. Titan Cameraman and Titan Speakerman fly to the destination. It seems that the toilets were about to fight the duo, but surprisingly, all the toilets left Decoy G-Toilet to fight alone. Awestruck by the apparent "betrayal", the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet smiles and waves to the G-Toilet Decoy. This could possibly be apart of the toilets plan, and the G-coy was just acting.
As G-coy stared at the location where the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet was and feeling betrayed, he faced to the Titans, powering up his eyes to shoot out lasers again, ready to take on the Titans all by himself. G-coy fires his lasers, Titan Cameraman uses his energy shield to block the attack. Titan Speakerman then jumps over G-coy and fires at him from above. G-Toilet turns to face him, but he gets interrupted when the Titan Cameraman fires a powerful laser at him, destroying his headphones. The Titan Speakerman then grabs G-Toilet and screams in his ear, G-toilet retaliates with a headbutt to Titan Speakerman. He then charges toward Titan Cameraman. As he holds him, Titan Speakerman tries flushing him but with no use, G-Toilet bites Titan Cameraman with the Titan Speakerman trying to sheepishly flush G-Toilet. The G-Toilet knocks the Titan Speakerman with his lasers and they get thrown backwards as they continue getting assaulted by G-Toilet's lasers, now using the mounted lasers.
The Titan Cameraman slams G-Toilet with his hammer, knocking off one of his thrusters and two of his laser cannons. The G-Toilet charges at him before being blasted and hit by the railgun and Warhammer respectively. Enraged, the Titan Cameraman prepares his spiked brass knuckles and repeatedly punches the G-Toilet, which causes him to bleed. After being assaulted by Titan Cameraman, the G-Toilet uses his laser eyes to attack him before the Titan Speakerman leaps to his head and stabs him in the eyes with two knives. After being blinded, the G-Toilet gets blasted with immense radiation from the Titan Cameraman's core, vaporizing his face and finally ending him once and for all. Titan Cameraman loses balance for a brief moment after blasting blue fire at G-Toilet. They inspect the body of G-Toilet, but they realize that behind G-Toilet's face was just a regular Giant Skibidi Toilet; piloting the Decoy G-Toilet. It was a setup.
Multiple jet-like noises can be heard above them and the titans and the POV-Cameraman look up to see multiple Skibidi Toilets loaded with explosives and airplanes flying into them. The Titan Speakerman flies out of the way which leaves the Titan Cameraman to use his energy shield in an attempt to protect himself. Extremely powerful explosions can be heard in the background before the Titan Speakerman (who is on fire and without his left upgraded arm plasma blaster, which fell off) and the POV-Cameraman looks at the wounded Titan Cameraman, who has lost his right arm and is on fire. The Titan Cameraman gives the POV-Cameraman a thumbs-up before switching it to a thumbs-down.
In Episode 67, taking place outside Alpha-Hills Labs, Very Large Cameramen were introduced as recorders. Titan Cameraman and Speakerman were fighting against powerful foes, like Upgraded Mafia Skibidi Toilet. All of a sudden Chief Scientist's Mech interrupts the scenario. The two titans reunited together, and Titan Cameraman made a gesture implying he would decapitate his enemy.
A very heated battle started, and Chief Scientist's Mech showed very powerful weaponry like Acid Missiles, Stereo Blasts and Laser Rifles. Titan Speakerman attempted to shoot from his blaster until he got pushed and fallen down. Suddenly, Plungerman with his Glitchmobile started ramming on Chief Scientist's stereo speakers. The Mech reacted instantly, wiping Plungerman out. G-Toilet 4.0 then appeared from the sky and weakened Titan Cameraman. The Mech's Stereo speakers suddenly fell, and a huge TV screen, formerly hidden behind the speakers, turned on (with the effect similar to the Cinema Man's red screen), hypnotizing Titan Cameraman into decapitating himself.
The two toilets kept grinning and laughing until a black smoke covered the field. A mysterious black humanoid shape aggressively started approaching towards Scientist, which got recognized as Upgraded Titan TV Man. The upgraded titan has then stabbed Scientist's face with his new energetic Blade. His core's purple beam has done enough damage to "dig" through his head. After the powerful foe of Chief Scientist's Mech has been defeated by the Upgraded Titan TV Man, it was the first time all the three titans met together. Some G-Clones broke the peaceful situation, so Upgraded Titan TV Man didn't hesitate to fight them.
The Administrator hijacked POV-Cameraman, telling him to look at the left. The POV obeyed and saw the actual Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet (after all the one seen in the last eight episodes was just a colossal mech). Scientist attacked the POV, then he flew to Alpha-Hills Labs's entrance. The POV-Cameraman chased him, getting a bump in his head. A Large Speakerman lifted the closing gate till his death, letting the most Cameramen and Speakermen enter the Base.
This would have been the start of a long adventure for the new Infiltration squad, which would have the mission of exploring Alpha-Hills, while Large TV Men broadcasted the live event. The Infiltration Squad has gone in depth of the base, between Episode 68 and Episode 70. They made a lot of discoveries, at the cost of losing many lives. At the end only Plungerman and Dark Speakerman could meet the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet and kill him, resulting in all three of them dying. However, the cause of death of Plungerman was caused by The Administrator, who wanted to hide some secrets from the Alliance.
Meanwhile the Infiltration Squad was operating, the Upgraded Titan TV Man showed his new abilities, like detaching his head, the turrets on his head and the anti-parasite technology. The three titans have always cooperated to each other since this moment. In Episode 70 the three titans were ordinarily fighting, until a new powerful threat approached the Alliance: Upgraded Detainer Astro Toilet. He actually didn't mean to harm the Alliance, as he was looking for G-Toilet.
It is presumable that between Episode 70 and Episode 71 the Alliance has claimed Alpha-Hills, as they were seen using the base's airport without seeing major problems. Also it is now revealed that in Episode 73, the Alliance is indeed allied with the Humans, keeping them safe as getting what information they can out of them. In episode 75 the Alliance started teaming up with Skibidi Toilets.
During the war, there have been, so far, three major players within the alliance.
- The Cameramen faction is the main component of the alliance and a versatile force, serving as the recorders and spies throughout the episodes and also used as essential combatants against the Skibidi Toilets on the battlefield, having the most physical battling experience. The characters that "record" the videos of the battles for DaFuq!?Boom's are always Cameramen, with every episode being through the lens of a specific cameraman. In a few cases, there are even multiple that switch between each other with Tablets and other such devices. Their diverse roles extend to providing aid, repairs, and the execution of espionage operations. They have also accomplished numerous scientific milestones, manufacturing notable inventions such as the PDLT and the Upgraded Titan Cameraman, projecting their intelligence and innovation.
- The Speakermen are a strong, but more playful branch. They first appeared in Episode 24 when the Cameramen were losing against the toilets due to Titan Cameraman getting injured. Their technology is similar to the Cameramen since they have their own Strider and even a Titan. Even though they were quite strong, their Titan got infected in Episode 32 and turned against them. Most Speakermen retreated for many episodes until Episode 59. Through physical techniques they can also slaughter a considerable number of Skibidi Toilets with their blast power, which was first introduced in Episode 61. Speakermen have also actively participated in conducting scientific efforts alongside the Cameramen as seen in Episode 35.
- The TV Men are a very powerful and enigmatic faction. They were first introduced in Episode 39 to kill skibidi toilets. Like the Speakermen and Cameramen, they also have a large variety and a colossal Titan, way stronger than the previous ones. Most TV Men's screens stun their foes.
Here is a simplified list of the main members of The Alliance;
- † - Deceased or Extinct
- Italic - Injured or Inactive
- Skibidi Toilets (Pre-EP.75)
- Skibidi Bathtub (Pre-EP.75)
- Skibidi Urinal (Pre-EP.75)
- Skibidi Mutant (Pre-EP.75)
- The Infected (created by the Skibidi Toilets)
- Astro Toilets
- The Alliance was created mostly due to the criticism of the videos (due to revolving around the toilets, which is toilet humor) and kids watching.
- The sizes of the large alliance members (and possibly even titans) are inconsistent, changing sizes every few episodes. For example, Large Cameraman in the early episodes used to be much larger as they're more than 2x the size of a Normal Cameraman, they're just slightly taller than normal alliance members.
- However, DaFuq!?Boom! stated that sizes of characters never changed and it is largely due to perspective.
- The TV Men likely has the least amount of members, only a handful of TV Men, one Large TV Man, one Elite TV Man, one Titan TV Man and one TV Woman are seen.
- So far, there are only four Alliance members that are female.
- There are three known species of women in The Alliance, and they are the Normal Camerawoman (who was decapitated by Glitch Skibidi Toilet), TV Woman, Plungerwoman, and Speakerwoman.
- All titans seem to have a core in the center of their chest which, as seen in Episode 20 and Episode 47, appear to be weak points, at least on the Titan Cameraman and Titan TV Man.
- As of Episode 67, all of the titan's cores have been shown to each have at least one attack, the Titan Cameraman's spewing a gigantic and powerful blue flame, the Titan Speakerman's shooting a red laser, called the Speaker Blast in the official store, and the Upgraded Titan TV Man's shooting an extremely powerful purple laser.
- In Episode 62, when the Berserker Skibidi Mutany tears a Large Cameraman in half, blood and sparks can be seen spewing out of the wounds. So it's confirmed that some Cameramen are cyborgs, showcased fully by Episode 73 and 77. It’s unknown if this applies to all Alliance agents, but normal, large, and elite units all have evidence of previously being human.
- The Alliance seem to have completely taken the position of the second most dominant species on the planet, being beaten in first place only by the Skibidi Toilets.
- Similar to the Skibidi Toilets, they are able to invent and recycle technological advancements to one-up each other, constantly researching and creating new enhancements to attached to their units to further improve the combat capabilities of their entire armada.
- An example of this can be seen in Episode 63, where the shell of the Glitch Skibidi Toilet was converted into a super-sonic speed vehicle known as the Glitchmobile, being exclusively piloted by the Plungerman after his repairs and Upgraded Titan Speakerman going to battle with his upgrades from the Skibidi Toilets.
- Every Combatant Woman is introduced in the middle of the season.
- In Episode 66, the members of The Alliance are getting stronger (and braver) since they are now killing toilets 'willingly' with their teamwork.
- Before the War between the Alliance and the Toilets, in some episodes, some Cameramen can be seen observing the Toilets with the Humans along with their vehicles parked, this likely meant that the Alliance is affiliated with the humans as they do not seem to be hostile to each other.
- The Alliances official name was revealed to be "The Resistance", which is proven in DaFuq!?Boom! Official Store Collectibles, however the wiki staff member keeping The Alliance name due to disagreement.
- However the name "Alliance" would finally be used in the description of the full ver. of EP 69, meaning that the previous name was either retconned or just another nickname.
- Every faction in the alliance so far has some form of positive symbol. Cameramen have thumbs up and speech, Speakermen have clapping, and TV Men have multiple emotions, namely ":3", along with being able to speak english in reverse.
- Cameramen and TV Men also have a negative symbol, with the Cameramen naturally having a thumbs down, and TV Men doing an "-_-" emoticon and speaking. Speakermen are yet to show a negative symbol.
Unofficial flags designed by the community. But some of the Cameramen flags are official.
TV Man Navigation | |||
(Alliance Map for reference) | |||
Soldiers | |||
Main Sequence TV Men | Normal TV Man • TV Woman • Large TV Man • Titan TV Man (Upgraded) | ||
Special TV Men | Elite TV Man • TV Drone | ||
Scientists | Scientist TV Man | ||
Colored Clothing Variants (see Minor Characters for more) |
Normal Sized | Accessories | Gun TV Man • Black Tied TV Man • Dagger Hands TV Man |
Items | |||
Weapons | Television (Energy-Based Weaponry) • Energy Blade • Handy Blade | ||
Protection & Tools | Jetpack • Speech | ||
SFX | |||
Sound Effects | TV Men Ambience • Titan TV Man Red Screen Sound Effect • TV Men's Teleport sound | ||
Locations | |||
Base/Lab | TV Men Laboratory |