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搋子监控人(又名无双战神)是马桶人系列中的主要角色之一。他是监控阵营的杰出成员,以勇猛地使用他的标志性武器——皮搋子而闻名。他以热衷于使用皮搋子消灭马桶人而闻名。他被许多外网粉丝誉为“有史以来最勇敢的监控人(The Bravest Cameraman Ever)”。

搋子监控人在该系列中经历了多次升级。最初,他唯一的装备是放在背上的一对皮搋子。从那以后,他在该系列的第 52 集中获得了一个喷气背包以获得更大的机动性和敏捷性,通过皮搋子和喷气背包赶在两个马桶人伤害视角主角之前成功消灭了他们。



外观/战斗/能力[ | ]

  • 搋子监控人身着标志性的黑衬衫配黑灰色西装和黑大衣,手戴黑色手套,脚蹬黑皮鞋。
  • 头部为黑色监控探头,下端安装了一个白色大灯(从他的2.0版本/52集开始改为蓝色后不具备照明功能)。
  • 他在早期系着红色领带,从45集或48集开始改系为黑色领带。
  • 他以皮搋子作为攻击马桶人的主要方式。2.0版本中他持有两个皮搋子,不使用时会将其交叉置于背后。
  • 他似乎比大多数监控人更加强壮,在第69集中我们可以看到他的拳头上加装了可伸缩的尖刺并在70集中借助其爬上了电梯井。推测是在3.0版本中升级获得。

使用的装备[ | ]

皮搋子[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 高


喷气背包[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 平均水平




闪电机动马桶[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 极高


尖刺搋子[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 很高


射钉步枪[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 较高


镜片[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 较高


耳机[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 较高


劫持装置[ | ]

  • 战场效率: 相当高


相关情节[ | ]


顯示/隱藏 功绩
  • 除非特殊说明,该部分中的“他”均代指搋子监控人(无双战神)。

第43集[ | ]

  • 灰馬桶人的攻擊中存活

第48集[ | ]

  • 用一对皮搋子将五个灰马桶人冲水并在飞行锯盘马桶人赶来之前趴下使他得以避免被其伤害。

第55集[ | ]

  • 在该集开始的前几秒中搋子监控人正站在一堆(约23-26个)被冲水的灰马桶人旁,这些马桶人很可能是被他所击败。

第57集[ | ]

第63集[ | ]

  • 驾驶着闪电机动马桶首次亮相并重创了狂战士突变人形马桶人。随后朝嘲笑他的蓝西装粉袖监控人头上发射了一个皮搋子并对他的举动做出了“国际友好手势”的回应。

第67集[ | ]

  • 驾驶闪电机动马桶撞毁了首席马桶人科学家机甲的一门酸炮并对机甲造成轻微损伤。但随后被其机甲前的一组黑色音响暂时震慑并被置于皮套机甲左眼的激光炮击落,这使该载具损毁,但他除了衣物有破损外并无大碍。在泰坦电视人摧毁首席马桶人科学家机甲后与蓝衬衫大监控人玄色音响人等一同进入阿尔法山基地进行探索。

第68集 第二部分[ | ]

  • 神秘特工的干预下导致小队被马桶人发现,但在基地内马桶人的攻击中幸存下来。蓝衬衫大监控人在弥留之际将他的镜片给予了搋子监控人。

第69集 第一部分[ | ]

  • 杀死了一个蜘蛛机械腿马桶人马桶人寄生虫,随后在玄色音响人和其他监控人的协助下重创了受损的突变人形马桶人。在被迈克尔·杰克逊马桶人追击时因玄色音响人关闭大门使两名监控人“丧生”后对玄色音响人的举止感到愤怒,随后朝门外的马桶人们送上他“最友好”的问候。

第70集 第二部分[ | ]

  • 在基地内遭遇停电,待电力恢复后为躲避激光炮中型灰色马桶人的追捕而躲进一间储藏室。在被升级后的机械爪暗杀马桶人前的THX光线攻击时被玄色音响人营救,随即利用镜片抵御THX光线并成功将其反杀。胜利后与玄色音响人在储藏室内各拿了一些装备后便继续探索基地。

第70集 第三部分[ | ]

  • 马桶人科学家进行了一场激烈的战斗。在拖延了足够的时间后马桶人科学家被增援部队打败。他在玄色音响人弥留之际与之和解并目视其死去。随后神秘特工通过特殊手段与他对话并告知他出于保密需要不得不将他杀死。他在临死前向泰坦监控人竖起了最后的大拇指。


人际关系[ | ]

阵营[ | ]

同盟[ | ]

敌人[ | ]

相关角色[ | ]

同盟[ | ]

  • 玄色音响人(已故) - 战友
  • 泰坦监控人 - 战友
  • 蓝西装粉袖监控人 - 战友
  • 女监控人 - 战友
  • 女电视人 - 战斗中的伙伴
  • 黑领带科学家监控人 - 战斗中的好友

敌人[ | ]

  • 玄色音响人(已故) - 憎恶 (曾经)
  • 首席马桶人科学家(已故) - 敌对阵营科研人员
  • 火箭推进器马桶人(已故) - 强敌

受到的创伤[ | ]






对敌战损[ | ]

Plungerman Ep's 7-48
集数 角色 图像 死因 战况
73 (Pre Ep. 20) 普通马桶人 x2 File:73.1-NormalSkibidisFlushed.png 很可能被压榨 (镜头外). 被击败
43 普通马桶人 x1 File:43-NormalToiletFlushedByPlungerman.png 被冲水或被压榨 (屏幕外). 被击败

Plungerman Ep's 48-57
Episode Character Image Death/Injuries Status/State
48 Gray Skibidi Toilet x5 File:48-PlungermanAfterFlushedSomeToilets7.gif Flushed and plunged. Killed
52 H. Gray Skibidi Toilet x1 File:52-HelicopterSkibidiDestroyed.gif Pushed him to ground causing him to explode. Killed
Dual B. Skibidi Toilet File:52-DualBladeToiletPlunged.gif Plunged. Killed
53 Jetpack Skibidi Toilet x1 File:53-NormalToiletPlunged.gif Plunged (Off-screen). Killed
55 Gray Skibidi Toilet x23 File:55-PlungermanAfterFlushedToilets.png Killed

Plungerman Ep's 63-67
Episode Character Image Death/Injured Status/State
63 D. Airstrike Skibidi Toilet x2 File:63-PlungermanDestroyingSkibi-Copters.gif Crashed into them with Glitchmobile. Killed
Berserker M. Skibidi Toilet File:63-BerserkerAttacked.gif Crashed into him with via high velocity with the Glitchmobile. Injured
66 U. Laser Strider Skibidi Toilet File:66-PlungermanDestroyingLaserStrider.gif Killed
67 Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet M. File:67-PlungermanAttackingDaScientist.gif Acid Cannon Destroyed with Glitchmobile. Damaged

Plungerman Ep's 67-70
Episode Character Image Death/Injured Status/State
68 Scientist Claw Skibidi Toilet x1 File:68-PlungermanAfterPlungedAToilet.gif Plunged (Off-Screen). Killed
Scientist Claw Skibidi Toilet x1 File:68-PlungermanAfterPlungedAToilet4.gif Plunged in the face and then Flushed. Killed
69 Hexa-Claw Skibidi Toilet x1 File:69-PlungermanKillingHexaClawToilet.gif Repeatedly struck times with Spiked Plunger. Killed
C. Parasitic Skibidi Toilet x1 File:69-PlungermanKillingParasitic.gif Killed with Spiked Plunger. Killed
Damaged Mutant Skibidi Toilet File:69-ZombieMutantDed.gif Struck multiple times with S. Plunger (and Knifeman). Killed
Knifeman File:POVPunchingKnifeSpeakerman.gif Gave Knife Speakerman two blows on his head. Injured
70 U. Claw Car Skibidi Toilet File:70-ClawToiletDeath.gif Shot in the eyes and killed with Spiked Plunger. Killed
Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet 3.0 File:70-PlungermanAttackingScientist2.gif Struck in the eye with Spiked Plunger. Injured

Death[ | ]

Plungerman was already badly injured in Episode 67 when he was shot down by the Scientist Toilet's mech, and engaging on a risky mission proved to be a mistake. In Episode 70 part 3, he fought alongside Knife Speakerman against the Scientist Toilet. By the end of the battle, he had lost the lower half of his body, likely due to the Scientist Toilet's mounted laser. Despite attempting to block the laser with his Bolt Rifle, he was unsuccessful. After the fight, he began to burn, being cremated by the Secret Agent. It's unknown if he will ever get repaired despite fans saying he will in the future. Since episode 70 part 3, Plungerman's death has been shown in nearly every episode afterwards (as of episode 74);

Episode 71 - in the beginning

Episode 72 - in the beginning

Episode 73 - flashback

Episode 74 does not have any mention of it.

Battles, Clashes, & Ambushes[ | ]

Plungerman 1.0
Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
Skibidi Toilet 48 File:48-GlassesSkibidlToilet-Transparent.png Plungerman was standing next to a Scientist Cameraman, he nodded his head and got ready to fight multiple Gray Skibidi Toilets. He grabbed his plungers and walked to the toilets. Unfortunately the POV turned away and we couldn't see the fight but when the POV faced back to Plungerman he was seen with all the deceased toilets. Victory
Gray Skibidi Toilet x5

Plungerman 2.0
Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
Skibidi toilet 53 File:53-WarperSkbidiToilet.png Plungerman was standing on a dead Gray toilet, looking at the POV-Cameraman until the Astro Assailant Skibidi Toilet appeared and killed a Large Speakerman he immediately turned around and started flying with his plungers out. But then Titan Cameraman appeared and fought off the toilet. Discontinued
Assailant Astro Toilet
Skibidi toilet 53 File:Plungerman'sHUGEW.jpg Plungerman was seen in Episode 55 standing victorious on a huge pile of Gray Skibidi Toilets and Helicopter Gray Skibidi Toilets his lower camera was turned back to its original color showing that this was a hard battle it made him tired Victory
Gray Skibidi Toilet x18 - 23

Plungerman 3.0
Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
Skibidi Toilet 67 File:MechgotHurt.png While the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech was fighting the Injured Titan Cameraman and the Injured Titan Speakerman, Plungerman 3.0 attacked the Scientist with the glitchmobile, and although he managed to take a Weapon from him, the Scientist used Soundwaves to paralyze him and attack him with his Laser Eye, defeating him. Defeated
Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet Mech

Plungerman Injured/Without Glitchmobile
Episode Adversarial Characters Info. Result of the confrontation
Skibidi Toilet 69 File:ClawBidiToilet.png Injured Plungerman was fighting the Hexa-Claw Skibidi Toilet, and although at first the fight was very balanced, Plungerman managed to dominate him with his Spiked Plunger. Victory
Hexa-Claw Skibidi Toilet
File:DamagedMutantTransparent.png The Damaged Mutant made several attempts to attack, however, he failed, while Plungerman was able to hit him 2 times with his Spiked Plunger, and although the Damaged Mutant managed to dominate him for a moment, Knifeman intervened and helped Plungerman, who then gave the final blow, defeating the Damaged Mutant Skibidi Toilet. Victory
Damaged Mutant Skibidi Toilet
Skibidi Toilet 70 File:ClawCarSkibidiToiletBack.png Although the Upgraded Claw Car Skibidi Toilet was about to win thanks to its Death Screen, Plungerman was able to break its Television and attacked him with a Bolt Rifle, leaving him blind, and and then killed him with the Spiked Plunger. Victory
Upgraded Claw Car Skibidi Toilet
File:Scientist toilet 2.0.png Plungerman couldn't do much against the Chief Scientist, the most he could do was attack him in the eye with his Spiked Plunger, then, the Chief Scientist was about to kill Plungerman, if not for the intervention of other Alliance Elite Members. Victory

(with assistance)

Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet 3.0

Trivia[ | ]

  • Plungerman and Blue Suited Cameraman are the Cameramen (not including the Titan Cameraman) who has survived in the most Episodes.
  • At the official DaFuq!?Boom! store and Instagram, he was found to be officially called Plungerman.
    • At Instagram, DaFuq!?Boom! sometimes posts with #Plungerman.
      • The Secret Agent even referred to him as "Plungerman" this seems to now be his official name.
  • In part 2 of the shorts version of Episode 63, a section of the track Pharaohs (by Tears for Fears) plays as Plungerman reappears for the first time after his injuries. This might be his theme song.
  • He is the second Cameraman to pull out the middle finger with the POV-cameraman being first, likely showing hatred to those that do negative interactions on him.
    • He has pulled the middle finger 3 times as of Skibidi Toilet 69.
  • The toilet he piloted had differences compared to Glitch Skibidi Toilet's original. The bowl was larger, there were four plungers attached to it, it had two guns which stored two of the plungers, there were four spikes in between the gaps in the armor, and an X-shaped wing-like structure was mounted on the back.
  • He used to have a red tie in Episode 43, and later changed it to a black one.
  • He is seen with two plungers on his back after he jumps out the Glitchmobile in Episode 66, he didn't have those back in Episode 63. Instead he had a weird object that looks like a jetpack which is missing in Episode 66.
  • He is he second Cameraman to handshake a Speakerman (in this case was Dark Speakerman), with Upgraded Titan Cameraman being the first.
  • He is one of the most serious characters, being more serious than Brown Coated Cameraman and Red Tied Cameraman combined. He also seems to be the most fearless one out of the other Alliance members. He never hesitates to fight the toilets, regardless of their size and powers. So fearless that he attempted to remove the Large Parasitic Skibidi Toilet from Titan Speakerman and fought the Upgraded Scientist Skibidi Toilet on his own without thinking he could meet his demise.
    • Even though he is "brave" he has been called by many viewers of the series as a "fraud" due to how arrogant he is like in Episode 57 when he tried to take down the infected Titan Speakerman, and tried to take on many skibidi toilets in Episode 50.
  • It is likely that his fearlessness may come from the fact that The Alliance members can be recovered and brought back, probably retaining their memory, so that meant that the Plungerman likely knows that he can be repaired back and fight again.
  • Asides from that, his bravery causes him to almost die twice, similar to the Mutant Skibidi Toilet who had feelings of frustration and anger, his frustration and anger in Episode 37 became so great that his sentiments turned against him when he met his demise, making him ranked first place as the Cameraman who died the most times.
  • As observed in multiple episodes, the Plungerman never seems to back down even faced in front of stronger opponents. This got him severely injured in Episode 57 and in Skibidi toilet 67.
    • He seems to have learnt his lesson when he told the Blue Shirt Very Large Cameraman not to attack in Episode 68.
  • In Skibidi toilet 67 we can see that the rays of the Glitchmobile wasn't cyan anymore, they where darker, its unknown why they had this color change.
  • When the Plungerman and Dark Speakerman do the Ultimate Handshake it's an reference to when Upgraded Titan Cameraman and Upgraded Titan Speakerman in Episode 59 did the same handshake, but the differences is the Upgraded Titan Cameraman is on the left side but Plungerman in the right and the Knife Speakerman in the left side but the Upgraded Titan Speakerman in the right side.
  • Plungerman was the POV-Cameraman in Episode 68 Part 2.
  • He now holds the record of flipping off other toilets/cameraman the most, doing it three times
  • In the end of Episode 69 part 1, Plungerman appears to be very angry at Knife Speakerman, likely because he had a personality of compassion with his allies.
    • He still appears to be mad in Skibidi Toilet 70 (part 2), with not letting Knife Speakerman help him.
  • It seems that he isnt "dumb" anymore, since after the death of the Blue Shirt Very Large Cameraman he may feel guilty and now cares more about his allies.
  • If Plungerman is still a POV-Camerman in Episode 69, he appears to have been repaired and upgraded again in the time period between Episode 68 and Episode 69. When he kicked the Hexa-Claw Skibidi Toilet, the fractures in his leg were repaired and the plunger was upgraded with sharp thorns.
    • These may be upgrades from Dark Speakerman.
  • He seemed to have a close connection with the Black Tied Scientist Cameraman.
  • It is now revealed that Plungerman has Night Vision mode in Episode 70, making him the first Cameraman to use Night vision, while also implying that other Cameramen can use it as well.
  • In the thumbnail of Episode 70 Full Version. Plungerman's shirt seemed to be in perfect condition, missing all of the rips and tears off when he was shot down. There was also something weird on the back on his neck, it is probably him putting his collar up. His overall appearance seems to mimic his look at the end of Episode 67. As he has the regular plunger instead of his spiked plunger. This could be how he looked like when talking to the Secret Agent.
  • In the full season 23 compilation, in the extra scene of the POV of Blue Suited Cameraman. He looks rather bulky in comparison to his last appearance, it could be a retcon to how he looked before.
    • or it could be because of the perspective he is "seated on" with his arms a little bit open making him show more "muscle", or because his legs were chopped in half and it looks more buff.
      • It's also the second time he gets chopped in half.
  • Its possible he had a strong relationship with Camerawoman, who seemed to be the most affected by his death.
  • Upgraded Titan Cameraman Whose mentioned by his name in 72.
  • It's possible that before being called "Plungerman" he was named Dave, as they both have the classic "thumb up" gesture. However, it is yet to be proved that he was directly transformed from Dave.
    • he might also be the most respect Cameraman in the alliance, considering even the Titan cameraman said his name and is respected by camerawoman, tv woman and speakerwoman.
  • The possible reason why Plungerman appeared injured and without a leg in the scene where the Titan Cameraman is getting upgrading in Episode 73 is because he decided to face the Fast Armored Skibidi Toilet head on and was severely damaged.
  • In one of the flashbacks of Black Camerawoman we can see Plungerman burning to death, but we also see some green electricity, being able to confirm that he got hacked and died because of Secret Agent.
  • He is the only Cameraman who had interacted with Titan Cameraman multiple times and even make a big relationship, and the only Agent who was mentioned by name.
    • In the most recent interview of Steak with DaFuq!?Boom!, Steak asked if Plungerman will have a comeback, in which Dafuq!?Boom! replied with a gif of Plungerman nodding his head up, meaning he may appear again.
  • The last action he did before he died was give a Thumb up to Titan Cameraman.
  • He is known for his braveness and doing very important tasks.

Navigation[ | ]

Template:Cameraman Navigation Template:The Alliance

External links[ | ]

脚注/引用[ | ]

  1. 译注:该名词特指无双驾驶的载具,因此译作“闪电机动马桶”而非“闪电机动马桶人”,此处并非翻译错误或笔误
  2. 译注:马桶人系列中并不止一个马桶人科学家(x1不然马桶人科学团队也没存在的必要了),部分相关位置采用主站译名并连接至“马桶人科学家”页面
  3. 有趣的是,英文主站的编者们似乎并没有发现这个功能的说w(x2有时当战斗的对象没有使用某一项攻击时并不代表抵御该攻击的护具别无他用。这一点还请知悉)