In this sense, a vehicle is any sort of object that an entity, whether a hardware-head or toilet can pilot / use. By this definition, the Paralyzer Laser Tank is a vehicle, while something like the Parasite Disabler Gun or Headphones is not. A vehicle in the Skibidi Toilet series also could mean a thing used for transporting characters, goods, or a heavy armored fighting moveable object.
- M1 Abrams MBT and Sikorsky Sea Stallion Helicopter
- Regular helicopter
- Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge
- Several types of cars and bus (skibidi toilet 3).
Alliance Vehicles[]
Unlike the other 2 factions, the Skibidi Toilets do not use vehicles as they are essentially their own. The closest we have to a toilet vehicle would be the Giant Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilet, which is essentially a Skibidi Aircraft Carrier.
- Cameramen have the second largest variety of vehicles out of any faction in the entire series, having the (Upgraded) Parasite Disabler Laser Tank, Camera Truck, Paralyzer Laser Tank, Cameraman Dropship, Sub-Orbital Satellite Laser Camera, Camera mech and Cameramen Helicopters, giving them 7 known types of vehicles.
- They are surpassed only by the mostly/seemingly extinct humans, and beat the Speakerman who have the Speakermen Carrier, Speaker Truck, Speaker Helicopter (3 known varieties), and Toilet Car, giving them 6 known types of Vehicles.
- The Giant Flying Spawner Skibidi Toilet is debatable since it is (or was, since it was killed) a living entity.
- TV Men are the only faction in the entire series to clearly never use vehicles.
- This makes sense, as they can teleport.